{ "test0.test_a": "test_a", "test0.test_b": "test_b", "boneproxy.foldout.advanced": "Advanced", "boneproxy.target": "Target", "menuinstall.help.hint_set_menu": "This prefab will be installed to the root menu of your avatar by default. Select a different menu or uncheck the component's enabled checkbox to prevent this.", "menuinstall.help.hint_bad_menu": "Selected menu asset is not part of your avatar.", "menuinstall.installto": "Install To", "menuinstall.installto.tooltip": "The controls for this prefab will be appended to this menu", "menuinstall.selectmenu": "Select Menu", "menuinstall.showcontents": "Show menu contents", "menuinstall.showcontents.notselected": "No menu selected", "menuinstall.devoptions": "Prefab Developer Options", "menuinstall.menu_icon_too_large": "The icon set in the menu is too large than 256 pixels.", "menuinstall.menu_icon_uncompressed": "The icon set in the menu is not set for compression.", "menuinstall.srcmenu": "Menu to Install", "params.autodetect_header": " Autodetected Parameters ", "params.internal": "Internal", "params.pb_prefix": "PhysBones Prefix", "params.syncmode": "Param type", "params.saved": "Saved", "params.synced": "Synced", "params.default": "Default value", "params.fieldname": "Field name", "params.remapto": "Remap to", "params.remapto.tooltip": "Enter a new name for this parameter here to resolve name conflicts", "params.devmode": "Show Prefab Developer Options", "params.syncmode.NotSynced": "Animator Only", "params.syncmode.Int": "Int", "params.syncmode.Float": "Float", "params.syncmode.Bool": "Bool", "merge_armature.merge_target": "Merge Target", "merge_armature.merge_target.tooltip": "The armature (or subtree) to merge this object into", "merge_armature.prefix": "Prefix", "merge_armature.prefix.tooltip": "Prefix expected on bones in this merged armature", "merge_armature.suffix": "Suffix", "merge_armature.suffix.tooltip": "Suffix expected on bones in this merged armature", "merge_armature.locked": "Lock position", "merge_armature.locked.tooltip": "Lock the position of this armature's bones to the target armature (and vice versa). Useful for creating animations.", "merge_armature.adjust_names": "Adjust bone names to match target", "merge_armature.adjust_names.tooltip": "Changes bone names to match the target avatar. Useful for porting outfits from one avatar to another.", "merge_armature.mangle_names": "Avoid name collisions", "merge_armature.mangle_names.tooltip": "Avoid name collisions with other assets by mangling newly added bone names.", "path_mode.Relative": "Relative to this object", "path_mode.Absolute": "Absolute (based on avatar root)", "merge_animator.animator": "Animator to merge", "merge_animator.layer_type": "Layer Type", "merge_animator.delete_attached_animator": "Delete attached animator", "merge_animator.delete_attached_animator.tooltip": "Delete the animator attached to this object after merging", "merge_animator.path_mode": "Path Mode", "merge_animator.path_mode.tooltip": "How to interpret paths in animations. Using relative mode lets you record animations from an animator on this object.", "merge_animator.match_avatar_write_defaults": "Match Avatar Write Defaults", "merge_animator.match_avatar_write_defaults.tooltip": "Match the write defaults setting used on the avatar's animator. If the avatar's write defaults settings are inconsistent, the settings on the animator will be left alone.", "fpvisible.normal": "This object will be visible in your first person view.", "fpvisible.NotUnderHead": "This component has no effect when not placed under the head bone.", "fpvisible.quest": "This component is not compatible with the standalone Oculus Quest and will have no effect.", "fpvisible.InPhysBoneChain": "This object is controlled by a Physics Bone chain and cannot be made visible in first person safely. Select the start of the chain instead.", "blendshape.mesh": "Mesh", "blendshape.source": "Source blendshape", "blendshape.target": "Target blendshape", "hint.not_in_avatar": "This component needs to be placed inside your avatar to work properly.", "boneproxy.err.MovingTarget": "You cannot specify a target object that will be moved by other Modular Avatar components", "boneproxy.err.NotInAvatar": "You must specify an object that is in the avatar", "boneproxy.attachment": "Attachment mode", "boneproxy.attachment.AsChildAtRoot": "As child; at root", "boneproxy.attachment.AsChildKeepWorldPose": "As child; keep position and rotation", "boneproxy.attachment.AsChildKeepPosition": "As child; keep position", "boneproxy.attachment.AsChildKeepRotation": "As child; keep rotation", "mesh_settings.header_probe_anchor": "Anchor Override Configuration", "mesh_settings.inherit_probe_anchor": "Anchor Override Mode", "mesh_settings.probe_anchor": "Anchor Override", "mesh_settings.probe_anchor.tooltip": "Sets the anchor override used for lighting calculations for renderers inside this object", "mesh_settings.header_bounds": "Bounds Override Configuration", "mesh_settings.inherit_bounds": "Bounds Override Mode", "mesh_settings.root_bone": "Root Bone", "mesh_settings.root_bone.tooltip": "The root bone of the mesh. This is used as a reference point from which to calculate the bounds of the mesh.", "mesh_settings.bounds": "Bounds", "mesh_settings.bounds.tooltip": "The bounds of the mesh. This is used to determine when rendering can be skipped for an offscreen mesh.", "mesh_settings.inherit_mode.Inherit": "Inherit", "mesh_settings.inherit_mode.Set": "Set", "mesh_settings.inherit_mode.DontSet": "Don't Set (use mesh as-is)", "pb_blocker.help": "This object will not be affected by PhysBones attached to parents.", "hint.bad_vrcsdk": "Incompatible version of VRCSDK detected.\n\nPlease try upgrading your VRCSDK; if this does not work, check for a newer version of Modular Avatar as well.", "error.stack_trace": "Stack trace (provide this when reporting bugs!)", "error.merge_armature.merge_into_self": "Your Merge Armature component is referencing itself, or a child of itself, as the merge target. You should reference the avatar's armature instead. Do not put Merge Armature on the avatar's main armature.", "error.internal_error": "An internal error has occurred: {0}\nwhen processing:", "error.merge_animator.param_type_mismatch": "Parameter {0} has multiple types: {1} != {2}", "error.rename_params.too_many_synced_params": "Too many synced parameters: Cost {0} > {1}", "validation.blendshape_sync.no_local_renderer": "No renderer found on this object", "validation.blendshape_sync.no_local_mesh": "No mesh found on the renderer on this object", "validation.blendshape_sync.no_bindings": "No blendshape bindings found on this object", "validation.blendshape_sync.missing_local_shape": "Missing local blendshape: {0}", "validation.blendshape_sync.missing_target_shape": "Missing target blendshape: {0}", "validation.blendshape_sync.no_target": "No target object specified", "validation.blendshape_sync.missing_target_renderer": "No renderer found on the target object", "validation.blendshape_sync.missing_target_mesh": "No mesh found on the renderer on the target object", "validation.bone_proxy.no_target": "No target object specified (or target object not found)", "validation.menu_installer.no_menu": "No menu to install specified", "validation.merge_animator.no_animator": "No animator to merge specified", "validation.merge_armature.no_target": "No merge target specified", "validation.merge_armature.target_is_child": "Merge target cannot be a child of this object", "submenu_source.Children": "Children", "submenu_source.MenuAsset": "Expressions Menu Asset", "menuitem.showcontents": "Show menu contents", "menuitem.prop.name": "Name", "menuitem.prop.icon": "Icon", "menuitem.prop.icon.tooltip": "(Optional) The icon to be shown in the expressions menu", "menuitem.prop.type": "Type", "menuitem.prop.type.tooltip": "The type of this item", "menuitem.prop.value": "Value", "menuitem.prop.value.tooltip": "The value to set the parameter to when this control is used", "menuitem.prop.parameter": "Parameter", "menuitem.prop.label": "Label", "menuitem.prop.submenu_asset": "Submenu Asset", "menuitem.prop.submenu_asset.tooltip": "The asset to use as the submenu", "menuitem.prop.submenu_source": "Submenu Source", "menuitem.prop.submenu_source.tooltip": "Where to find the items to put inside this submenu", "menuitem.prop.source_override": "Source object override", "menuitem.prop.source_override.tooltip": "If specified, this object will be used as the source for the contents of the submenu. Otherwise, children of this menu item will be used.", "menuitem.prop.is_saved": "Saved", "menuitem.prop.is_saved.tooltip": "If true, the value of this menu item will be saved when you change avatars or worlds.", "menuitem.prop.is_synced": "Synced", "menuitem.prop.is_synced.tooltip": "If true, the value of this menu item will be synced to other players across the network.", "menuitem.param.rotation": "Parameter: Rotation", "menuitem.param.rotation.tooltip": "The parameter to set based on the rotation of this menu item", "menuitem.param.horizontal": "Parameter: Horizontal", "menuitem.param.horizontal.tooltip": "The parameter to set based on the horizontal position of the thumbstick", "menuitem.param.vertical": "Parameter: Vertical", "menuitem.param.vertical.tooltip": "The parameter to set based on the vertical position of the thumbstick", "menuitem.label.control_labels_and_params": "Control Labels and Parameters", "menuitem.label.control_labels": "Control Labels", "menuitem.misc.multiple": "(multiple)", "menuitem.misc.no_icon": "(no icon)", "menuitem.misc.extract": "Extract to objects", "menuitem.label.parameters": "Parameters", "action.toggle_object.header.object": "Object to show/hide", "action.toggle_object.header.show": "Show", "menu_tree.title": "Select menu", "menuitem.param.controlled_by_action": "", "control_group.foldout.actions": "Actions", "control_group.foldout.menu_items": "Bound menu items", "control_group.is_saved": "Saved", "control_group.is_saved.tooltip": "If true, the value of this menu item will be saved when you change avatars or worlds.", "control_group.is_synced": "Synced", "control_group.is_synced.tooltip": "If true, the value of this menu item will be synced to other players across the network.", "control_group.default_value": "Initial setting", "control_group.default_value.unset": "(none selected)", "menuitem.prop.control_group": "Control Group", "menuitem.prop.control_group.tooltip": "Only one toggle in a given group can be selected at the same time", "menuitem.prop.is_default": "Is Group Default", "animation_gen.duplicate_binding": "Controls from different control groups are trying to animate the same parameter. Parameter: {0}", "animation_gen.multiple_defaults": "Multiple default menu items were found in the same control group.", "menuitem.misc.add_item": "Add menu item" }