using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace net.fushizen.modular_avatar.core.editor { /// /// Many avatars have hair meshes which are partially painted to the Head bone, and partially to a bone we might /// want to make visible in the first-person view. To handle this case, we must retarget those meshes to use our /// proxy head bone instead. /// internal class FirstPersonVisibleMeshProcessor { private SkinnedMeshRenderer _renderer; private HashSet _visibleBones; private Transform _proxyHead; public FirstPersonVisibleMeshProcessor( SkinnedMeshRenderer renderer, HashSet visibleBones, Transform proxyHead ) { _renderer = renderer; _visibleBones = visibleBones; _proxyHead = proxyHead; } public bool NeedsRetargeting() { return _renderer.bones.Any(_visibleBones.Contains) && _renderer.bones.Any(b => !_visibleBones.Contains(b)); } public void Retarget() { if (!NeedsRetargeting()) return; bool anyVisible = false; var originalMesh = _renderer.sharedMesh; var newMesh = Object.Instantiate(originalMesh); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newMesh, Util.GenerateAssetPath()); // Identify the manifolds which need to be retargeted. Generally, we define a manifold as the maximal set of // points which are connected by primitives. If this manifold contains both visible and retargeted bones, // we need to retarget any retargeted bones in there. // // To do this, we use my favorite algorithm: The Union-Find set algorithm! This is one of my favorite // algorithms/data-structures and I'm very happy to finally have a reason to apply it. Yay! var vertexCount = originalMesh.vertexCount; ManifoldNode[] nodes = new ManifoldNode[vertexCount]; var boneWeights = originalMesh.GetAllBoneWeights(); var bonesPerVertex = originalMesh.GetBonesPerVertex(); AnalyzeManifolds(); // Bail out early if the bones are unused if (!anyVisible) return; // Now construct a new bone weight array var bindposes = new List(); originalMesh.GetBindposes(bindposes); var bones = new List(_renderer.bones); var proxyIndices = new Dictionary(); var newWeights = new List(); int src_w_base = 0; for (int v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) { var weightPerVertex = bonesPerVertex[v]; bool remapManifold = nodes[v].HasRetargetedBone && nodes[v].HasVisibleBone; for (int w = 0; w < weightPerVertex; w++) { var weight = boneWeights[src_w_base + w]; var bone = _renderer.bones[weight.boneIndex]; // Check for broken bone bindings, and if so just copy over. // Also just copy over if the manifold doesn't need adjustment. if (bone == null || !remapManifold || _visibleBones.Contains(bone)) { newWeights.Add(weight); } else { // This bone needs to be remapped, so do the thing. int newIndex = RemapBone(weight.boneIndex); weight.boneIndex = newIndex; newWeights.Add(weight); } } src_w_base += weightPerVertex; } using (var nativeWeights = new NativeArray(newWeights.ToArray(), Allocator.Temp)) { newMesh.SetBoneWeights( bonesPerVertex, nativeWeights ); } newMesh.bindposes = bindposes.ToArray(); _renderer.bones = bones.ToArray(); _renderer.sharedMesh = newMesh; //newMesh.colors = vcol.ToArray(); int RemapBone(int originalIndex) { if (proxyIndices.TryGetValue(originalIndex, out var index)) return index; index = bones.Count; bones.Add(_proxyHead); // The original bindpose is the inverse of the transform matrix of the bone as it was in the 3D editor, // which does not necessarily match where the bone is right now. That is, we can imagine that some // additional unknown transform T has been applied on top of the bone pose B, and the bindpose is // therefore K = (T * B)^-1 = B^-1 * T^-1. Poses are computed as P' = B * K * P = B * B^-1 * T^-1 * P // // What we want to find is the bindpose that maps onto the proxy head transform. We can imagine that // unity will eventually multiply some point P by pose Q, then the head pose like so: P' = H * Q * P // We want to get the same result: B * K * P = H * Q * P; thus B * K = H * Q. // Since H, B, K are known, we can solve like so: Q = H^-1 * B * K var k = bindposes[originalIndex]; var b = _renderer.bones[originalIndex].localToWorldMatrix; var hInv = _proxyHead.worldToLocalMatrix; bindposes.Add(hInv * b * k); proxyIndices[originalIndex] = index; return index; } void AnalyzeManifolds() { int boneIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { nodes[i] = new ManifoldNode(); var weightsForVertex = bonesPerVertex[i]; for (int w = 0; w < weightsForVertex; w++) { var weight = boneWeights[boneIndex + w]; var bone = _renderer.bones[weight.boneIndex]; if (bone == null) continue; if (_visibleBones.Contains(bone)) { anyVisible = true; nodes[i].HasVisibleBone = true; } else { nodes[i].HasRetargetedBone = true; } } boneIndex += weightsForVertex; } if (!anyVisible) return; for (int s = 0; s < newMesh.subMeshCount; s++) { var topology = newMesh.GetTopology(s); if (topology != MeshTopology.Triangles) continue; var indices = newMesh.GetIndices(s); for (int t = 0; t < indices.Length; t += 3) { nodes[indices[t]].Union(nodes[indices[t + 1]]); nodes[indices[t]].Union(nodes[indices[t + 2]]); } } } } private class ManifoldNode { private bool _hasVisibleBone, _hasRetargetedBone; private ManifoldNode parent; private int rank; public float b; public int Rank => rank; public bool HasVisibleBone { get => Find()._hasVisibleBone; set => Find()._hasVisibleBone |= value; } public bool HasRetargetedBone { get => Find()._hasRetargetedBone; set => Find()._hasRetargetedBone |= value; } public ManifoldNode() { _hasVisibleBone = false; _hasRetargetedBone = false; parent = this; rank = 1; } public ManifoldNode Find() { // Path halving algorithm ManifoldNode node = this; while (node.parent != node) { node.parent = node.parent.parent; node = node.parent; } return node; } internal void Union(ManifoldNode other) { var x = Find(); var y = other.Find(); if (x == y) return; if (x.rank < y.rank) { var tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; } y.parent = x; x.rank += y.rank; if (x._hasRetargetedBone != y._hasRetargetedBone) { //Debug.Log("!"); } x._hasRetargetedBone |= y._hasRetargetedBone; x._hasVisibleBone |= y._hasVisibleBone; } } } }