using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using; using; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using EditorCurveBinding = UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace { /// /// The class to retarget m_IsActive animation to moved multiple objects /// internal class ActiveAnimationRetargeter { private readonly BuildContext _context; private readonly BoneDatabase _boneDatabase; private readonly AnimatorServicesContext _asc; private readonly List _intermediateObjs = new List(); /// /// Tracks an object whose Active state is animated, and which leads up to this Merge Animator component. /// We use this tracking data to create proxy objects within the main armature, which track the same active /// state. /// struct IntermediateObj { /// /// The path of original object /// public string OriginalPath; /// /// Name of the intermediate object. Used to name proxy objects. /// public string Name; /// /// Whether this object is initially active. /// public bool InitiallyActive; /// /// List of created Intermediate Objects /// public List Created; } public ActiveAnimationRetargeter( BuildContext context, BoneDatabase boneDatabase, Transform root ) { _context = context; _boneDatabase = boneDatabase; _asc = context.PluginBuildContext.Extension(); while (root != null && !RuntimeUtil.IsAvatarRoot(root)) { var originalPath = RuntimeUtil.AvatarRootPath(root.gameObject); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(originalPath != null); if (_asc.AnimationIndex.GetClipsForObjectPath(originalPath).Any(clip => GetActiveBinding(clip, originalPath) != null )) { _intermediateObjs.Add(new IntermediateObj { OriginalPath = originalPath, Name = $"{}${Guid.NewGuid()}", InitiallyActive = root.gameObject.activeSelf, Created = new List(), }); } root = root.parent; } // currently _intermediateObjs is in child -> parent order. // we want parent -> child order so reverse entire list _intermediateObjs.Reverse(); } public IEnumerable AddedGameObjects => _intermediateObjs.SelectMany(x => x.Created); public GameObject CreateIntermediateObjects(GameObject sourceBone) { for (var i = 0; i < _intermediateObjs.Count; i++) { var intermediate = _intermediateObjs[i]; var preexisting = sourceBone.transform.Find(intermediate.Name); if (preexisting != null) { sourceBone = preexisting.gameObject; continue; } var switchObj = new GameObject(intermediate.Name); switchObj.transform.SetParent(sourceBone.transform, false); switchObj.transform.localPosition =; switchObj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; switchObj.transform.localScale =; switchObj.SetActive(intermediate.InitiallyActive); if (i == 0) { // This new leaf can break parent bone physbones. Add a PB Blocker // to prevent this becoming an issue. switchObj.GetOrAddComponent(); } intermediate.Created.Add(switchObj); sourceBone = switchObj; // Ensure mesh retargeting looks through this _boneDatabase.AddMergedBone(sourceBone.transform); _boneDatabase.RetainMergedBone(sourceBone.transform); } return sourceBone; } public void FixupAnimations() { foreach (var intermediate in _intermediateObjs) { var path = intermediate.OriginalPath; foreach (var clip in _asc.AnimationIndex.GetClipsForObjectPath(path)) { var curve = GetActiveBinding(clip, path); if (curve != null) { foreach (var mapping in intermediate.Created) { clip.SetFloatCurve(_asc.ObjectPathRemapper.GetVirtualPathForObject(mapping), typeof(GameObject), "m_IsActive", curve); } } } } } private AnimationCurve GetActiveBinding(VirtualClip clip, string path) { return clip.GetFloatCurve(EditorCurveBinding.FloatCurve(path, typeof(GameObject), "m_IsActive")); } } }