kaikoga 3667dc319a
chore: Wrap VRC dependencies and VRCAvatarDescriptors (#504)
* add version defines

* refactor: prefer BuildContext.ctor() overload taking GameObject

* wrap unit tests entirely with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS

* wrap unit tests smart with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS

* wrap runtime entirely with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS

* wrap VRC.SDKBase.IEditorOnly with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS

* wrap editor entirely with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS

* fix AvatarObjectReference.Get(Component)

* wrap editor smart with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS

* wrap BuildContext smart with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS

* wrap PluginDefinition smart with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS

* style: move conditional compiles one step outside
2023-11-10 15:37:56 +09:00

31 lines
1.1 KiB

using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace modular_avatar_tests.TransformMappingThroughSwitchedObject
/// <summary>
/// This test verifies that transform mappings are properly handled, even if the bone they target is on an armature
/// underneath multiple switched objects (which therefore would generate multiple levels of proxy switch objects).
/// </summary>
public class TransformMappingThroughSwitchedObject : TestBase
public void TransformMappingHandledCorrectly()
var prefab = CreatePrefab("TransformMappingThroughSwitchedObject.prefab");
var motion = findFxClip(prefab, "child_controller");
var binding = EditorCurveBinding.FloatCurve("Armature/Hips", typeof(Transform), "localEulerAnglesRaw.x");
var curve = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(motion, binding);