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synced 2025-03-04 21:04:55 +08:00
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405 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
using static nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor.Localization;
namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
internal class ESOErrorWindow : EditorWindow
private string header;
private string[] messageGroups;
private static readonly GUIStyle buttonStyle, labelStyle;
private const float SeparatorSize = 6f;
static ESOErrorWindow()
buttonStyle = EditorStyles.miniButtonRight;
labelStyle = EditorStyles.label;
labelStyle.wordWrap = true;
buttonStyle.fixedWidth = 40f;
buttonStyle.fixedHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1.5f;
private void OnEnable()
internal static void Show(
string header,
string[] messageGroups
var window = CreateInstance<ESOErrorWindow>();
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Setup Outfit");
window.header = header;
window.messageGroups = messageGroups;
// Compute required window size
var height = 0f;
var width = 450f;
height += SeparatorSize;
height += EditorStyles.helpBox.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(header), width);
foreach (var message in messageGroups)
height += 6f; // TODO: constant
height += labelStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(message), width);
height += buttonStyle.fixedHeight;
height += SeparatorSize;
window.minSize = new Vector2(width, height);
private void OnGUI()
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(header, MessageType.Error);
foreach (var message in messageGroups)
if (GUILayout.Button("OK", buttonStyle))
var finalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(SeparatorSize, SeparatorSize, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
var size = this.minSize;
size.y = finalRect.position.y + finalRect.height;
if (size.y > 10)
if (Vector2.Distance(this.minSize, size) > 1f)
this.minSize = size;
if (Vector2.Distance(this.maxSize, size) > 1f)
this.maxSize = size;
internal class EasySetupOutfit
private const int PRIORITY = 49;
private static string[] errorMessageGroups;
private static string errorHeader;
[MenuItem("GameObject/ModularAvatar/Setup Outfit", false, PRIORITY)]
static void SetupOutfit(MenuCommand cmd)
if (!ValidateSetupOutfit())
ESOErrorWindow.Show(errorHeader, errorMessageGroups);
if (!FindBones(cmd.context,
out var avatarRoot, out var avatarHips, out var outfitHips)
) return;
var outfitRoot = cmd.context as GameObject;
var avatarArmature = avatarHips.transform.parent;
var outfitArmature = outfitHips.transform.parent;
var merge = outfitArmature.GetComponent<ModularAvatarMergeArmature>();
if (merge == null)
merge = Undo.AddComponent<ModularAvatarMergeArmature>(outfitArmature.gameObject);
merge.mergeTarget = new AvatarObjectReference();
merge.mergeTarget.referencePath = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(avatarRoot, avatarArmature.gameObject);
if (outfitRoot != null
&& outfitRoot.GetComponent<ModularAvatarMeshSettings>() == null
&& outfitRoot.GetComponentInParent<ModularAvatarMeshSettings>() == null)
var meshSettings = Undo.AddComponent<ModularAvatarMeshSettings>(outfitRoot.gameObject);
Transform rootBone = null, probeAnchor = null;
Bounds bounds = ModularAvatarMeshSettings.DEFAULT_BOUNDS;
FindConsistentSettings(avatarRoot, avatarHips.transform, ref probeAnchor, ref rootBone, ref bounds);
if (probeAnchor == null)
probeAnchor = avatarHips.transform;
if (rootBone == null)
rootBone = avatarRoot.transform;
meshSettings.InheritProbeAnchor = ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Set;
meshSettings.InheritBounds = ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Set;
meshSettings.ProbeAnchor = new AvatarObjectReference();
meshSettings.ProbeAnchor.referencePath = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(avatarRoot, probeAnchor.gameObject);
meshSettings.RootBone = new AvatarObjectReference();
meshSettings.RootBone.referencePath = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(avatarRoot, rootBone.gameObject);
meshSettings.Bounds = bounds;
private static void FindConsistentSettings(
GameObject avatarRoot,
Transform avatarHips,
ref Transform probeAnchor,
ref Transform rootBone,
ref Bounds bounds
// We assume the renderers directly under the avatar root came from the original avatar and are _probably_
// set consistently. If so, we use this as a basis for the new outfit's settings.
bool firstRenderer = true;
bool firstSkinnedMeshRenderer = true;
foreach (Transform directChild in avatarRoot.transform)
var renderer = directChild.GetComponent<Renderer>();
if (renderer == null) continue;
if (firstRenderer)
probeAnchor = renderer.probeAnchor;
if (renderer.probeAnchor != probeAnchor)
probeAnchor = null; // inconsistent configuration
firstRenderer = false;
var skinnedMeshRenderer = renderer as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
if (skinnedMeshRenderer == null) continue;
if (firstSkinnedMeshRenderer)
rootBone = skinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone;
bounds = skinnedMeshRenderer.localBounds;
if (rootBone != skinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone)
rootBone = avatarHips; // inconsistent configuration
bounds = TransformBounds(rootBone, ModularAvatarMeshSettings.DEFAULT_BOUNDS);
else if (Vector3.Distance(bounds.center, skinnedMeshRenderer.bounds.center) > 0.01f
|| Vector3.Distance(bounds.extents, skinnedMeshRenderer.bounds.extents) > 0.01f)
bounds = TransformBounds(rootBone, ModularAvatarMeshSettings.DEFAULT_BOUNDS);
firstSkinnedMeshRenderer = false;
private static Bounds TransformBounds(Transform rootBone, Bounds bounds)
bounds.extents = bounds.extents / (Vector3.Dot(rootBone.lossyScale, Vector3.one) / 3);
return bounds;
static bool ValidateSetupOutfit()
errorHeader = S("setup_outfit.err.header.notarget");
errorMessageGroups = new string[] { S("setup_outfit.err.unknown") };
if (Selection.objects.Length == 0)
errorMessageGroups = new string[] { S("setup_outfit.err.no_selection") };
return false;
foreach (var obj in Selection.objects)
errorHeader = S_f("setup_outfit.err.header", obj.name);
if (!(obj is GameObject gameObj)) return false;
var xform = gameObj.transform;
if (!FindBones(obj, out var _, out var _, out var outfitHips))
return false;
// Some users have been accidentally running Setup Outfit on the avatar itself, and/or nesting avatar
// descriptors when transplanting outfits. Block this (and require that there be only one avdesc) by
// refusing to run if we detect multiple avatar descriptors above the current object (or if we're run on
// the avdesc object itself)
var nearestAvatar = RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarInParents(xform);
if (nearestAvatar == null || nearestAvatar.transform == xform)
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
{S_f("setup_outfit.err.multiple_avatar_descriptors", xform.gameObject.name)};
return false;
var parent = nearestAvatar.transform.parent;
if (parent != null && RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarInParents(parent) != null)
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
S_f("setup_outfit.err.no_avatar_descriptor", xform.gameObject.name)
return false;
return true;
private static bool FindBones(Object obj, out GameObject avatarRoot, out GameObject avatarHips, out GameObject outfitHips)
avatarHips = outfitHips = null;
var outfitRoot = obj as GameObject;
avatarRoot = outfitRoot != null
? RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarInParents(outfitRoot.transform)?.gameObject
: null;
if (outfitRoot == null || avatarRoot == null) return false;
var avatarAnimator = avatarRoot.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (avatarAnimator == null)
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
return false;
var avatarBoneMappings = GetAvatarBoneMappings(avatarAnimator);
if (!avatarBoneMappings.ContainsKey(HumanBodyBones.Hips))
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
return false;
// We do an explicit search for the hips bone rather than invoking the animator, as we want to control
// traversal order.
foreach (var maybeHips in avatarRoot.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>())
if (maybeHips.name == avatarBoneMappings[HumanBodyBones.Hips] && !maybeHips.IsChildOf(outfitRoot.transform))
avatarHips = maybeHips.gameObject;
if (avatarHips == null)
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
return false;
var outfitAnimator = outfitRoot.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (outfitAnimator != null)
outfitHips = outfitAnimator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips)?.gameObject;
var hipsCandidates = new List<string>();
if (outfitHips == null)
// Heuristic search - usually there'll be root -> Armature -> (single child) Hips.
// First, look for an exact match.
foreach (Transform child in outfitRoot.transform)
foreach (Transform tempHip in child)
if (tempHip.name.Contains(avatarBoneMappings[HumanBodyBones.Hips]))
outfitHips = tempHip.gameObject;
// If that doesn't work out, we'll check for heuristic bone mapper mappings.
foreach (var hbm in HeuristicBoneMapper.BoneToNameMap[HumanBodyBones.Hips])
if (hipsCandidates[0] != hbm)
foreach (Transform child in outfitRoot.transform)
foreach (Transform tempHip in child)
foreach (var candidate in hipsCandidates)
if (HeuristicBoneMapper.NormalizeName(tempHip.name).Contains(candidate))
outfitHips = tempHip.gameObject;
if (outfitHips == null)
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
string.Join("\n", hipsCandidates.Select(c => "・ " + c).ToArray())
return avatarHips != null && outfitHips != null;
private static ImmutableDictionary<HumanBodyBones, string> GetAvatarBoneMappings(Animator avatarAnimator)
var avatarHuman = avatarAnimator.avatar?.humanDescription.human ?? new HumanBone[0];
return avatarHuman
.Where(hb => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(hb.boneName))
.Select(hb => new KeyValuePair<HumanBodyBones, string>(
(HumanBodyBones) Enum.Parse(typeof(HumanBodyBones), hb.humanName.Replace(" ", "")),
} |