#if MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine; using static nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor.Localization; using Debug = System.Diagnostics.Debug; namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor { #if !UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER [CustomEditor(typeof(ModularAvatarParameters))] #endif internal class AvatarParametersEditor2019 : MAEditorBase { /********************************************************************** * | Field name | Remap to / config | * |------------|--------------------| */ private bool _devMode; private ReorderableList _reorderableList; private SerializedProperty _parameters; private bool _needsRebuild = false; private float elemHeight; private readonly List<int> _selectedIndices = new List<int>(); private ImplicitParams _implicitParams = null; private SerializedObject _implicitParamsObj; private SerializedProperty _implicitParamsProp; private class ImplicitParams : ScriptableObject { public List<ParameterConfig> ImplicitParameters = new List<ParameterConfig>(); } private void OnEnable() { SetupList(); } private SerializedProperty GetParamByIndex(int idx) { if (idx >= 0) { return _parameters.GetArrayElementAtIndex(idx); } else { idx = -(idx + 1); return _implicitParamsProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(idx); } } private void DetectParameters() { if (_implicitParams == null || _implicitParamsProp == null) { _implicitParams = CreateInstance<ImplicitParams>(); _implicitParamsObj = new SerializedObject(_implicitParams); _implicitParamsProp = _implicitParamsObj.FindProperty(nameof(ImplicitParams.ImplicitParameters)); } var target = (ModularAvatarParameters) this.target; var registered = target.parameters.Select(p => p.nameOrPrefix + (p.isPrefix ? "*" : "")) .ToImmutableHashSet(); _implicitParams.ImplicitParameters.Clear(); var detected = ParameterPolicy.ProbeParameters(((ModularAvatarParameters) target).gameObject); foreach (var param in detected.Values) { if (registered.Contains(param.MapKey)) continue; var config = new ParameterConfig() { internalParameter = false, isPrefix = param.IsPrefix, nameOrPrefix = param.OriginalName, syncType = param.syncType, defaultValue = param.defaultValue, saved = param.saved, remapTo = "", }; _implicitParams.ImplicitParameters.Add(config); _selectedIndices.Add(-_implicitParams.ImplicitParameters.Count); } _implicitParamsObj.Update(); } private void SetupList() { _parameters = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(ModularAvatarParameters.parameters)); if (_devMode) { var target = (ModularAvatarParameters) this.target; _selectedIndices.Clear(); _selectedIndices.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, target.parameters.Count)); } else { _selectedIndices.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < _parameters.arraySize; i++) { var isInternal = _parameters.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i) .FindPropertyRelative(nameof(ParameterConfig.internalParameter)); if (isInternal.boolValue) continue; _selectedIndices.Add(i); } } DetectParameters(); ElementHeightCache = BuildHeightCache(); if (_reorderableList == null) { _reorderableList = new ReorderableList( _selectedIndices, typeof(int), false, true, _devMode, _devMode ); _reorderableList.drawHeaderCallback = DrawHeader; _reorderableList.drawElementCallback = DrawElement; _reorderableList.onAddCallback = AddElement; _reorderableList.onRemoveCallback = RemoveElement; _reorderableList.elementHeightCallback = ElementHeight; _reorderableList.onReorderCallbackWithDetails = ReorderElements; elemHeight = _reorderableList.elementHeight; } _reorderableList.displayAdd = _devMode; _reorderableList.displayRemove = _devMode; _reorderableList.draggable = _devMode; _needsRebuild = false; } private void ReorderElements(ReorderableList list, int oldindex, int newindex) { if (_selectedIndices[oldindex] >= 0 && _selectedIndices[newindex] >= 0) { // We're in dev mode, so the "real" entries are in the same order in _selectedIndices // as the underlying. So just reorder them in the underlying object. serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); var target = (ModularAvatarParameters) this.target; var tmp = target.parameters[oldindex]; target.parameters.RemoveAt(oldindex); target.parameters.Insert(newindex, tmp); serializedObject.Update(); } // The reorderable list trashed our internal indices, so force a rebuild on next repaint. _needsRebuild = true; } private void AddElement(ReorderableList list) { _parameters.arraySize += 1; _selectedIndices.Insert(_parameters.arraySize - 1, _parameters.arraySize - 1); list.index = _parameters.arraySize - 1; } private void RemoveElement(ReorderableList list) { if (list.index < 0 || _selectedIndices[list.index] < 0) return; _parameters.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(list.index); _needsRebuild = true; } // https://github.com/bdunderscore/modular-avatar/issues/217 private float[] ElementHeightCache = null; private float[] BuildHeightCache() { float[] cache = new float[_selectedIndices.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < _selectedIndices.Count; i++) { float baseHeight = _devMode ? elemHeight * 2 : elemHeight; var param = GetParamByIndex(_selectedIndices[i]); var syncMode = param.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(ParameterConfig.syncType)); if (syncMode.enumValueIndex != (int) ParameterSyncType.NotSynced) { baseHeight += elemHeight; } if (_selectedIndices[i] == -1) { cache[i] = elemHeight + baseHeight; } else { cache[i] = baseHeight; } } return cache; } private float ElementHeight(int reqIndex) { return ElementHeightCache[reqIndex]; } private void DrawAutodetectHeader(ref Rect rect) { Rect top = rect; top.height = elemHeight; Rect bottom = rect; bottom.y += top.height; bottom.height -= top.height; rect = bottom; var style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic; var content = new GUIContent(G("params.autodetect_header")); var size = style.CalcSize(content); var centeredRect = new Rect( top.x + (top.width - size.x) / 2, top.y + (top.height - size.y) / 2, size.x, size.y ); EditorGUI.LabelField(centeredRect, content, style); } private void DrawElement(Rect rect, int index, bool isactive, bool isfocused) { var originalIndex = index; index = _selectedIndices[index]; var elem = GetParamByIndex(index); if (index == -1) { DrawAutodetectHeader(ref rect); } var nameOrPrefix = elem.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(ParameterConfig.nameOrPrefix)); var remapTo = elem.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(ParameterConfig.remapTo)); var internalParameter = elem.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(ParameterConfig.internalParameter)); var isPrefix = elem.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(ParameterConfig.isPrefix)); var syncType = elem.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(ParameterConfig.syncType)); var isSynced = syncType.enumValueIndex != (int) ParameterSyncType.NotSynced; var margin = 20; var halfMargin = margin / 2; var leftHalf = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width * 0.3f - halfMargin, elemHeight); var rightHalf = new Rect(rect.x + leftHalf.width + halfMargin, rect.y, leftHalf.width, elemHeight); rightHalf.xMax = rect.xMax; var rightHalfTop = new Rect(rect.x + leftHalf.width + halfMargin, rect.y, leftHalf.width, elemHeight); rightHalfTop.xMax = rect.xMax; var rightHalfSyncControlField = rightHalfTop; rightHalfSyncControlField.y += _devMode ? elemHeight : 0; var rightHalfDefaultValue = rightHalfSyncControlField; rightHalfDefaultValue.y += elemHeight; var indentLevel = EditorGUI.indentLevel; try { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); indentLevel = 0; if (_devMode) { EditorGUI.PropertyField(leftHalf, nameOrPrefix, GUIContent.none); var internalGuiContent = G("params.internal"); var toggleInternalWidth = EditorStyles.toggle.CalcSize(internalGuiContent).x; var toggleInternalRect = new Rect(rightHalfTop.x, rightHalfTop.y, toggleInternalWidth, rightHalfTop.height); internalParameter.boolValue = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(toggleInternalRect, internalGuiContent, internalParameter.boolValue); var isPrefixRect = new Rect(rightHalfTop.x + toggleInternalWidth + halfMargin, rightHalfTop.y, rightHalfTop.width - toggleInternalWidth - halfMargin, rightHalfTop.height); isPrefix.boolValue = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(isPrefixRect, G("params.pb_prefix"), isPrefix.boolValue); var syncedContent = new GUIContent(G("params.syncmode")); var labelSize = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(syncedContent); var syncedWidth = labelSize.x + EditorStyles.label.margin.right; var syncedRect = new Rect(rightHalfSyncControlField.x, rightHalfSyncControlField.y, syncedWidth, rightHalfSyncControlField.height); EditorGUI.LabelField(syncedRect, syncedContent); rightHalfSyncControlField.x += syncedWidth; rightHalfSyncControlField.width -= syncedWidth; EditorGUI.PropertyField(rightHalfSyncControlField, syncType, GUIContent.none); } else { EditorGUI.LabelField(leftHalf, isPrefix.boolValue ? nameOrPrefix.stringValue + "*" : nameOrPrefix.stringValue); EditorGUI.PropertyField(rightHalf, remapTo, GUIContent.none); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(remapTo.stringValue)) { var style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic; var oldColor = GUI.color; var color = GUI.color; color.a = 0.5f; GUI.color = color; EditorGUI.LabelField(rightHalf, nameOrPrefix.stringValue, style); GUI.color = oldColor; } } if (isSynced) { var localOnly = elem.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(ParameterConfig.localOnly)); var saved = elem.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(ParameterConfig.saved)); var savedContents = new GUIContent(G("params.saved")); var savedStyle = EditorStyles.toggle; var savedSize = savedStyle.CalcSize(savedContents); var savedLabelWidth = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(savedContents).x; var checkboxPad = EditorStyles.toggle.margin.right; var savedPos = rightHalfDefaultValue; savedPos.width = savedSize.x + checkboxPad * 2; rightHalfDefaultValue.x += savedPos.width; rightHalfDefaultValue.width -= savedPos.width; //savedPos.x -= savedSize.x + checkboxPad * 2; EditorGUI.LabelField(savedPos, savedContents); savedPos.x += savedLabelWidth + checkboxPad; savedPos.width -= savedLabelWidth - checkboxPad * 2; saved.boolValue = EditorGUI.Toggle(savedPos, saved.boolValue); var syncedContents = new GUIContent(G("params.synced")); var syncedStyle = EditorStyles.toggle; var syncedSize = syncedStyle.CalcSize(syncedContents); var syncedLabelWidth = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(syncedContents).x; var syncedPos = rightHalfDefaultValue; syncedPos.width = syncedSize.x + checkboxPad * 2; rightHalfDefaultValue.x += syncedPos.width; rightHalfDefaultValue.width -= syncedPos.width; EditorGUI.LabelField(syncedPos, syncedContents); syncedPos.x += syncedLabelWidth + checkboxPad; syncedPos.width -= syncedLabelWidth - checkboxPad * 2; localOnly.boolValue = !EditorGUI.Toggle(syncedPos, !localOnly.boolValue); var defaultValueProp = elem.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(ParameterConfig.defaultValue)); var label = new GUIContent(G("params.default")); var labelSize = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(label); var labelWidth = labelSize.x + EditorStyles.label.margin.right; var labelRect = new Rect(rightHalfDefaultValue.x, rightHalfDefaultValue.y, labelWidth, rightHalfDefaultValue.height); EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, label); rightHalfDefaultValue.x += labelWidth; rightHalfDefaultValue.width -= labelWidth; switch ((ParameterSyncType) syncType.enumValueIndex) { case ParameterSyncType.Int: { int val = Mathf.RoundToInt(defaultValueProp.floatValue); val = EditorGUI.IntField(rightHalfDefaultValue, val); defaultValueProp.floatValue = val; break; } case ParameterSyncType.Float: { float val = defaultValueProp.floatValue; val = EditorGUI.FloatField(rightHalfDefaultValue, val); defaultValueProp.floatValue = val; break; } case ParameterSyncType.Bool: { bool val = defaultValueProp.floatValue > 0.1f; val = EditorGUI.Toggle(rightHalfDefaultValue, val); defaultValueProp.floatValue = val ? 1.0f : 0.0f; break; } default: // Maybe we just changed sync mode? break; } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && index < 0) { var target = (ModularAvatarParameters) this.target; // Create this implicit parameter in the backing object var implicitIndex = -(index + 1); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(target, "Updating parameters"); _implicitParamsObj.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); var config = _implicitParams.ImplicitParameters[implicitIndex]; target.parameters.Add(config); _selectedIndices.RemoveAt(originalIndex); _selectedIndices.Insert(target.parameters.Count - 1, target.parameters.Count - 1); serializedObject.Update(); _reorderableList.index = target.parameters.Count - 1; _needsRebuild = true; } } finally { EditorGUI.indentLevel = indentLevel; } } private void DrawHeader(Rect rect) { var leftHalf = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width * 0.3f, rect.height); var rightHalf = new Rect(rect.x + leftHalf.width, rect.y, rect.width / 2, rect.height); EditorGUI.LabelField(leftHalf, G("params.fieldname")); if (!_devMode) EditorGUI.LabelField(rightHalf, G("params.remapto")); } protected override void OnInnerInspectorGUI() { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); _devMode = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(G("params.devmode"), _devMode); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() || _reorderableList == null || _needsRebuild) SetupList(); Debug.Assert(_reorderableList != null, nameof(_reorderableList) + " != null"); ElementHeightCache = BuildHeightCache(); if (_devMode || _selectedIndices.Count > 0) { _reorderableList.DoLayoutList(); } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Localization.ShowLanguageUI(); } } } #endif