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# Modular Avatar

Modular Avatar is a suite of **non-destructive** tools for modularizing your avatars, and for distributing avatar
With Modular Avatar, adding a new outfit or gimmick to your avatar is as easy as drag-and-drop!

Modular Avatar's features are packaged as individual components, which can be added as needed. You can opt-in to just the features
you want to use. It can automatically merge outfits onto your avatar, build an animator out of multiple components, and much more.

## Installation

The recommended way to install Modular Avatar is using the VRChat Creator Companion. After installing the VCC, click here:
* [Add Modular Avatar to VCC](vcc://vpm/addRepo?url=https://vpm.nadena.dev/vpm.json)

Then, go to "manage project" for your project, and click the + next to Modular Avatar.

![VCC UI](vcc-install.png)

To update to the latest version, just click the green arrow in the "Latest Version" column.

Once you've installed MA, check out one of the tutorials below:
* [Simple clothing setup](/docs/tutorials/clothing)
* [Advanced clothing setup](/docs/tutorials/adv_clothing)
* [Toggle an object](/docs/tutorials/object_toggle/)
* [Edit menus](/docs/tutorials/menu/)

## Prerelease versions

To make prerelease versions available in the VCC, [click here](vcc://vpm/addRepo?url=https://vpm.nadena.dev/vpm-prerelease.json)

Then, in your VCC Settings -> Packages window, uncheck the `bd_` repository, check the `bd_ prerelease` repository, and enable `Show pre-release packages`.

![Pre-release settings](prerelease.png)

The documentation for the prerelease branch can be [found here](https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/dev).

Prerelease versions may contain bugs, and/or may have compatibility breaks as development progresses. Please leave
feedback and bug reports at the [github issues page](https://github.com/bdunderscore/modular-avatar/issues).