#if MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Linq; using nadena.dev.ndmf.preview; using UnityEngine; namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor { partial class ReactiveObjectAnalyzer { private ReactionRule ObjectRule(TargetProp key, Component controllingObject, float value) { var rule = new ReactionRule(key, value); BuildConditions(controllingObject, rule); return rule; } private ReactionRule ObjectRule(TargetProp key, Component controllingObject, Object value) { var rule = new ReactionRule(key, value); BuildConditions(controllingObject, rule); return rule; } private string GetActiveSelfProxy(GameObject obj) { if (_asc != null) { return _asc.GetActiveSelfProxy(obj); } else { var param = "__ActiveSelfProxy/" + obj.GetInstanceID(); _simulationInitialStates[param] = obj.activeSelf ? 1.0f : 0.0f; return param; } } private readonly Dictionary<(SkinnedMeshRenderer, string), HashSet<(SkinnedMeshRenderer, string)>> _blendshapeSyncMappings = new(); private void LocateBlendshapeSyncs(GameObject root) { var components = _computeContext.GetComponentsInChildren(root, true); foreach (var bss in components) { var localMesh = _computeContext.GetComponent(bss.gameObject); if (localMesh == null) continue; foreach (var entry in _computeContext.Observe(bss, bss_ => bss_.Bindings.ToImmutableList(), Enumerable.SequenceEqual)) { var src = entry.ReferenceMesh.Get(bss); if (src == null) continue; var srcMesh = _computeContext.GetComponent(src); var localBlendshape = entry.LocalBlendshape; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(localBlendshape)) { localBlendshape = entry.Blendshape; } var srcBinding = (srcMesh, entry.Blendshape); var dstBinding = (localMesh, localBlendshape); if (!_blendshapeSyncMappings.TryGetValue(srcBinding, out var dstSet)) { dstSet = new HashSet<(SkinnedMeshRenderer, string)>(); _blendshapeSyncMappings[srcBinding] = dstSet; } dstSet.Add(dstBinding); } } // For recursive blendshape syncs, we need to precompute the full set of affected blendshapes. foreach (var (src, dsts) in _blendshapeSyncMappings) { var visited = new HashSet<(SkinnedMeshRenderer, string)>(); foreach (var item in Visit(src, visited).ToList()) { dsts.Add(item); } } IEnumerable<(SkinnedMeshRenderer, string)> Visit( (SkinnedMeshRenderer, string) key, HashSet<(SkinnedMeshRenderer, string)> visited ) { if (!visited.Add(key)) yield break; if (_blendshapeSyncMappings.TryGetValue(key, out var children)) { foreach (var child in children) { foreach (var item in Visit(child, visited)) { yield return item; } } } yield return key; } } private void BuildConditions(Component controllingComponent, ReactionRule rule) { rule.ControllingObject = controllingComponent; var conditions = new List(); var cursor = controllingComponent?.transform; bool did_mami = false; _computeContext.ObservePath(controllingComponent.transform); while (cursor != null && !RuntimeUtil.IsAvatarRoot(cursor)) { // Only look at the menu item closest to the object we're directly attached to, to avoid submenus // causing issues... var mami = _computeContext.GetComponent(cursor.gameObject); if (mami != null && !did_mami) { did_mami = true; _computeContext.Observe(mami, c => (c.Control?.parameter, c.Control?.type, c.Control?.value, c.isDefault)); var mami_condition = ParameterAssignerPass.AssignMenuItemParameter(mami, _simulationInitialStates); if (mami_condition != null && ForceMenuItems != null && ForceMenuItems.TryGetValue(mami_condition.Parameter, out var forcedMenuItem)) { var enable = forcedMenuItem == mami; mami_condition.InitialValue = 0.5f; mami_condition.ParameterValueLo = enable ? 0 : 999f; mami_condition.ParameterValueHi = 1000; mami_condition.IsConstant = true; } if (mami_condition != null) conditions.Add(mami_condition); } conditions.Add(new ControlCondition { Parameter = GetActiveSelfProxy(cursor.gameObject), DebugName = cursor.gameObject.name, IsConstant = false, InitialValue = _computeContext.Observe(cursor.gameObject, go => go.activeSelf) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, ParameterValueLo = 0.5f, ParameterValueHi = float.PositiveInfinity, ReferenceObject = cursor.gameObject, DebugReference = cursor.gameObject, }); cursor = cursor.parent; } rule.ControllingConditions = conditions; } private Dictionary FindShapes(GameObject root) { var changers = _computeContext.GetComponentsInChildren(root, true); Dictionary shapeKeys = new(); foreach (var changer in changers) { if (changer.Shapes == null) continue; var shapes = _computeContext.Observe(changer, c => c.Shapes.Select(s => s.Clone()).ToList(), (a,b) => a.SequenceEqual(b) ); foreach (var shape in shapes) { var renderer = _computeContext.GetComponent(shape.Object.Get(changer)); if (renderer == null) continue; var mesh = renderer.sharedMesh; _computeContext.Observe(mesh); if (mesh == null) continue; var shapeId = mesh.GetBlendShapeIndex(shape.ShapeName); if (shapeId < 0) continue; var key = new TargetProp { TargetObject = renderer, PropertyName = BlendshapePrefix + shape.ShapeName }; var currentValue = renderer.GetBlendShapeWeight(shapeId); var value = shape.ChangeType == ShapeChangeType.Delete ? 100 : shape.Value; RegisterAction(key, currentValue, value, changer); if (_blendshapeSyncMappings.TryGetValue((renderer, shape.ShapeName), out var bindings)) { // Propagate the new value through any Blendshape Syncs we might have. // Note that we don't propagate deletes; it's common to e.g. want to delete breasts from the // base model while retaining outerwear that matches the breast size. foreach (var binding in bindings) { var bindingKey = new TargetProp { TargetObject = binding.Item1, PropertyName = BlendshapePrefix + binding.Item2 }; var bindingRenderer = binding.Item1; var bindingMesh = bindingRenderer.sharedMesh; if (bindingMesh == null) continue; var bindingShapeIndex = bindingMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex(binding.Item2); if (bindingShapeIndex < 0) continue; var bindingInitialState = bindingRenderer.GetBlendShapeWeight(bindingShapeIndex); RegisterAction(bindingKey, bindingInitialState, value, changer); } } key = new TargetProp { TargetObject = renderer, PropertyName = DeletedShapePrefix + shape.ShapeName }; value = shape.ChangeType == ShapeChangeType.Delete ? 1 : 0; RegisterAction(key, 0, value, changer); } } return shapeKeys; void RegisterAction(TargetProp key, float currentValue, float value, ModularAvatarShapeChanger changer) { if (!shapeKeys.TryGetValue(key, out var info)) { info = new AnimatedProperty(key, currentValue); shapeKeys[key] = info; // Add initial state var agk = new ReactionRule(key, value); agk.Value = currentValue; info.actionGroups.Add(agk); } var action = ObjectRule(key, changer, value); action.Inverted = _computeContext.Observe(changer, c => c.Inverted); if (changer.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) info.currentState = action.Value; if (info.actionGroups.Count == 0) { info.actionGroups.Add(action); } else if (!info.actionGroups[^1].TryMerge(action)) { info.actionGroups.Add(action); } } } private void FindMaterialSetters(Dictionary objectGroups, GameObject root) { var materialSetters = _computeContext.GetComponentsInChildren(root, true); foreach (var setter in materialSetters) { if (setter.Objects == null) continue; foreach (var obj in _computeContext.Observe(setter, c => c.Objects.Select(o => o.Clone()).ToList(), Enumerable.SequenceEqual)) { var renderer = _computeContext.GetComponent(obj.Object.Get(setter)); if (renderer == null || renderer.sharedMaterials.Length <= obj.MaterialIndex) continue; var key = new TargetProp { TargetObject = renderer, PropertyName = "m_Materials.Array.data[" + obj.MaterialIndex + "]", }; if (!objectGroups.TryGetValue(key, out var group)) { group = new AnimatedProperty(key, renderer.sharedMaterials[obj.MaterialIndex]); objectGroups[key] = group; } var action = ObjectRule(key, setter, obj.Material); action.Inverted = _computeContext.Observe(setter, c => c.Inverted); if (group.actionGroups.Count == 0) group.actionGroups.Add(action); else if (!group.actionGroups[^1].TryMerge(action)) group.actionGroups.Add(action); } } } private void FindObjectToggles(Dictionary objectGroups, GameObject root) { var toggles = _computeContext.GetComponentsInChildren(root, true); foreach (var toggle in toggles) { if (toggle.Objects == null) continue; foreach (var obj in _computeContext.Observe(toggle, c => c.Objects.Select(o => o.Clone()).ToList(), Enumerable.SequenceEqual)) { var target = obj.Object.Get(toggle); if (target == null) continue; var key = new TargetProp { TargetObject = target, PropertyName = "m_IsActive" }; if (!objectGroups.TryGetValue(key, out var group)) { var active = _computeContext.Observe(target, t => t.activeSelf); group = new AnimatedProperty(key, active ? 1 : 0); objectGroups[key] = group; } var value = obj.Active ? 1 : 0; var action = ObjectRule(key, toggle, value); action.Inverted = _computeContext.Observe(toggle, c => c.Inverted); if (group.actionGroups.Count == 0) group.actionGroups.Add(action); else if (!group.actionGroups[^1].TryMerge(action)) group.actionGroups.Add(action); } } } } } #endif