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synced 2025-03-04 12:54:56 +08:00
fix: heuristic matching for "びしょ濡れのしずくちゃん" (#1370)
This commit is contained in:
@ -231,6 +231,9 @@ namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
internal static readonly Regex Regex_VRM_Bone = new Regex(@"^([LRC])_(.*)$");
internal static ImmutableHashSet<string> AllBoneNames =
boneNamePatterns.SelectMany(x => x).Select(NormalizeName).ToImmutableHashSet();
internal static string NormalizeName(string name)
@ -247,6 +250,8 @@ namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
private static void InsertboneNamePatternsToRuntime()
ModularAvatarMergeArmature.boneNamePatterns = boneNamePatterns;
ModularAvatarMergeArmature.AllBoneNames = AllBoneNames;
ModularAvatarMergeArmature.NormalizeBoneName = NormalizeName;
static HeuristicBoneMapper()
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.armature_lock;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
@ -49,6 +51,10 @@ namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core
public class ModularAvatarMergeArmature : AvatarTagComponent, IHaveObjReferences
// Injected by HeuristicBoneMapper
internal static Func<string, string> NormalizeBoneName;
internal static ImmutableHashSet<string> AllBoneNames;
public AvatarObjectReference mergeTarget = new AvatarObjectReference();
public GameObject mergeTargetObject => mergeTarget.Get(this);
@ -203,6 +209,66 @@ namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core
class PSCandidate
public string prefix, suffix;
public int matches;
public PSCandidate CountMatches(ModularAvatarMergeArmature merger)
var target = merger.mergeTarget.Get(merger).transform;
var source = merger.transform;
var oldPrefix = merger.prefix;
var oldSuffix = merger.suffix;
merger.prefix = prefix;
merger.suffix = suffix;
matches = merger.GetBonesForLock().Count;
return this;
merger.prefix = oldPrefix;
merger.suffix = oldSuffix;
/// <summary>
/// Counts the number of children which take the form prefix // heuristic bone name // suffix
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public PSCandidate CountHeuristicMatches(Transform root)
int count = 1;
matches = count;
return this;
void Walk(Transform t)
foreach (Transform child in t)
if (child.name.StartsWith(prefix) && child.name.EndsWith(suffix))
var boneName = child.name.Substring(prefix.Length, child.name.Length - prefix.Length - suffix.Length);
boneName = NormalizeBoneName(boneName);
if (AllBoneNames.Contains(boneName))
public void InferPrefixSuffix()
// We only infer if targeting the armature (below the Hips bone)
@ -215,33 +281,64 @@ namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core
// We also require that the attached object has exactly one child (presumably the hips)
if (transform.childCount != 1) return;
List<PSCandidate> candidates = new();
// always consider the current configuration
candidates.Add(new PSCandidate() {prefix = prefix, suffix = suffix}.CountMatches(this));
// Infer the prefix and suffix by comparing the names of the mergeTargetObject's hips with the child of the
// GameObject we're attached to.
var baseName = hips.name;
var mergeName = transform.GetChild(0).name;
var isInferred = false;
var mergeHips = transform.GetChild(0);
var mergeName = mergeHips.name;
foreach (var hipNameCandidate in boneNamePatterns[(int)HumanBodyBones.Hips])
// Classic substring match
var prefixLength = mergeName.IndexOf(baseName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
if (prefixLength >= 0)
var suffixLength = mergeName.Length - prefixLength - baseName.Length;
candidates.Add(new PSCandidate()
prefix = mergeName.Substring(0, prefixLength),
suffix = mergeName.Substring(mergeName.Length - suffixLength)
// Heuristic match - try to see if we get a better prefix/suffix pattern if we allow for fuzzy-matching of
// bone names. Since our goal is to minimize unnecessary renaming (and potentially failing matches), we do
// this only if the number of heuristic matches is more than twice the number of matches from the static
// pattern above, as using this will force most bones to be renamed.
foreach (var hipNameCandidate in
boneNamePatterns[(int)HumanBodyBones.Hips].OrderByDescending(p => p.Length))
var prefixLength = mergeName.IndexOf(hipNameCandidate, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
if (prefixLength < 0) continue;
var suffixLength = mergeName.Length - prefixLength - hipNameCandidate.Length;
prefix = mergeName.Substring(0, prefixLength);
suffix = mergeName.Substring(mergeName.Length - suffixLength);
isInferred = true;
var prefix = mergeName.Substring(0, prefixLength);
var suffix = mergeName.Substring(mergeName.Length - suffixLength);
var candidate = new PSCandidate
prefix = prefix,
suffix = suffix
candidate.matches = (candidate.matches + 1) / 2;
if (!isInferred) { // Also check with old method as fallback
var prefixLength = mergeName.IndexOf(baseName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
if (prefixLength < 0) return;
var suffixLength = mergeName.Length - prefixLength - baseName.Length;
prefix = mergeName.Substring(0, prefixLength);
suffix = mergeName.Substring(mergeName.Length - suffixLength);
// Select which candidate to use
var selected = candidates.OrderByDescending(c => c.matches).FirstOrDefault();
if (selected != null && selected.matches > 0)
prefix = selected.prefix;
suffix = selected.suffix;
if (prefix == "J_Bip_C_")
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public class InferPrefixSuffixTest : TestBase
var outfit = CreateChild(root, "Outfit");
var outfit_armature = CreateChild(outfit, "armature");
var outfit_hips = CreateChild(outfit_armature, "hips");
var outfit_hips = CreateChild(outfit_armature, "hip");
var outfit_mama = outfit_armature.AddComponent<ModularAvatarMergeArmature>();
outfit_mama.mergeTarget = new AvatarObjectReference();
@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ public class InferPrefixSuffixTest : TestBase
var outfit = CreateChild(root, "Outfit");
var outfit_armature = CreateChild(outfit, "armature");
var outfit_hips = CreateChild(outfit_armature, "pre_Hips.suf");
var outfit_hips = CreateChild(outfit_armature, "pre_hips.suf");
var outfit_mama = outfit_armature.AddComponent<ModularAvatarMergeArmature>();
outfit_mama.mergeTarget = new AvatarObjectReference();
@ -50,13 +51,24 @@ public class InferPrefixSuffixTest : TestBase
outfit_mama.LockMode = ArmatureLockMode.BaseToMerge;
// Initially, we determine "hip" to be the match
Assert.AreEqual("pre_", outfit_mama.prefix);
Assert.AreEqual("s.suf", outfit_mama.suffix);
// Now, add the legs.
var outfit_left_leg = CreateChild(outfit_hips, "pre_upleg.l.suf");
var outfit_right_leg = CreateChild(outfit_hips, "pre_upleg.r.suf");
// Now, we match 3 with ".suf" vs 1 with "s.suf", so the inference should change.
Assert.AreEqual("pre_", outfit_mama.prefix);
Assert.AreEqual(".suf", outfit_mama.suffix);
public void TestSameHipsName_Success()
public void TestSameHipsName_Multiple()
var root = CreateCommonPrefab("shapell.fbx");
@ -68,6 +80,8 @@ public class InferPrefixSuffixTest : TestBase
var outfit = CreateChild(root, "Outfit");
var outfit_armature = CreateChild(outfit, "armature");
var outfit_hips = CreateChild(outfit_armature, "pre_TEST_HI2.suf"); // Make it a little bit different name to confirm it matches the current implementation
var outfit_spine = CreateChild(outfit_hips, "pre_Spine2.suf");
var outfit_chest = CreateChild(outfit_spine, "pre_Bust2.suf");
var outfit_mama = outfit_armature.AddComponent<ModularAvatarMergeArmature>();
outfit_mama.mergeTarget = new AvatarObjectReference();
@ -81,7 +95,7 @@ public class InferPrefixSuffixTest : TestBase
public void TestSameHipsName_Fail()
public void TestSameHipsName_Single()
var root = CreateCommonPrefab("shapell.fbx");
@ -101,8 +115,38 @@ public class InferPrefixSuffixTest : TestBase
// Current(v1.10.x) InferPrefixSuffix fail to infer prefix/suffix when avatar has unique prefix/suffix and outfit has their name
Assert.AreNotEqual("pre_", outfit_mama.prefix);
Assert.AreNotEqual(".suf", outfit_mama.suffix);
Assert.AreEqual("pre_", outfit_mama.prefix);
Assert.AreEqual(".suf", outfit_mama.suffix);
public void TestSpuriousMatch()
var root = CreateCommonPrefab("shapell.fbx");
var animator = root.GetComponent<Animator>();
var root_hips = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips);
var root_armature = root_hips.parent;
root_hips.gameObject.name = "bone_pelvis";
root_armature.gameObject.name = "bone_root";
animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Spine).gameObject.name = "bone_Spine";
var outfit = CreateChild(root, "Outfit");
var outfit_armature = CreateChild(outfit, "bone_root");
var outfit_hips = CreateChild(outfit_armature, "bone_pelvis");
var outfit_spine = CreateChild(outfit_hips, "bone_Spine");
var outfit_mama = outfit_armature.AddComponent<ModularAvatarMergeArmature>();
outfit_mama.mergeTarget = new AvatarObjectReference();
outfit_mama.mergeTarget.referencePath = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(root, root_armature.gameObject);
outfit_mama.LockMode = ArmatureLockMode.BaseToMerge;
Assert.AreEqual("", outfit_mama.prefix);
Assert.AreEqual("", outfit_mama.suffix);
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