#region using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor; using nadena.dev.modular_avatar.editor.ErrorReporting; using nadena.dev.ndmf; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Animations; using UnityEngine; using BuildContext = nadena.dev.ndmf.BuildContext; #if MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.Components; #endif #endregion namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.animation { /// /// The animation database records the set of all clips which are used in the avatar, and which paths they /// manipulate. /// internal class AnimationDatabase { internal class ClipHolder { private readonly AnimationDatabase ParentDatabase; private Motion _currentClip; internal Motion CurrentClip { get { ParentDatabase.InvalidateCaches(); return _currentClip; } set { ParentDatabase.InvalidateCaches(); _currentClip = value; } } private Motion _originalClip; internal Motion OriginalClip { get => _originalClip; set { _originalClip = value; IsProxyAnimation = value != null && Util.IsProxyAnimation(value); } } internal bool IsProxyAnimation { private set; get; } internal ClipHolder(AnimationDatabase parentDatabase, Motion clip) { ParentDatabase = parentDatabase; CurrentClip = OriginalClip = clip; } /// /// Returns the current clip without invalidating caches. Do not modify this clip without taking extra /// steps to invalidate caches on the AnimationDatabase. /// /// internal Motion GetCurrentClipUnsafe() { return _currentClip; } public void SetCurrentNoInvalidate(Motion newMotion) { _currentClip = newMotion; } } private BuildContext _context; private List _clipCommitActions = new List(); private List _clips = new List(); private Dictionary> _pathToClip = null; internal AnimationDatabase() { Debug.Log("Creating animation database"); } internal void Commit() { foreach (var clip in _clips) { if (clip.IsProxyAnimation) clip.CurrentClip = clip.OriginalClip; } foreach (var clip in _clips) { // Changing the "high quality curve" setting can result in behavior changes (but can happen accidentally // as we manipulate curves) if (clip.CurrentClip != clip.OriginalClip && clip.CurrentClip != null && clip.OriginalClip != null) { SerializedObject before = new SerializedObject(clip.OriginalClip); SerializedObject after = new SerializedObject(clip.CurrentClip); var before_prop = before.FindProperty("m_UseHighQualityCurve"); var after_prop = after.FindProperty("m_UseHighQualityCurve"); if (after_prop.boolValue != before_prop.boolValue) { after_prop.boolValue = before_prop.boolValue; after.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); } } } foreach (var action in _clipCommitActions) { action(); } } internal void OnActivate(BuildContext context) { _context = context; AnimationUtil.CloneAllControllers(context); #if MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS var avatarDescriptor = context.AvatarDescriptor; foreach (var layer in avatarDescriptor.baseAnimationLayers) { BootstrapLayer(layer); } foreach (var layer in avatarDescriptor.specialAnimationLayers) { BootstrapLayer(layer); } void BootstrapLayer(VRCAvatarDescriptor.CustomAnimLayer layer) { if (!layer.isDefault && layer.animatorController is AnimatorController ac && context.IsTemporaryAsset(ac)) { BuildReport.ReportingObject(ac, () => { foreach (var state in Util.States(ac)) { RegisterState(state); } }); } } #endif } /// /// Registers a motion and all its reachable submotions with the animation database. The processClip callback, /// if provided, will be invoked for each newly discovered clip. /// /// /// /// internal void RegisterState(AnimatorState state, Action processClip = null) { Dictionary _originalToHolder = new Dictionary(); if (processClip == null) processClip = (_) => { }; if (state.motion == null) return; var clipHolder = RegisterMotion(state.motion, state, processClip, _originalToHolder); state.motion = clipHolder.CurrentClip; _clipCommitActions.Add(() => { state.motion = clipHolder.CurrentClip; }); } internal void ForeachClip(Action processClip) { foreach (var clipHolder in _clips) { processClip(clipHolder); } } /// /// Returns a list of clips which touched the given _original_ path. This path is subject to basepath remapping, /// but not object movement remapping. /// /// /// internal ImmutableArray ClipsForPath(string path) { HydrateCaches(); if (_pathToClip.TryGetValue(path, out var clips)) { return clips.ToImmutableArray(); } else { return ImmutableArray.Empty; } } private ClipHolder RegisterMotion( Motion motion, AnimatorState state, Action processClip, Dictionary originalToHolder ) { if (motion == null) { return new ClipHolder(this, null); } if (originalToHolder.TryGetValue(motion, out var holder)) { return holder; } InvalidateCaches(); Motion cloned = motion; if (!_context.IsTemporaryAsset(motion)) { // Protect the original animations from mutations by creating temporary clones; in the case of a proxy // animation, we'll restore the original in a later pass // cloned = Object.Instantiate(motion); - Object.Instantiate can't be used on AnimationClips and BlendTrees cloned = (Motion)motion.GetType().GetConstructor(new Type[0]).Invoke(new object[0]); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(motion, cloned); ObjectRegistry.RegisterReplacedObject(motion, cloned); } switch (cloned) { case AnimationClip clip: { holder = new ClipHolder(this, clip); processClip(holder); _clips.Add(holder); break; } case BlendTree tree: { holder = RegisterBlendtree(tree, state, processClip, originalToHolder); break; } } holder.OriginalClip = motion; originalToHolder[motion] = holder; return holder; } private void InvalidateCaches() { _pathToClip = null; } private void HydrateCaches() { if (_pathToClip == null) { _pathToClip = new Dictionary>(); foreach (var clip in _clips) { recordPaths(clip); } } } private void recordPaths(ClipHolder holder) { var clip = holder.GetCurrentClipUnsafe() as AnimationClip; foreach (var binding in AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(clip)) { var path = binding.path; AddPath(path); } foreach (var binding in AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurveBindings(clip)) { var path = binding.path; AddPath(path); } void AddPath(string p0) { if (!_pathToClip.TryGetValue(p0, out var clips)) { clips = new HashSet(); _pathToClip[p0] = clips; } clips.Add(holder); } } private ClipHolder RegisterBlendtree( BlendTree tree, AnimatorState state, Action processClip, Dictionary originalToHolder ) { if (!_context.IsTemporaryAsset(tree)) { throw new Exception("Blendtree must be a temporary asset"); } var treeHolder = new ClipHolder(this, tree); var children = tree.children; var holders = new ClipHolder[children.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) { holders[i] = RegisterMotion(children[i].motion, state, processClip, originalToHolder); children[i].motion = holders[i].CurrentClip; } tree.children = children; _clipCommitActions.Add(() => { var dirty = false; for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) { var curClip = holders[i].CurrentClip; if (children[i].motion != curClip) { children[i].motion = curClip; dirty = true; } } if (dirty) { tree.children = children; EditorUtility.SetDirty(tree); } }); return treeHolder; } } }