using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; #if MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS using VRC.SDKBase; #endif namespace { [ExecuteInEditMode] [AddComponentMenu("Modular Avatar/MA Move Independently")] [DisallowMultipleComponent] [HelpURL("")] class MAMoveIndependently : MonoBehaviour, IEditorOnly { private float EPSILON = 0.0000001f; private GameObject[] m_groupedBones; public GameObject[] GroupedBones { get => m_groupedBones.Clone() as GameObject[]; set { m_groupedBones = value.Clone() as GameObject[]; OnValidate(); } } struct ChildState { internal Vector3 childLocalPos; internal Quaternion childLocalRot; internal Vector3 childLocalScale; // The child world position, recorded when we first initialized (or after unexpected child movement) internal Matrix4x4 childToRoot; } private Dictionary _children = new Dictionary(); private HashSet _excluded = new HashSet(); void Awake() { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; } // We need to reparent the TRS values of the children from our prior frame state to the current frame state. // This is done by computing the world affine matrix for the child in the prior frame, then converting to // a local affine matrix in the current frame. private void OnValidate() { hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; _excluded = new HashSet(); if (m_groupedBones == null) { m_groupedBones = Array.Empty(); } foreach (var grouped in m_groupedBones) { if (grouped != null) { _excluded.Add(grouped.transform); } } _priorFramePos = transform.localPosition; _priorFrameRot = transform.localRotation; _priorFrameScale = transform.localScale; _children.Clear(); CheckChildren(); } HashSet _observed = new HashSet(); private void CheckChildren() { _observed.Clear(); CheckChildren(transform); foreach (var obj in m_groupedBones) { CheckChildren(obj.transform); } // Remove any children that are no longer children var toRemove = new List(); foreach (var child in _children) { if (child.Key == null || !_observed.Contains(child.Key)) { toRemove.Add(child.Key); } } foreach (var child in toRemove) { _children.Remove(child); } } private Matrix4x4 ParentTransformMatrix(Transform parent) { Matrix4x4 transform = Matrix4x4.TRS( parent.localPosition, parent.localRotation, parent.localScale ); if (_excluded.Contains(parent)) { transform = ParentTransformMatrix(parent.parent) * transform; } return transform; } private void CheckChildren(Transform parent) { Matrix4x4 parentToRoot = ParentTransformMatrix(parent); Matrix4x4 rootToParent = parentToRoot.inverse; foreach (Transform child in parent) { if (_excluded.Contains(child)) continue; _observed.Add(child); var localPosition = child.localPosition; var localRotation = child.localRotation; var localScale = child.localScale; if (!ArmatureLockController.MovedThisFrame && _children.TryGetValue(child, out var state)) { var deltaPos = localPosition - state.childLocalPos; var deltaRot = Quaternion.Angle(localRotation, state.childLocalRot); var deltaScale = (localScale - state.childLocalScale).sqrMagnitude; if (deltaPos.magnitude > EPSILON || deltaRot > EPSILON || deltaScale > EPSILON) { // The child object was moved in between parent updates; reconstruct its childToRoot to correct // for this. var oldChildTRS = Matrix4x4.TRS( state.childLocalPos, state.childLocalRot, state.childLocalScale ); var newChildTRS = Matrix4x4.TRS( localPosition, localRotation, localScale ); state.childToRoot = state.childToRoot * oldChildTRS.inverse * newChildTRS; } Matrix4x4 childNewLocal = rootToParent * state.childToRoot; var newPosition = childNewLocal.MultiplyPoint(; var newRotation = childNewLocal.rotation; var newScale = childNewLocal.lossyScale; #if UNITY_EDITOR Undo.RecordObject(child, Undo.GetCurrentGroupName()); #endif child.localPosition = newPosition; child.localRotation = newRotation; child.localScale = newScale; state.childLocalPos = child.localPosition; state.childLocalRot = child.localRotation; state.childLocalScale = child.localScale; _children[child] = state; continue; } Matrix4x4 childTRS = Matrix4x4.TRS(localPosition, localRotation, localScale); state = new ChildState() { childLocalPos = localPosition, childLocalRot = localRotation, childLocalScale = localScale, childToRoot = parentToRoot * childTRS, }; _children[child] = state; } } private void OnEnable() { UpdateLoopController.OnMoveIndependentlyUpdate += OnUpdate; } private void OnDisable() { UpdateLoopController.OnMoveIndependentlyUpdate -= OnUpdate; } private Vector3 _priorFramePos, _priorFrameScale; private Quaternion _priorFrameRot; void OnUpdate() { if (this == null) { UpdateLoopController.OnMoveIndependentlyUpdate -= OnUpdate; return; } var pos = transform.localPosition; var rot = transform.localRotation; var scale = transform.localScale; var deltaPos = transform.parent.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(pos - _priorFramePos); var deltaRot = Quaternion.Angle(rot, _priorFrameRot); var deltaScaleX = Mathf.Abs((scale - _priorFrameScale).x) / _priorFrameScale.x; var deltaScaleY = Mathf.Abs((scale - _priorFrameScale).y) / _priorFrameScale.y; var deltaScaleZ = Mathf.Abs((scale - _priorFrameScale).z) / _priorFrameScale.z; if (float.IsNaN(deltaScaleX) || float.IsInfinity(deltaScaleX)) deltaScaleX = 1; if (float.IsNaN(deltaScaleY) || float.IsInfinity(deltaScaleY)) deltaScaleY = 1; if (float.IsNaN(deltaScaleZ) || float.IsInfinity(deltaScaleZ)) deltaScaleZ = 1; float maxDeltaScale = Mathf.Max(deltaScaleX, Mathf.Max(deltaScaleY, deltaScaleZ)); if (deltaPos.magnitude > EPSILON || deltaRot > EPSILON || maxDeltaScale > 0.001) { CheckChildren(); _priorFramePos = pos; _priorFrameRot = rot; _priorFrameScale = scale; } } } }