using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Animations; using UnityEngine; using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.Components; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace { /** * Ensures that any blendshapes marked for syncing by BlendshapeSync propagate values in all animation clips. * * Note that we only look at the FX layer, as any other layer won't work properly with mirror reflections anyway. */ internal class BlendshapeSyncAnimationProcessor { private Object _container; private Dictionary _motionCache; private Dictionary> _bindingMappings; private struct SummaryBinding { private const string PREFIX = "blendShape."; public string path; public string propertyName; public SummaryBinding(string path, string blendShape) { this.path = path; this.propertyName = PREFIX + blendShape; } public static SummaryBinding FromEditorBinding(EditorCurveBinding binding) { if (binding.type != typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer) || !binding.propertyName.StartsWith(PREFIX)) { return new SummaryBinding(); } return new SummaryBinding(binding.path, binding.propertyName.Substring(PREFIX.Length)); } } public void OnPreprocessAvatar(GameObject avatar) { var avatarDescriptor = avatar.GetComponent(); _bindingMappings = new Dictionary>(); _motionCache = new Dictionary(); var components = avatarDescriptor.GetComponentsInChildren(true); if (components.Length == 0) return; var layers = avatarDescriptor.baseAnimationLayers; var fxIndex = -1; AnimatorController controller = null; for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++) { if (layers[i].type == VRCAvatarDescriptor.AnimLayerType.FX && !layers[i].isDefault) { if (layers[i].animatorController is AnimatorController c && c != null) { fxIndex = i; controller = c; break; } } } if (controller == null) { // Nothing to do, return } foreach (var component in components) { var targetObj = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(avatarDescriptor.gameObject, component.gameObject); foreach (var binding in component.Bindings) { var refObj = binding.ReferenceMesh.Get(component); if (refObj == null) continue; var refSmr = refObj.GetComponent(); if (refSmr == null) continue; var refPath = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(avatarDescriptor.gameObject, refObj); var srcBinding = new SummaryBinding(refPath, binding.Blendshape); if (!_bindingMappings.TryGetValue(srcBinding, out var dstBindings)) { dstBindings = new List(); _bindingMappings[srcBinding] = dstBindings; } dstBindings.Add(new SummaryBinding(targetObj, binding.LocalBlendshape)); } } // Ensure we have a unique copy of the controller. if (!Util.IsTemporaryAsset(controller)) { controller = Util.DeepCloneAnimator(controller); layers[fxIndex].animatorController = controller; avatarDescriptor.baseAnimationLayers = layers; } _container = controller; // Walk and transform all clips foreach (var state in AllStates(controller)) { state.motion = TransformMotion(state.motion); } } Motion TransformMotion(Motion motion) { if (motion == null) return null; if (_motionCache.TryGetValue(motion, out var cached)) return cached; switch (motion) { case AnimationClip clip: { motion = ProcessClip(clip); break; } case BlendTree tree: { bool anyChanged = false; var children = tree.children; for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) { var newM = TransformMotion(children[i].motion); if (newM != children[i].motion) { anyChanged = true; children[i].motion = newM; } } if (anyChanged) { var newTree = new BlendTree(); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(tree, newTree); AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(newTree, _container); newTree.children = children; motion = newTree; } break; } default: Debug.LogWarning($"Ignoring unsupported motion type {motion.GetType()}"); break; } _motionCache[motion] = motion; return motion; } AnimationClip ProcessClip(AnimationClip origClip) { var clip = origClip; EditorCurveBinding[] bindings = AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(clip); foreach (var binding in bindings) { if (!_bindingMappings.TryGetValue(SummaryBinding.FromEditorBinding(binding), out var dstBindings)) { continue; } if (clip == origClip) { clip = Object.Instantiate(clip); AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(clip, _container); } foreach (var dst in dstBindings) { clip.SetCurve(dst.path, typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer), dst.propertyName, AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(origClip, binding)); } } return clip; } IEnumerable AllStates(AnimatorController controller) { HashSet visitedStateMachines = new HashSet(); Queue stateMachines = new Queue(); foreach (var layer in controller.layers) { if (layer.stateMachine != null) stateMachines.Enqueue(layer.stateMachine); } while (stateMachines.Count > 0) { var next = stateMachines.Dequeue(); if (visitedStateMachines.Contains(next)) continue; visitedStateMachines.Add(next); foreach (var state in next.states) { yield return state.state; } foreach (var sm in next.stateMachines) { stateMachines.Enqueue(sm.stateMachine); } } } } }