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synced 2025-02-09 23:32:47 +08:00
Improve support for multiple objects in BlendshapeSync editor
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.Components;
namespace net.fushizen.modular_avatar.core.editor
@ -34,15 +35,7 @@ namespace net.fushizen.modular_avatar.core.editor
// Find containing object, and from that the avatar
if (property.serializedObject == null || property.serializedObject.targetObjects.Length != 1)
return false;
var obj = property.serializedObject.targetObject as Component;
if (obj == null) return false;
var transform = obj.transform;
var avatar = RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarInParents(transform);
var avatar = findContainingAvatar(property);
if (avatar == null) return false;
bool isRoot = property.stringValue == AvatarObjectReference.AVATAR_ROOT;
@ -129,5 +122,31 @@ namespace net.fushizen.modular_avatar.core.editor
GUI.contentColor = color;
private static VRCAvatarDescriptor findContainingAvatar(SerializedProperty property)
// Find containing object, and from that the avatar
if (property.serializedObject == null) return null;
VRCAvatarDescriptor commonAvatar = null;
var targets = property.serializedObject.targetObjects;
for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++)
var obj = targets[i] as Component;
if (obj == null) return null;
var transform = obj.transform;
var avatar = RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarInParents(transform);
if (i == 0)
if (avatar == null) return null;
commonAvatar = avatar;
else if (commonAvatar != avatar) return null;
return commonAvatar;
@ -1,26 +1,118 @@
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.PlayerLoop;
namespace net.fushizen.modular_avatar.core.editor
internal class BlendshapeSyncEditor : Editor
private static FieldInfo f_m_SerializedObject;
private BlendshapeSelectWindow _window;
private ReorderableList _list;
private SerializedProperty _bindings;
static BlendshapeSyncEditor()
f_m_SerializedObject =
typeof(Editor).GetField("m_SerializedObject", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// Workaround unity bug: When we modify the number of array elements via the underlying objects, the serialized
// object will throw exceptions trying to access the new element, even after calling Update() and recreating all
// serialized properties. So force the serialized object to be recreated as a workaround.
private void ClearSerializedObject()
f_m_SerializedObject.SetValue(this, null);
private void OnDisable()
if (_window != null) DestroyImmediate(_window);
private void OnDestroy()
if (_window != null) DestroyImmediate(_window);
private void OnEnable()
private void InitList()
_bindings = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(ModularAvatarBlendshapeSync.Bindings));
_list = new ReorderableList(serializedObject,
true, true, true, true
_list.drawHeaderCallback = DrawHeader;
_list.drawElementCallback = DrawElement;
_list.onAddCallback = list => OpenAddWindow();
_list.elementHeight += 2;
private void DrawHeader(Rect rect)
var leftHalf = rect;
leftHalf.width /= 2;
var rightHalf = rect;
rightHalf.width /= 2;
rightHalf.x += rightHalf.width;
EditorGUI.LabelField(leftHalf, "Mesh");
EditorGUI.LabelField(rightHalf, "Blendshape");
private void DrawElement(Rect rect, int index, bool isactive, bool isfocused)
rect.height -= 2;
rect.y += 1;
var leftHalf = rect;
leftHalf.width /= 2;
leftHalf.width -= 12;
var rightHalf = rect;
rightHalf.width /= 2;
rightHalf.x += rightHalf.width;
var item = _bindings.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
var mesh = item.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(BlendshapeBinding.ReferenceMesh));
var blendshape = item.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(BlendshapeBinding.Blendshape));
using (var scope = new ZeroIndentScope())
EditorGUI.PropertyField(leftHalf, mesh, GUIContent.none);
EditorGUI.PropertyField(rightHalf, blendshape, GUIContent.none);
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (GUILayout.Button("Add blendshape"))
if (_window != null) DestroyImmediate(_window);
_window = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<BlendshapeSelectWindow>();
_window.AvatarRoot = RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarInParents(((ModularAvatarBlendshapeSync) target).transform)
_window.OfferBinding += OfferBinding;
private void OpenAddWindow()
if (_window != null) DestroyImmediate(_window);
_window = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<BlendshapeSelectWindow>();
_window.AvatarRoot = RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarInParents(((ModularAvatarBlendshapeSync) target).transform)
_window.OfferBinding += OfferBinding;
private void OfferBinding(BlendshapeBinding binding)
@ -32,6 +124,9 @@ namespace net.fushizen.modular_avatar.core.editor
if (!sync.Bindings.Contains(binding)) sync.Bindings.Add(binding);
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