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# Merge Armature
The Merge Armature component merges a tree of GameObjects onto the armature of the avatar.
Merge Armatureコンポーネントは、GameObjectのツリーをアバターのアーマチュアに統合するコンポーネントです。

## When should I use it?
## いつ使うもの?
The Merge Armature component is designed specifically for clothing prefabs, and includes special logic for updating existing Skinned Mesh Renderer references and minimizing the number of generated bones. You should use it if you intend to create a skinned mesh which tracks the avatar's armature.
Merge Armatureは衣装アセット専用のもので、Skinned Mesh Rendererの調整や追加されるボーンを最小限にする特殊処理が入っています。
## When shouldn't I use it?
## 非推奨の場合
The Merge Armature component is not designed for use in prefabs that are intended to be able to apply generically to many different avatars. It would not be a good fit for a finger-pen prefab, for example.
様々なアバターに対応する、汎用アセットには不向きです。例えば汎用型指ペンアセットは推奨できません(その代わりに[Bone Proxy](を使いましょう)
Because the Merge Armature component assumes that the bones you are binding to do not move, it is not able to generalize to avatars other than the one it was set up with.
## セットアップ方法
## Setting up Merge Armature
統合させるヒエラルキーのルートにMerge Armatureコンポーネントを追加して、アバターの方の該当ボーン(統合先)を「統合先」に置きましょう。
After adding the Merge Armature component to the root of the source hierarchy, drag the avatar's corresponding bone (where these should be merged to) onto Merge Target. Prefix and Suffix will normally be set automatically.
## 細かい仕様
## How does it work?
Merge Armature will walk the tree of GameObjects under the GameObject it is attached to, and search for the corresponding bone in the base avatar by name. For better compatibility with existing avatars, you can optionally specify a prefix and/or suffix which will be removed from the merged bones when looking for a match.
If a match is found, Merge Armature will attempt to rewrite references to the merged bone to instead point to the base avatar's corresponding bone. In some cases this is not possible, and a child bone will be created instead.
If a match is not found, a child bone will be created under the corresponding parent bone.
Merge Armature goes to a lot of trouble to ensure that components configured on the source hierarchy, or pointing to it, Just Work (tm). In particular, it will:
* Update animator references to point to the appropriate position, depending on what properties are being animated (e.g. transform animations will point to the post-merge bone, GameObject active animations will point to the source heirarchy)
* PhysBones and contacts will have their target field updated to point to the new merged bones. This will happen even if the PhysBone is not located under the Merge Armature component.
* Other components will remain on the source hierarchy, but constraints will be generated to track the merged hierarchy.
* アニメーター引用が自動的に必要に応じて統合先に書き換えられます。Transformアニメーションは統合先に向かれたり、GameObjectのON/OFFがもともとの位置だったり。
* PhysBonesやContactはTarget欄が統合先のボーンに書き換えられます。PhysBone自体がMerge Armatureの外でもこの処理が施されます。
* 他のコンポーネントは元々の位置のままで、コンストレイントで統合先の動きに追従します。
Merge Armature will leave portions of the original hierarchy behind - specifically, if they contain any components other than Transforms, they will be retained, and otherwise will generally be deleted.
Where necessary, PhysBone objects will have their targets updated, and ParentConstraints may be created as necessary to make things Just Work (tm).
## Locked mode
## 位置を固定
If the locked option is enabled, the position and rotation of the merged bones will be locked to their parents in the editor. This is a two-way relationship; if you move the merged bone, the avatar's bone will move, and vice versa.
This is intended for use when animating non-humanoid bones. For example, you could use this to build an animator which can animate cat-ear movements.
## Object references
## オブジェクト引用
Although the editor UI allows you to drag in a target object for the merge armature component, internally this is saved as a path reference.
This allows the merge armature component to automatically restore its Merge Target after it is saved in a prefab.
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# Parameters
The Modular Avatar Parameters component allows you to define the animator parameters your prefab uses either internally, or to communicate with other components.
It allows the end-user to easily rename parameters to avoid conflicts, or to wire up multiple prefabs without having to alter animators directly.
It also allows for automatic configuration of synced parameters.
The Parameters component has two display modes: One for end-users of prefabs, and one for prefab developers.
End-users can rename fields, and configure their AV3 parameters settings (saved state and default value).
Developers can adjust the sync type and set parameters to be internal/hidden from end-users.
## When should I use it?
## いつ使うもの?
The Parameters component should be used when you're building a prefab which makes use of animator parameters other than VRChat builtins.
## How do I use it?
## 使い方
### End-users
### ユーザー向け
The parameters component on prefabs can be used to rename parameters to avoid conflicts, and to adjust whether synced parameters are saved across avatar reloads (and their default value).
By renaming multiple prefab parameters to be the same, you can make them all share the same state and animate at the same time.
Alternately, by changing conflicting names to be different, you can resolve prefab conflicts.
### Prefab developers
### プレハブ開発者向け
Add the parameters component to the root of your prefab, and click "Show Prefab Developer Options". You'll see a list of all parameters used in your prefab.
Each parameter can be configured with the following options:
* 内部値 - パラメーターを非表示にし、ユニークな名前に自動変更します
* PhysBones前置詞 - この値がPhysBoneのparameter欄に設定されるもので、いくつかのサブパラメーターのくくりであることを示します。
* 同期モード - 同期されるかどうかと、同期される値の種別を指定します
* Internal - Hides the parameter, and automatically renames the parameter with a unique name.
* PhysBones Prefix - Indicates this is a parameter passed to a PhysBone "parameter" field (and thus it really references a number of sub-parameters)
* Sync Mode - Indicates if a parameter is synced, and if so what its type is
Parameters components can be nested. This lets you build up a complex prefab out of sub-prefabs, some which may be added multiple times, and while avoiding parameter name conflicts.
Parameter renaming will be applied to the following components underneath (or on the same GameObject as) the Parameters component:
* [Modular Avatar Merge Animator](
* [Modular Avatar Menu Installer](
* VRC Physics Bone
* VRC Contact Receiver
* Animator (although this is unlikely to be very useful)
* Animator (あまり役に立たないかもしれませんが・・・)