#region using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using nadena.dev.modular_avatar.ui; using nadena.dev.ndmf; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.ScriptableObjects; #endregion namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor { internal class ParamsUsageWindow : EditorWindow { [SerializeField] private StyleSheet uss; [SerializeField] private VisualTreeAsset uxml; private VisualElement _root; private VisualElement _entryTemplate; private VisualElement _usageBoxContainer; private VisualElement _legendContainer; private bool _visible = false; public bool Visible { get => _visible; set { if (_visible == value) return; _visible = value; #if UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER if (_visible) { Recalculate(); ObjectChangeEvents.changesPublished += OnChangesPublished; } else { ObjectChangeEvents.changesPublished -= OnChangesPublished; } #endif } } private void OnBecameVisible() { Visible = true; } private void OnBecameInvisible() { Visible = false; } private void OnSelectionChange() { if (Visible) { Recalculate(); } } #if UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER [MenuItem(UnityMenuItems.TopMenu_EnableInfo, false, UnityMenuItems.TopMenu_EnableInfoOrder)] public static void ShowWindow() { var window = GetWindow<ParamsUsageWindow>(); window.titleContent = new GUIContent("MA Information"); window.Show(); } [MenuItem(UnityMenuItems.GameObject_EnableInfo, false, UnityMenuItems.GameObject_EnableInfoOrder)] public static void ShowWindowFromGameObject() { ShowWindow(); } [MenuItem(UnityMenuItems.GameObject_EnableInfo, true, UnityMenuItems.GameObject_EnableInfoOrder)] public static bool ValidateShowWindowFromGameObject() { return Selection.gameObjects.Length == 1; } private bool _delayPending = false; private void DelayRecalculate() { _delayPending = false; Recalculate(); } private void OnChangesPublished(ref ObjectChangeEventStream stream) { if (_root == null || !_visible) return; if (!_delayPending) EditorApplication.delayCall += DelayRecalculate; _delayPending = true; } #endif bool GUIIsReady() { try { return uxml != null && EditorStyles.label != null; } catch (NullReferenceException) { return false; } } protected void CreateGUI() { if (!GUIIsReady()) { // After domain reload, the uxml field (and EditorStyles, etc) isn't initialized immediately. // Try again in the next frame. EditorApplication.delayCall += CreateGUI; return; } _root = uxml.CloneTree(); rootVisualElement.Add(_root); _root.styleSheets.Add(uss); Localization.L.LocalizeUIElements(_root); _legendContainer = _root.Q<VisualElement>("Legend"); _usageBoxContainer = _root.Q<VisualElement>("UsageBox"); Recalculate(); } private static IEnumerable<Color> Colors() { // Spiral inwards on an HSV scale float h_step = 0.33f; float h_step_mult = 0.8f; float h_step_min = 0.05f; float v_mult = 0.98f; float h = 0; float s = 1; float v = 0.9f; while (true) { yield return Color.HSVToRGB(h, s, v); h = (h + h_step) % 1; h_step = h_step_min + ((h_step - h_step_min) * h_step_mult); v *= v_mult; } } private void Recalculate() { if (_root == null || !_visible) return; var objects = Selection.gameObjects; var target = objects.Length == 1 ? objects[0] : null; var avatarRoot = target != null ? RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarTransformInParents(target.transform)?.gameObject : null; var outerbox = _root.Q<VisualElement>("Outerbox"); if (avatarRoot == null) { outerbox.AddToClassList("no-data"); return; } else { outerbox.RemoveFromClassList("no-data"); } var orderedPlugins = ParameterInfo.ForUI.GetParametersForObject(target) .GroupBy(p => p.Plugin) .Select(group => (group.Key, group.Sum(p => p.BitUsage))) .Where((kv, index) => kv.Item2 > 0) .OrderBy(group => group.Key.DisplayName) .ToList(); var byPlugin = orderedPlugins .Zip(Colors(), (kv, color) => (kv.Key.DisplayName, kv.Item2, kv.Key.ThemeColor ?? color)) .ToList(); int totalUsage = byPlugin.Sum(kv => kv.Item2); int avatarTotalUsage = ParameterInfo.ForUI.GetParametersForObject(avatarRoot).Sum(p => p.BitUsage); int freeSpace = VRCExpressionParameters.MAX_PARAMETER_COST - avatarTotalUsage; float avatarTotalPerc = avatarTotalUsage / (float)VRCExpressionParameters.MAX_PARAMETER_COST; float freeSpacePerc = freeSpace / (float)VRCExpressionParameters.MAX_PARAMETER_COST; if (avatarTotalUsage > totalUsage) { byPlugin.Add((Localization.S("ma_info.param_usage_ui.other_objects"), avatarTotalUsage - totalUsage, Color.gray)); } var bits_template = Localization.S("ma_info.param_usage_ui.bits_template"); byPlugin = byPlugin.Select((tuple, _) => (string.Format(bits_template, tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2), tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3)).ToList(); if (freeSpace > 0) { var free_space_label = Localization.S("ma_info.param_usage_ui.free_space"); byPlugin.Add((string.Format(free_space_label, freeSpace), freeSpace, Color.white)); } foreach (var child in _legendContainer.Children().ToList()) { child.RemoveFromHierarchy(); } foreach (var child in _usageBoxContainer.Children().ToList()) { child.RemoveFromHierarchy(); } foreach (var (label, usage, color) in byPlugin) { var colorBar = new VisualElement(); colorBar.style.backgroundColor = color; colorBar.style.width = new StyleLength(new Length(100.0f * usage / (float)VRCExpressionParameters.MAX_PARAMETER_COST, LengthUnit.Percent)); _usageBoxContainer.Add(colorBar); var entry = new VisualElement(); _legendContainer.Add(entry); entry.AddToClassList("Entry"); var icon_outer = new VisualElement(); icon_outer.AddToClassList("IconOuter"); entry.Add(icon_outer); var icon_inner = new VisualElement(); icon_inner.AddToClassList("IconInner"); icon_outer.Add(icon_inner); icon_inner.style.backgroundColor = color; var pluginLabel = new Label(label); entry.Add(pluginLabel); entry.style.borderBottomColor = color; entry.style.borderTopColor = color; entry.style.borderLeftColor = color; entry.style.borderRightColor = color; colorBar.style.borderBottomColor = color; colorBar.style.borderTopColor = color; colorBar.style.borderLeftColor = color; colorBar.style.borderRightColor = color; SetMouseHover(entry, colorBar); SetMouseHover(colorBar, entry); } } private void SetMouseHover(VisualElement src, VisualElement other) { src.RegisterCallback<MouseEnterEvent>(ev => { other.AddToClassList("Hovering"); }); src.RegisterCallback<MouseLeaveEvent>(ev => { other.RemoveFromClassList("Hovering"); }); } } }