2024-08-04 10:56:07 +08:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using nadena.dev.ndmf.preview;
using UnityEngine;
namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
internal class ObjectSwitcherPreview : IRenderFilter
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static TogglablePreviewNode EnableNode = TogglablePreviewNode.Create(
() => "Object Switcher",
qualifiedName: "nadena.dev.modular-avatar/ObjectSwitcherPreview",
public IEnumerable<TogglablePreviewNode> GetPreviewControlNodes()
yield return EnableNode;
public bool IsEnabled(ComputeContext context)
return context.Observe(EnableNode.IsEnabled);
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public ImmutableList<RenderGroup> GetTargetGroups(ComputeContext context)
var allToggles = context.GetComponentsByType<ModularAvatarObjectToggle>();
var objectGroups =
new Dictionary<GameObject, ImmutableList<(ModularAvatarObjectToggle, int)>.Builder>(
new ObjectIdentityComparer<GameObject>());
foreach (var toggle in allToggles)
t => t.Objects.Select(o => o.Object.referencePath).ToList(),
(x, y) => x.SequenceEqual(y)
if (toggle.Objects == null) continue;
var index = -1;
foreach (var switched in toggle.Objects)
if (switched.Object == null) continue;
var target = context.Observe(toggle, _ => switched.Object.Get(toggle));
if (target == null) continue;
if (!objectGroups.TryGetValue(target, out var group))
group = ImmutableList.CreateBuilder<(ModularAvatarObjectToggle, int)>();
objectGroups[target] = group;
group.Add((toggle, index));
var affectedRenderers = objectGroups.Keys
.SelectMany(go => context.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(go, true))
// If we have overlapping objects, we need to sort by child to parent, so parent configuration overrides
// the child. We do this by simply looking at how many times we observe each renderer.
.GroupBy(r => r)
.Select(g => g.Key)
var renderGroups = new List<RenderGroup>();
foreach (var r in affectedRenderers)
var switchers = new List<(ModularAvatarObjectToggle, int)>();
var obj = r.gameObject;
while (obj != null)
var group = objectGroups.GetValueOrDefault(obj);
if (group != null) switchers.AddRange(group);
obj = obj.transform.parent?.gameObject;
return renderGroups.ToImmutableList();
public Task<IRenderFilterNode> Instantiate(RenderGroup group, IEnumerable<(Renderer, Renderer)> proxyPairs,
ComputeContext context)
var data = group.GetData<ImmutableList<(ModularAvatarObjectToggle, int)>>();
return new Node(data).Refresh(proxyPairs, context, 0);
private class Node : IRenderFilterNode
public RenderAspects WhatChanged => 0;
private readonly ImmutableList<(ModularAvatarObjectToggle, int)> _controllers;
public Node(ImmutableList<(ModularAvatarObjectToggle, int)> controllers)
_controllers = controllers;
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public Task<IRenderFilterNode> Refresh(IEnumerable<(Renderer, Renderer)> proxyPairs, ComputeContext context,
RenderAspects updatedAspects)
foreach (var controller in _controllers)
// Ensure we get awoken whenever there's a change in a controlling component, or its enabled state.
return Task.FromResult<IRenderFilterNode>(this);
public void OnFrame(Renderer original, Renderer proxy)
var shouldEnable = true;
foreach (var (controller, index) in _controllers)
if (controller == null) continue;
if (!controller.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) continue;
if (controller.Objects == null || index >= controller.Objects.Count) continue;
var obj = controller.Objects[index];
shouldEnable = obj.Active;