using modular_avatar_tests; using; using NUnit.Framework; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; #if MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.Components; #endif using UnityObject = UnityEngine.Object; public class ArmatureConfusionTest : TestBase { [TearDown] public void TearDown() { ESOErrorWindow.Suppress = false; } [Test] public void TestArmatureConfusionWorkaround() { ESOErrorWindow.Suppress = true; // Arrange for a confused armature var outer = CreateCommonPrefab("shapell.fbx"); var inner = CreateCommonPrefab("shapell.fbx"); var outerAnimator = outer.GetComponent<Animator>(); #if MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS outer.AddComponent<VRCAvatarDescriptor>(); #endif = "inner"; inner.transform.parent = outer.transform; // Unity seems to determine which armature is the "true" armature by counting the number of bones that match // the humanoid description, and finding the root which has the most matches. Let's confuse it a bit by removing // some non-humanoid bones from the outer armature. var outerTarget = outer.transform.Find("Armature/Hips/Tail"); UnityObject.DestroyImmediate(outerTarget.gameObject); // Clear animator cache var avatar = outerAnimator.avatar; outerAnimator.avatar = null; // ReSharper disable once Unity.InefficientPropertyAccess outerAnimator.avatar = avatar; // Verify that we're well and confused now Assert.AreSame( outerAnimator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips), inner.transform.Find("Armature/Hips") ); // Now do a setup outfit operation Selection.activeGameObject = inner; EasySetupOutfit.SetupOutfit(new MenuCommand(inner)); // Verify that we're not confused anymore Assert.AreSame( outerAnimator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips), outer.transform.Find("Armature/Hips") ); } }