using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using; using; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Animations; using UnityEngine; using BuildContext =; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace { using UnityObject = Object; internal class DeepClone { private bool _isSaved; private UnityObject _combined; public AnimatorOverrideController OverrideController { get; set; } public DeepClone(BuildContext context) { _isSaved = context.AssetContainer != null && EditorUtility.IsPersistent(context.AssetContainer); _combined = context.AssetContainer; } public T DoClone<T>(T original, string basePath = null, Dictionary<UnityObject, UnityObject> cloneMap = null ) where T : UnityObject { if (original == null) return null; if (cloneMap == null) cloneMap = new Dictionary<UnityObject, UnityObject>(); Func<UnityObject, UnityObject> visitor = null; if (basePath != null) { visitor = o => CloneWithPathMapping(o, basePath); } // We want to avoid trying to copy assets not part of the animation system (eg - textures, meshes, // MonoScripts...), so check for the types we care about here switch (original) { // Any object referenced by an animator that we intend to mutate needs to be listed here. case Motion _: case AnimatorController _: case AnimatorState _: case AnimatorStateMachine _: case AnimatorTransitionBase _: case StateMachineBehaviour _: case AvatarMask _: break; // We want to clone these types case AudioClip _: //Used in VRC Animator Play Audio State Behavior // Leave textures, materials, and script definitions alone case Texture2D _: case MonoScript _: case Material _: return original; // Also avoid copying unknown scriptable objects. // This ensures compatibility with e.g. avatar remote, which stores state information in a state // behaviour referencing a custom ScriptableObject case ScriptableObject _: return original; default: throw new Exception($"Unknown type referenced from animator: {original.GetType()}"); } // When using AnimatorOverrideController, replace the original AnimationClip based on AnimatorOverrideController. if (OverrideController != null && original is AnimationClip srcClip) { T overrideClip = OverrideController[srcClip] as T; if (overrideClip != null) { original = overrideClip; } } if (cloneMap.ContainsKey(original)) { return (T)cloneMap[original]; } var obj = visitor?.Invoke(original); if (obj != null) { cloneMap[original] = obj; if (obj != original) { ObjectRegistry.RegisterReplacedObject(original, obj); } if (_isSaved && !EditorUtility.IsPersistent(obj)) { AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(obj, _combined); } return (T)obj; } var ctor = original.GetType().GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); if (ctor == null || original is ScriptableObject) { obj = UnityObject.Instantiate(original); } else { obj = (T)ctor.Invoke(Array.Empty<object>()); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(original, obj); } cloneMap[original] = obj; ObjectRegistry.RegisterReplacedObject(original, obj); if (_isSaved) { AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(obj, _combined); } SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(obj); SerializedProperty prop = so.GetIterator(); bool enterChildren = true; while (prop.Next(enterChildren)) { enterChildren = true; switch (prop.propertyType) { case SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference: { if (prop.objectReferenceValue != null && prop.objectReferenceValue != obj) { var newObj = DoClone(prop.objectReferenceValue, basePath, cloneMap); prop.objectReferenceValue = newObj; } break; } // Iterating strings can get super slow... case SerializedPropertyType.String: enterChildren = false; break; } } so.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); return (T)obj; } // internal for testing internal static AvatarMask CloneAvatarMask(AvatarMask mask, string basePath) { if (basePath.EndsWith("/")) basePath = basePath.Substring(0, basePath.Length - 1); var newMask = new AvatarMask(); // Transfer first the humanoid mask data EditorUtility.CopySerialized(mask, newMask); var srcSo = new SerializedObject(mask); var dstSo = new SerializedObject(newMask); var srcElements = srcSo.FindProperty("m_Elements"); if (basePath == "" || srcElements.arraySize == 0) return newMask; // no changes required // We now need to prefix the elements of basePath (with weight zero) var newElements = new List<string>(); var accum = ""; foreach (var element in basePath.Split("/")) { if (accum != "") accum += "/"; accum += element; newElements.Add(accum); } var dstElements = dstSo.FindProperty("m_Elements"); // We'll need to create new array elements by using DuplicateCommand. We'll then rewrite the whole // list to keep things in traversal order. for (var i = 0; i < newElements.Count; i++) dstElements.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).DuplicateCommand(); var totalElements = srcElements.arraySize + newElements.Count; for (var i = 0; i < totalElements; i++) { var dstElem = dstElements.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); var dstPath = dstElem.FindPropertyRelative("m_Path"); var dstWeight = dstElem.FindPropertyRelative("m_Weight"); var srcIndex = i - newElements.Count; if (srcIndex < 0) { dstPath.stringValue = newElements[i]; dstWeight.floatValue = 0; } else { var srcElem = srcElements.GetArrayElementAtIndex(srcIndex); dstPath.stringValue = basePath + "/" + srcElem.FindPropertyRelative("m_Path").stringValue; dstWeight.floatValue = srcElem.FindPropertyRelative("m_Weight").floatValue; } } dstSo.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); return newMask; } private UnityObject CloneWithPathMapping(UnityObject o, string basePath) { if (o is AvatarMask mask) { return CloneAvatarMask(mask, basePath); } if (o is AnimationClip clip) { // We'll always rebase if the asset is non-persistent, because we can't reference a nonpersistent asset // from a persistent asset. If the asset is persistent, skip cases where path editing isn't required, // or where this is one of the special VRC proxy animations. if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(o) && (basePath == "" || Util.IsProxyAnimation(clip))) return clip; AnimationClip newClip = new AnimationClip(); = "rebased " +; if (_isSaved) { AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(newClip, _combined); } foreach (var binding in AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(clip)) { var newBinding = binding; newBinding.path = MapPath(binding, basePath); // // It's reported that sometimes using SetObjectReferenceCurve right after SetCurve might cause the // curves to be forgotten; use SetEditorCurve instead. AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve(newClip, newBinding, AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, binding)); } foreach (var objBinding in AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurveBindings(clip)) { var newBinding = objBinding; newBinding.path = MapPath(objBinding, basePath); AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(newClip, newBinding, AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, objBinding)); } newClip.wrapMode = clip.wrapMode; newClip.legacy = clip.legacy; newClip.frameRate = clip.frameRate; newClip.localBounds = clip.localBounds; AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClipSettings(newClip, AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(clip)); return newClip; } else if (o is Texture) { return o; } else { return null; } } private static string MapPath(EditorCurveBinding binding, string basePath) { if (binding.type == typeof(Animator) && binding.path == "") { return ""; } else { var newPath = binding.path == "" ? basePath : basePath + binding.path; if (newPath.EndsWith("/")) { newPath = newPath.Substring(0, newPath.Length - 1); } return newPath; } } } }