#if MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS #region using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using nadena.dev.modular_avatar.animation; using nadena.dev.ndmf.animator; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Animations; using UnityEngine; using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.Components; using EditorCurveBinding = UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; #endregion namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor { internal partial class ReactiveObjectPass { private readonly ndmf.BuildContext context; private Dictionary initialValues = new(); // Properties that are being driven, either by foreign animations or Object Toggles private HashSet activeProps = new(); private VirtualClip _initialStateClip; private bool _writeDefaults; public ReactiveObjectPass(ndmf.BuildContext context) { this.context = context; } internal void Execute() { if (!context.AvatarDescriptor) return; // Having a WD OFF layer after WD ON layers can break WD. We match the behavior of the existing states, // and if mixed, use WD ON to maximize compatibility. _writeDefaults = MergeAnimatorProcessor.ProbeWriteDefaults(FindFxController().animatorController as AnimatorController) ?? true; var analysis = new ReactiveObjectAnalyzer(context).Analyze(context.AvatarRootObject); var shapes = analysis.Shapes; var initialStates = analysis.InitialStates; GenerateActiveSelfProxies(shapes); ProcessMeshDeletion(initialStates, shapes); ProcessInitialStates(initialStates, shapes); ProcessInitialAnimatorVariables(shapes); foreach (var groups in shapes.Values) { ProcessShapeKey(groups); } } private void GenerateActiveSelfProxies(Dictionary shapes) { var rpe = context.Extension(); foreach (var prop in shapes.Keys) { if (prop.TargetObject is GameObject go && prop.PropertyName == "m_IsActive") { // Ensure a proxy exists for each object we're going to be toggling. // TODO: is this still needed? rpe.GetActiveSelfProxy(go); } } } private void ProcessInitialAnimatorVariables(Dictionary shapes) { foreach (var group in shapes.Values) foreach (var agk in group.actionGroups) foreach (var condition in agk.ControllingConditions) { if (condition.IsConstant) continue; if (!initialValues.TryGetValue(condition.Parameter, out var curVal) || curVal < -999f) { initialValues[condition.Parameter] = condition.InitialValue; } } } private void ProcessInitialStates(Dictionary initialStates, Dictionary shapes) { var asc = context.Extension(); var rpe = context.Extension(); // We need to track _two_ initial states: the initial state we'll apply at build time (which applies // when animations are disabled) and the animation base state. Confusingly, the animation base state // should be the state that is currently applied to the object... var clips = asc.AnimationIndex; _initialStateClip = clips.GetClipsForObjectPath(ReactiveObjectPrepass.TAG_PATH).FirstOrDefault(); if (_initialStateClip == null) return; _initialStateClip.Name = "Reactive Component Defaults"; foreach (var (key, initialState) in initialStates) { string path; Type componentType; var applied = false; object animBaseState = (float) 0; if (key.TargetObject is GameObject go) { path = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(context.AvatarRootObject, go); componentType = typeof(GameObject); } else if (key.TargetObject is Renderer r) { path = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(context.AvatarRootObject, r.gameObject); componentType = r.GetType(); if (r is SkinnedMeshRenderer smr && key.PropertyName.StartsWith("blendShape.")) { var blendShape = key.PropertyName.Substring("blendShape.".Length); var index = smr.sharedMesh?.GetBlendShapeIndex(blendShape); if (index != null && index >= 0) { animBaseState = smr.GetBlendShapeWeight(index.Value); smr.SetBlendShapeWeight(index.Value, (float) initialState); } applied = true; } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid target object: " + key.TargetObject); } if (!applied) { var serializedObject = new SerializedObject(key.TargetObject); var prop = serializedObject.FindProperty(key.PropertyName); if (prop != null) { switch (prop.propertyType) { case SerializedPropertyType.Boolean: animBaseState = prop.boolValue ? 1.0f : 0.0f; prop.boolValue = ((float)initialState) > 0.5f; break; case SerializedPropertyType.Float: animBaseState = prop.floatValue; prop.floatValue = (float) initialState; break; case SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference: animBaseState = prop.objectReferenceValue; prop.objectReferenceValue = (Object) initialState; break; } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); } } if (!shapes.ContainsKey(key)) // Do not generate any animation base state if the property is set to a constant value, // because we won't generate any override layers. continue; if (animBaseState is float f) { var binding = EditorCurveBinding.FloatCurve( path, componentType, key.PropertyName ); var curve = new AnimationCurve(); curve.AddKey(0, f); curve.AddKey(1, f); _initialStateClip.SetFloatCurve(binding, curve); if (componentType == typeof(GameObject) && key.PropertyName == "m_IsActive") { binding = EditorCurveBinding.FloatCurve( "", typeof(Animator), rpe.GetActiveSelfProxy((GameObject)key.TargetObject) ); _initialStateClip.SetFloatCurve(binding, curve); } } else if (animBaseState is Object obj) { var binding = EditorCurveBinding.PPtrCurve( path, componentType, key.PropertyName ); _initialStateClip.SetObjectCurve(binding, new[] { new ObjectReferenceKeyframe() { value = obj, time = 0 }, new ObjectReferenceKeyframe() { value = obj, time = 1 } }); } } } #region Mesh processing private void ProcessMeshDeletion(Dictionary initialStates, Dictionary shapes) { var renderers = initialStates .Where(kvp => kvp.Key.PropertyName.StartsWith(ReactiveObjectAnalyzer.DeletedShapePrefix)) .Where(kvp => kvp.Key.TargetObject is SkinnedMeshRenderer) .Where(kvp => kvp.Value is float f && f > 0.5f) // Filter any non-constant keys .Where(kvp => { if (!shapes.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { // Constant value return true; } var lastGroup = shapes[kvp.Key].actionGroups.LastOrDefault(); return lastGroup?.IsConstantActive == true && lastGroup.Value is float f && f > 0.5f; }) .GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Key.TargetObject as SkinnedMeshRenderer) .Select(grouping => (grouping.Key, grouping.Select( kvp => kvp.Key.PropertyName.Substring(ReactiveObjectAnalyzer.DeletedShapePrefix.Length) ).ToList())) .ToList(); foreach (var (renderer, shapeNamesToDelete) in renderers) { if (renderer == null) continue; var mesh = renderer.sharedMesh; if (mesh == null) continue; var shapesToDelete = shapeNamesToDelete .Select(shape => mesh.GetBlendShapeIndex(shape)) .Where(k => k >= 0) .ToList(); renderer.sharedMesh = RemoveBlendShapeFromMesh.RemoveBlendshapes(mesh, shapesToDelete); foreach (var name in shapeNamesToDelete) { // Don't need to animate this anymore...! shapes.Remove(new TargetProp { TargetObject = renderer, PropertyName = ReactiveObjectAnalyzer.BlendshapePrefix + name }); shapes.Remove(new TargetProp { TargetObject = renderer, PropertyName = ReactiveObjectAnalyzer.DeletedShapePrefix + name }); initialStates.Remove(new TargetProp { TargetObject = renderer, PropertyName = ReactiveObjectAnalyzer.BlendshapePrefix + name }); } } // Remove all deletedShape. props to avoid creating animator noise that'll confuse tools like AAO foreach (var key in shapes.Keys.ToList()) { if (key.PropertyName.StartsWith(ReactiveObjectAnalyzer.DeletedShapePrefix)) { shapes.Remove(key); } } } #endregion private void ProcessShapeKey(AnimatedProperty info) { // TODO: prune non-animated keys var asm = GenerateStateMachine(info); ApplyController(asm, "MA Responsive: " + info.TargetProp.TargetObject.name); } private AnimatorStateMachine GenerateStateMachine(AnimatedProperty info) { var asc = context.Extension(); var asm = new AnimatorStateMachine(); // Workaround for the warning: "'.' is not allowed in State name" asm.name = "RC " + info.TargetProp.TargetObject.name.Replace(".", "_"); var x = 200; var y = 0; var yInc = 60; asm.anyStatePosition = new Vector3(-200, 0); var initialState = new AnimatorState(); initialState.writeDefaultValues = _writeDefaults; initialState.name = ""; asm.defaultState = initialState; asm.entryPosition = new Vector3(0, 0); var states = new List(); states.Add(new ChildAnimatorState { position = new Vector3(x, y), state = initialState }); var lastConstant = info.actionGroups.FindLastIndex(agk => agk.IsConstant); var transitionBuffer = new List<(AnimatorState, List)>(); var entryTransitions = new List(); transitionBuffer.Add((initialState, new List())); // Note: We need to generate a group for any base constant state as well; this is because we generate the // scene initial value as a base animation curve in the base blend tree, which would be exposed in the // default state. This is incorrect when there is a constant-on Object Toggle or similar changing the // initial state of a property. // // We can, however, skip any groups _before_ that constant state, as they'll be overridden in all cases. foreach (var group in info.actionGroups.Skip(Math.Max(0, lastConstant - 1))) { y += yInc; var clip = AnimResult(group.TargetProp, group.Value); if (group.IsConstant) { clip.name = "Property Overlay constant " + group.Value; initialState.motion = clip; } else { clip.name = "Property Overlay controlled by " + group.ControllingConditions[0].DebugName + " " + group.Value; var conditions = GetTransitionConditions(group); foreach (var (st, transitions) in transitionBuffer) { if (!group.Inverted) { var transition = new AnimatorStateTransition { isExit = true, hasExitTime = false, duration = 0, hasFixedDuration = true, conditions = (AnimatorCondition[])conditions.Clone() }; transitions.Add(transition); } else { foreach (var cond in conditions) { transitions.Add(new AnimatorStateTransition { isExit = true, hasExitTime = false, duration = 0, hasFixedDuration = true, conditions = new[] { InvertCondition(cond) } }); } } } var state = new AnimatorState(); // Workaround for the warning: "'.' is not allowed in State name" state.name = group.ControllingConditions[0].DebugName.Replace(".", "_"); state.motion = clip; state.writeDefaultValues = _writeDefaults; states.Add(new ChildAnimatorState { position = new Vector3(x, y), state = state }); var transitionList = new List(); transitionBuffer.Add((state, transitionList)); if (!group.Inverted) { entryTransitions.Add(new AnimatorTransition { destinationState = state, conditions = conditions }); foreach (var cond in conditions) { var inverted = InvertCondition(cond); transitionList.Add(new AnimatorStateTransition { isExit = true, hasExitTime = false, duration = 0, hasFixedDuration = true, conditions = new[] { inverted } }); } } else { // inverted condition foreach (var cond in conditions) { entryTransitions.Add(new AnimatorTransition() { destinationState = state, conditions = new[] { InvertCondition(cond) } }); } transitionList.Add(new AnimatorStateTransition { isExit = true, hasExitTime = false, duration = 0, hasFixedDuration = true, conditions = conditions }); } } } if (initialState.motion == null) { // For some reason, if we set the state's motion multiple times, Unity will sometimes revert to the // first motion set; as such, make sure to set the empty motion only if we really mean it. var initial = new AnimationClip(); initial.name = "empty motion"; initialState.motion = initial; } foreach (var (st, transitions) in transitionBuffer) st.transitions = transitions.ToArray(); asm.states = states.ToArray(); entryTransitions.Reverse(); asm.entryTransitions = entryTransitions.ToArray(); asm.exitPosition = new Vector3(500, 0); return asm; } private static AnimatorCondition InvertCondition(AnimatorCondition cond) { return new AnimatorCondition { parameter = cond.parameter, mode = cond.mode == AnimatorConditionMode.Greater ? AnimatorConditionMode.Less : AnimatorConditionMode.Greater, threshold = cond.threshold }; } private AnimatorCondition[] GetTransitionConditions(ReactionRule group) { var conditions = new List(); foreach (var condition in group.ControllingConditions) { if (condition.IsConstant) continue; if (float.IsFinite(condition.ParameterValueLo)) { conditions.Add(new AnimatorCondition { parameter = condition.Parameter, mode = AnimatorConditionMode.Greater, threshold = condition.ParameterValueLo }); } if (float.IsFinite(condition.ParameterValueHi)) { conditions.Add(new AnimatorCondition { parameter = condition.Parameter, mode = AnimatorConditionMode.Less, threshold = condition.ParameterValueHi }); } } if (conditions.Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("No controlling parameters found for " + group); return conditions.ToArray(); } private Motion AnimResult(TargetProp key, object value) { string path; Type componentType; if (key.TargetObject is GameObject go) { path = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(context.AvatarRootObject, go); componentType = typeof(GameObject); } else if (key.TargetObject is Renderer r) { path = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(context.AvatarRootObject, r.gameObject); componentType = r.GetType(); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid target object: " + key.TargetObject); } var clip = new AnimationClip(); clip.name = $"Set {path}:{key.PropertyName}={value}"; if (value is Object obj) { var binding = EditorCurveBinding.PPtrCurve(path, componentType, key.PropertyName); AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, binding, new [] { new ObjectReferenceKeyframe() { value = obj, time = 0 }, new ObjectReferenceKeyframe() { value = obj, time = 1 } }); } else { var curve = new AnimationCurve(); curve.AddKey(0, (float) value); curve.AddKey(1, (float) value); var binding = EditorCurveBinding.FloatCurve(path, componentType, key.PropertyName); AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve(clip, binding, curve); if (key.TargetObject is GameObject targetObject && key.PropertyName == "m_IsActive") { var rpe = context.Extension(); var propName = rpe.GetActiveSelfProxy(targetObject); binding = EditorCurveBinding.FloatCurve("", typeof(Animator), propName); AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve(clip, binding, curve); } } return clip; } private void ApplyController(AnimatorStateMachine asm, string layerName) { var asc = context.Extension(); var fx = asc.ControllerContext[ VRCAvatarDescriptor.AnimLayerType.FX ]; if (fx == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No FX layer found"); } foreach (var paramName in initialValues.Keys.Except(fx.Parameters.Keys)) { var parameter = new AnimatorControllerParameter { name = paramName, type = AnimatorControllerParameterType.Float, defaultFloat = initialValues[paramName], // TODO }; fx.Parameters = fx.Parameters.SetItem(paramName, parameter); } fx.AddLayer(LayerPriority.Default, "RC " + layerName).StateMachine = asc.ControllerContext.Clone(asm); } private VRCAvatarDescriptor.CustomAnimLayer FindFxController() { var fx = context.AvatarDescriptor.baseAnimationLayers .FirstOrDefault(l => l.type == VRCAvatarDescriptor.AnimLayerType.FX); return fx; } } } #endif