using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace { internal static class InheritModeExtension { internal static bool NotFinal(this ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode mode) { return mode is ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Inherit or ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.SetOrInherit; } } internal class MeshSettingsPass { private readonly BuildContext context; public MeshSettingsPass(BuildContext context) { this.context = context; } public void OnPreprocessAvatar() { foreach (var mesh in context.AvatarRootObject.GetComponentsInChildren(true)) { ProcessMesh(mesh); } } internal struct MergedSettings { public bool SetAnchor, SetBounds; public Transform ProbeAnchor; public Transform RootBone; public Bounds Bounds; } // current Mode is the mode of current value, and the current value is came from MA Mesh Settings of child GameObject // the srcMode is the mode of currently processing MA Mesh Settings, which is the parent component of the current value private static bool ShouldUseSrcValue( ref ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode currentMode, ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode srcMode) { switch (currentMode, srcMode) { // invalid cases case (not (ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Set or ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Inherit or ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.DontSet or ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.SetOrInherit), _): throw new System.InvalidOperationException($"Logic failure: invalid InheritMode: {currentMode}"); case (_, not (ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Set or ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Inherit or ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.DontSet or ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.SetOrInherit)): throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(srcMode), $"Invalid InheritMode: {srcMode}"); // If current value is came from Set or DontSet, it should not be changed case (ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Set, _): case (ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.DontSet, _): return false; // If srcMode is Inherit, it should not be changed case (_, ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Inherit): return false; // If srcMode is DontSet, the value will not be used but mode should be used case (_, ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.DontSet): currentMode = srcMode; return true; // if SrcMode is Set or SetOrInherit, it should be used. case (_, ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Set): case (_, ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.SetOrInherit): currentMode = srcMode; return true; } } internal static MergedSettings MergeSettings(Transform avatarRoot, Transform referenceObject) { MergedSettings merged = new MergedSettings(); Transform current = referenceObject; ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode inheritProbeAnchor = ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Inherit; ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode inheritBounds = ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Inherit; do { var settings = current.GetComponent(); if (current == avatarRoot) { current = null; } else { current = current.transform.parent; } if (settings == null) { continue; } if (ShouldUseSrcValue(ref inheritProbeAnchor, settings.InheritProbeAnchor)) { merged.ProbeAnchor = settings.ProbeAnchor.Get(settings)?.transform; } if (ShouldUseSrcValue(ref inheritBounds, settings.InheritBounds)) { merged.RootBone = settings.RootBone.Get(settings)?.transform; merged.Bounds = settings.Bounds; } } while (current != null && (inheritProbeAnchor.NotFinal() || inheritBounds.NotFinal())); merged.SetAnchor = inheritProbeAnchor is ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Set or ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.SetOrInherit; merged.SetBounds = inheritBounds is ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Set or ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.SetOrInherit; return merged; } private void ProcessMesh(Renderer mesh) { MergedSettings settings = MergeSettings(context.AvatarRootTransform, mesh.transform); if (settings.SetAnchor) { mesh.probeAnchor = settings.ProbeAnchor; } if (settings.SetBounds && mesh is SkinnedMeshRenderer smr) { if (smr.bones.Length == 0 && smr.sharedMesh) { Mesh newMesh = Object.Instantiate(smr.sharedMesh); smr.sharedMesh = newMesh; smr.bones = new Transform[] { smr.transform }; smr.rootBone = smr.transform; smr.sharedMesh.boneWeights = Enumerable.Repeat(new BoneWeight() { boneIndex0 = 0, weight0 = 1 }, newMesh.vertexCount).ToArray(); smr.sharedMesh.bindposes = new Matrix4x4[] { smr.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * smr.transform.localToWorldMatrix }; if (newMesh) context.SaveAsset(newMesh); } smr.rootBone = settings.RootBone; smr.localBounds = settings.Bounds; } } } }