using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using VRC.SDK3.Dynamics.PhysBone.Components; namespace { /// <summary> /// Remove all GameObjects which have no influence on the avatar. /// </summary> internal class GCGameObjectsPass { private readonly BuildContext _context; private readonly GameObject _root; private readonly HashSet<GameObject> referencedGameObjects = new HashSet<GameObject>(); internal GCGameObjectsPass(BuildContext context, GameObject root) { _context = context; _root = root; } internal void OnPreprocessAvatar() { MarkAll(); Sweep(); } private void MarkAll() { foreach (var obj in GameObjects(_root, node => { if (node.CompareTag("EditorOnly")) { if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) { // Retain EditorOnly objects (in case they contain camera fixtures or something), // but ignore references _from_ them. (TODO: should we mark from them as well?) MarkObject(node); } return false; } return true; } )) { foreach (var component in obj.GetComponents<Component>()) { // component is null if script is missing if (!component) continue; switch (component) { case Transform t: break; case VRCPhysBone pb: MarkObject(obj); MarkPhysBone(pb); break; case AvatarTagComponent _: // Tag components will not be retained at runtime, so pretend they're not there. break; default: MarkObject(obj); MarkAllReferencedObjects(component); break; } } } // Also retain humanoid bones var animator = _root.GetComponent<Animator>(); if (animator != null) { foreach (var bone_ in Enum.GetValues(typeof(HumanBodyBones))) { var bone = (HumanBodyBones) bone_; if (bone == HumanBodyBones.LastBone) continue; var transform = animator.GetBoneTransform((HumanBodyBones) bone); if (transform != null) { MarkObject(transform.gameObject); } } } // // Retain transforms with names ending in "end" as these might be used for VRM spring bones foreach (Transform t in _root.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>()) { if ("end")) { MarkObject(t.gameObject); } } } private void MarkPhysBone(VRCPhysBone pb) { var rootTransform = pb.GetRootTransform(); var ignoreTransforms = pb.ignoreTransforms ?? new List<Transform>(); foreach (var obj in GameObjects(rootTransform.gameObject, obj => !obj.CompareTag("EditorOnly") && !ignoreTransforms.Contains(obj.transform))) { MarkObject(obj); } // Mark colliders, etc MarkAllReferencedObjects(pb); } private void MarkAllReferencedObjects(Component component) { var so = new SerializedObject(component); var sp = so.GetIterator(); bool enterChildren = true; while (sp.Next(enterChildren)) { enterChildren = true; switch (sp.propertyType) { case SerializedPropertyType.String: enterChildren = false; continue; case SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference: if (sp.objectReferenceValue != null) { if (sp.objectReferenceValue is GameObject refObj) { MarkObject(refObj); } else if (sp.objectReferenceValue is Component comp) { MarkObject(comp.gameObject); } } break; } } } private void MarkObject(GameObject go) { while (go != null && referencedGameObjects.Add(go) && go != _root) { go = go.transform.parent?.gameObject; } } private void Sweep() { foreach (var go in GameObjects()) { if (!referencedGameObjects.Contains(go)) { Debug.Log("Purging object: " + RuntimeUtil.AvatarRootPath(go)); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(go); } } } private IEnumerable<GameObject> GameObjects(GameObject node = null, Func<GameObject, bool> shouldTraverse = null) { if (node == null) node = _root; if (shouldTraverse == null) shouldTraverse = obj => !obj.CompareTag("EditorOnly"); if (!shouldTraverse(node)) yield break; yield return node; if (node == null) yield break; // Guard against object deletion mid-traversal List<Transform> children = new List<Transform>(); foreach (Transform t in node.transform) { children.Add(t); } foreach (var child in children) { foreach (var grandchild in GameObjects(child.gameObject, shouldTraverse)) { yield return grandchild; } } } } }