Add a tutorial for a simple object toggle

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@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ sidebar_label: Tutorials
Here are some step-by-step guides on how to set up things using Modular Avatar.
* [Configuring a simple outfit](clothing/) - in most cases, you can set up an outfit with just a few clicks. Check out this tutorial for details.
* [Configuring a complex (cloth) outfit](adv_clothing/) - this tutorial shows an example of an outfit that requires just a little bit more setup
* [Configuring a complex (cloth) outfit](adv_clothing/) - this tutorial shows an example of an outfit that requires just a little bit more setup
* [Toggle an object](object_toggle/) - In this tutorial we'll build a simple gimmick that toggles a cube on and off. This shows off the basics of animator-based gimmicks.

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sidebar_position: 2
sidebar_label: Toggle an object
# Toggle an object
In this tutorial, we'll create a simple prefab that makes a cube appear and disappear. We'll also
attach it to the avatar's hand, so it's easy to see.
## Step 1: Creating our objects
We'll start by creating the GameObjects we'll be showing. Start by dropping a test avatar in the scene,
and adding an empty GameObject to be the base of your prefab (we'll call this `ToggleDemo`). Inside this GameObject, create a `HandRef` object
which we'll use to track the hand, and put the cube we want to display inside of that object.
![Initial object setup](setup1.png)
### Attach the cube to your hand
Next, let's have the HandRef track the avatar's right hand. Select the `HandRef` object, and click `Add Component` in the inspector.
Add a `MA Bone Proxy`.
![Adding a bone proxy](setup2.png)
Drag-and-drop the avatar's right hand bone into the "Target" field. Set "Attachment Mode" to "As child; at root".
The cube will immediately snap to the avatar's hand. Adjust its scale and position until it's not quite so in the way.
Don't forget to remove the Box Collider from the Cube as well!
![Configuring a bone proxy](setup3_en.png)
## Step 2: Creating our animator controller
Next, we'll create an animator controller that will control the cube's visibility.
Create a new Animator Controller, and two animation clips (we'll call them `CubeOff` and `CubeOn`). Open the Animator Controller, and drag the two clips in.
Then right click `Any State` and choose add transition to connect it to `CubeOff`. Do the same for `CubeOn`.
![Initial animator setup](controller1.png)
### Setting up transitions
Create a new bool parameter called `Cube`. Then, for each of your transitions, set Transition Duration to be 0, and Can Transition to Self off.
Add our Cube parameter to the conditions, and for the CubeOff transition set it to false.
![Transition setup](controller2.png)
## Step 3: Merge Animator, and recording our animations
Go back to your top-level GameObject, and add a `MA Merge Animator` component.
Set the `Animator to merge` to your new animator controller. Check the `delete attached animator` and `match avatar write defaults` boxes.
Then, _also_ add an Animator component, and point it to your new animator controller as well.
![Adding merge animator](merge-animator-en.png)
Merge Animator doesn't need to be at the top level GameObject. Feel free to put it further
down the hierarchy if you prefer. Just make sure that `MA Parameters` (which we'll discuss further down)
is on either the same object, or a parent of all your `Merge Animator`s and `Menu Installers`!
Adding an Animator here is also optional; we're just using it so that Unity allows us to
record animations. By checking the `delete attached animator` box, Modular Avatar will delete the
`Animator` component at build time.
## Step 4: Recording our animations
Go to the unity "Animation" tab. If you don't have it, press Ctrl-6 to open it.
You should see `CubeOff` and `CubeOn` (only) in the list of animations; if not, make sure that your `ToggleDemo` object is selected.
With `CubeOff` selected, click the red record button, then turn the `Cube` GameObject off.
![Recording CubeOff](rec1.png)
Then, with `CubeOn` selected, click the red record button, and turn the `Cube` GameObject off, then on again.
![Recording CubeOn](rec2.png)
## Step 5: Setting up synced parameters
Almost there! Next, we'll set up our synced parameters, so they are automatically added.
Head back to our `ToggleDemo` object, and add a `MA Parameters` component. Click the `Show Prefab Developer Options` checkbox.
You'll see that our `Cube` parameter is automatically added. Set Sync Mode to `Bool` and check the `Internal` box.
![MA Parameters configuration](params-en.png)
If you set the internal checkbox, modular avatar will ensure that your `Cube` parameter doesn't interfere with anything else on the avatar using the same parameter name.
If you leave it unchecked, the end-user will be able to rename the parameter if they want, but can also choose to have multiple prefabs use the same parameter.
## Setup 6: Setting up the menu
Finally, we'll set up the Av3 menu entry. Create an Expressions Menu asset:
![Creating an expressions menu asset](exp-menu-create.png)
Add one control to it; set the name to Cube, type to Toggle, and for the parameter field, enter `Cube` in the text box. Note that because we haven't actually built the avatar yet, the parameter isn't in the dropdown yet. That's okay!
![Expressions menu setup](exp-menu-setup.png)
Now add a `MA Menu Installer` component to your `ToggleDemo` object. Open up the `Prefab Developer Options` section, and put your expressions menu asset there.
![Menu installer](menu-installer-en.png)
At this point, we're done! If you build and upload the avatar, you should have a menu item which will summon a cube to your right hand.
## Finishing up: Prefab conversion and component ordering
Let's get our cube ready to distribute. First, the components our end-users might want to mess with are primarily the Menu Installer and (if you disabled the Internal checkbox) possibly MA parameters.
We might want to drag those up to the top of our inspector.
![Component ordering](component-ordering-en.png)
Once you're happy with things, drag ToggleDemo into your project pane to create a prefab. Now you can drop that onto any other avatar, and have an instant cube!

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@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ sidebar_label: かんたんな使い方
Modular Avatarを使ったセットアップ方法を紹介するチュートリアルがいくつかあります。
* [簡単な衣装セットアップ](clothing/) - 多くの場合は衣装を数クリックだけでセットアップできます。このチュートリアルで詳細をチェック!
* [複雑なCloth衣装セットアップ](adv_clothing/) - もう少しだけセットアップが必要になる、複雑な衣装の例です。
* [複雑なCloth衣装セットアップ](adv_clothing/) - もう少しだけセットアップが必要になる、複雑な衣装の例です。
* [オブジェクトを出し入れしよう](object_toggle/) - 簡単なオブジェクト出し入れギミック。アニメーターを使ったギミックの基礎をカバーします。

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sidebar_position: 2
sidebar_label: オブジェクトを出し入れしよう
# オブジェクトを出し入れしよう
## ① オブジェクトを作成
![Initial object setup](setup1.png)
### キューブを手に
次はHandRefを右手に追従させます。`HandRef`を選択肢、`Add Component`から`MA Bone Proxy`を追加します。
![Adding a bone proxy](setup2.png)
![Adding a bone proxy](setup3_ja.png)
邪魔にならないようにキューブの位置や大きさを調整しましょう。キューブからBox Colliderを消すのもお忘れなく
## ② アニメーターコントローラーを作成
Animator Controllerアセットを作成し、アニメーションクリップを二つ作成します`CubeOff`と`CubeOn`)。クリップをコントローラーに追加します。
`Any State`に右クリックし、Add TransitionでCubeOffとCubeOnにつなげます。
![Initial animator setup](controller1.png)
### トランジションを設定
`Cube`というboolパラメーターを追加します。そして、各トランジションで、Transition Durationを0にして、
Can Transition To Selfをオフにします。Cubeパラメーターをコンディションに追加し、CubeOffの方は条件をfalseにします。
![Transition setup](controller2.png)
## ③ Merge Animatorの設定とアニメーションの作成
一番上の`ToggleDemo`オブジェクトに戻って、`MA Merge Animator`のコンポーネントを追加します。
`統合されるアニメーター`に先ほど作成したアニメーターを設定します。そして、`付属アニメーターを削除`と`アバターのWrite Defaults設定に合わせる`をオンにします。
![Adding merge animator](merge-animator-ja.png)
Merge Animatorは必ずしも一番上に配置する必要がありません。お好みに応じてより埋まった場所においてもいいでしょう。
ただし、この後解説する`MA Parameters`コンポーネントが必ず、すべての`Merge Animator`や`Menu Installers`の
## ④ アニメーションの録画
![Recording CubeOff](rec1.png)
![Recording CubeOn](rec2.png)
## ⑤ 同期パラメーターの設定
`ToggleDemo`オブジェクトに戻って、`MA Parameters`コンポーネントを追加します。
![MA Parameters configuration](params-ja.png)
## ⑥ メニューを作成しましょう
最後にアバター3.0のメニューを作成します。Expressions Menuアセットを作成します
![Creating an expressions menu asset](exp-menu-create.png)
![Expressions menu setup](exp-menu-setup.png)
次は`ToggleDemo`のオブジェクトに`MA Menu Installer`コンポーネントを追加します。`プレハブ開発者向け設定`を開き、
![Menu installer](menu-installer-en.png)
## 仕上げ:プレハブ変換とコンポーネント順
配布できるように準備しましょう。まず、エンドユーザーが最も操作しそうなコンポーネントはMenu Installerと内部値に設定してなければParametersなので、
![Component ordering](component-ordering-ja.png)

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