"merge_animator.delete_attached_animator.tooltip":"Delete the animator attached to this object after merging",
"merge_animator.path_mode":"Path Mode",
"merge_animator.path_mode.tooltip":"How to interpret paths in animations. Using relative mode lets you record animations from an animator on this object.",
"merge_animator.match_avatar_write_defaults.tooltip":"Match the write defaults setting used on the avatar's animator. If the avatar's write defaults settings are inconsistent, the settings on the animator will be left alone.",
"fpvisible.normal":"This object will be visible in your first person view.",
"fpvisible.NotUnderHead":"This component has no effect when not placed under the head bone.",
"fpvisible.quest":"This component is not compatible with the standalone Oculus Quest and will have no effect.",
"fpvisible.InPhysBoneChain":"This object is controlled by a Physics Bone chain and cannot be made visible in first person safely. Select the start of the chain instead."