using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.UIElements; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.TestTools; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace { public class LogoElement : VisualElement { private const string LISTENER_REGISTERED = "ma--logo-listener-registered"; private static WeakHashSet<LogoElement> _activeLogos = new WeakHashSet<LogoElement>(); private static Dictionary<VisualElement, LogoElement> _logoDisplayNode = null; private VisualElement _inner; private static void RegisterNode(LogoElement target) { if (_logoDisplayNode == null) { _logoDisplayNode = new Dictionary<VisualElement, LogoElement>(); EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { _logoDisplayNode = null; }; } // [editor list] -> EditorElement (private) -> InspectorElement -> MAVisualElement -> Logo VisualElement container = target; while (container.parent != null && !(container is InspectorElement)) { container = container.parent; } container = container.parent ?? container; // EditorElement container = container.parent ?? container; // editor list if (container.ClassListContains(LISTENER_REGISTERED)) return; container.RegisterCallback<GeometryChangedEvent>(geom => { UpdateLogoDisplayNode(container); }); } private static void UpdateLogoDisplayNode(VisualElement root) { // Now walk down to find the LogoElements. We only walk one level past an InspectorElement (and once into // its child MAVisualElement) to avoid descending too deep into madness. List<LogoElement> elements = new List<LogoElement>(); WalkTree(root); var target = elements.FirstOrDefault(e => e.resolvedStyle.visibility == Visibility.Visible); foreach (var elem in elements) { elem.LogoShown = (elem == target); } void WalkTree(VisualElement visualElement) { if (visualElement.resolvedStyle.visibility == Visibility.Hidden || visualElement.resolvedStyle.height < 0.5) return; var isInspector = visualElement.GetType() == typeof(InspectorElement); foreach (var child in visualElement.Children()) { if (child is MAVisualElement maChild) { foreach (var node in child.Children()) { if (node is LogoElement logo) { elements.Add(logo); } } return; } else if (!isInspector) { WalkTree(child); } } } } public LogoElement() { _inner = new VisualElement(); = DisplayStyle.None; = FlexDirection.Row; = Align.Center; = Justify.Center; var image = new Image(); image.image = LogoDisplay.LOGO_ASSET; = new Length(LogoDisplay.ImageWidth(LogoDisplay.TARGET_HEIGHT), LengthUnit.Pixel); = new Length(LogoDisplay.TARGET_HEIGHT, LengthUnit.Pixel); _inner.Add(image); this.Add(_inner); RegisterCallback<GeometryChangedEvent>(OnGeomChanged); } private void OnGeomChanged(GeometryChangedEvent evt) { // We should be in the visual tree now if (parent == null) return; RegisterNode(this); UnregisterCallback<GeometryChangedEvent>(OnGeomChanged); } private bool _logoShown; private bool LogoShown { get => _logoShown; set { if (value == _logoShown) return; _logoShown = value; = value ? DisplayStyle.Flex : DisplayStyle.None; } } } }