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synced 2025-02-12 00:32:47 +08:00
* Fixes error when merging same parameter with different type in RC menu item. * Rollback ReactiveObjectPass, use another approach * Set defaults to ModularAvatarMergeAnimator to prevent potential errors * Use VRCParentConstraint instead of constraint hack for world fixed objects when available * Make sure the VRC constraint only applies on VRChat avatars * Extract creation logic to external method * Rearrange method * Get rid of unit test * Fix unit test build error * Fix assert fail
135 lines
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135 lines
4.8 KiB
using System.Linq;
using nadena.dev.modular_avatar.editor.ErrorReporting;
using nadena.dev.ndmf;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
internal class WorldFixedObjectProcessor
private BuildContext _context;
private Transform _avatarTransform;
private Transform _proxy;
public void Process(BuildContext context)
_avatarTransform = context.AvatarRootTransform;
_context = context;
foreach (var target in _avatarTransform.GetComponentsInChildren<ModularAvatarWorldFixedObject>(true)
.OrderByDescending(x => NestCount(x.transform)))
BuildReport.ReportingObject(target, () => Process(target));
int NestCount(Transform transform)
int count = 0;
while (transform.parent != null) transform = transform.parent;
return count;
void Process(ModularAvatarWorldFixedObject target)
switch (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget)
case BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows:
case BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64:
case BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux64: // for CI
BuildReport.Log(ErrorSeverity.NonFatal, "world_fixed_object.err.unsupported_platform");
var retargeter = new ActiveAnimationRetargeter(
new BoneDatabase(),
var proxy = CreateProxy();
var parent = retargeter.CreateIntermediateObjects(proxy.gameObject);
var xform = target.transform;
var pscale = proxy.lossyScale;
var oscale = xform.lossyScale;
xform.localScale = new Vector3(oscale.x / pscale.x, oscale.y / pscale.y, oscale.z / pscale.z);
if (parent.transform.Find(target.gameObject.name) != null)
target.gameObject.name = target.gameObject.name + "$" + GUID.Generate();
target.transform.SetParent(parent.transform, true);
private Transform CreateProxy()
if (_proxy != null) return _proxy;
// 78828bfbcb4cb4ce3b00de044eb2d927: Assets/FixedPrefab.prefab
var fixedGameObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<GameObject>(
var avatarRoot = _avatarTransform;
GameObject obj = new GameObject("(MA WorldFixedRoot)");
obj.transform.SetParent(avatarRoot, false);
obj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
obj.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
if (!TryCreateVRCConstraint(avatarRoot, obj)) CreateConstraint(obj, fixedGameObject);
_proxy = obj.transform;
return obj.transform;
private void CreateConstraint(GameObject obj, GameObject fixedGameObject)
var constraint = obj.AddComponent<ParentConstraint>();
constraint.AddSource(new ConstraintSource()
weight = 1.0f,
sourceTransform = fixedGameObject.transform,
constraint.constraintActive = true;
constraint.locked = true;
constraint.rotationOffsets = new[] {Vector3.zero};
constraint.translationOffsets = new[] {Vector3.zero};
private bool TryCreateVRCConstraint(Transform avatarRoot, GameObject obj)
var isVrcAvatar = avatarRoot.TryGetComponent(out VRC.SDKBase.VRC_AvatarDescriptor _);
if (!isVrcAvatar) return false;
var constraint = obj.AddComponent(
System.Type.GetType("VRC.SDK3.Dynamics.Constraint.Components.VRCParentConstraint, VRC.SDK3.Dynamics.Constraint")
) as VRC.Dynamics.ManagedTypes.VRCParentConstraintBase;
constraint.IsActive = true;
constraint.Locked = true;
constraint.AffectsPositionX = true;
constraint.AffectsPositionY = true;
constraint.AffectsPositionZ = true;
constraint.AffectsRotationX = true;
constraint.AffectsRotationY = true;
constraint.AffectsRotationZ = true;
constraint.FreezeToWorld = true;
return true;
private bool TryCreateVRCConstraint(Transform avatarRoot, GameObject obj) => false;
} |