bd_ ddbc3b164b
chore: restructure repository to put package at top-level ()
* chore: rearrange package structure to have the package at the root

* ci: update CI workflows

* ci: fixing workflow bugs

* ci: recurse building .zip package

* ci: more fixes

* ci: add back in the VPM repo

* ci: fix tests
2023-10-08 15:39:57 +09:00

17 lines
373 B

"MonoBehaviour": {
"Version": 3,
"EnableBurstCompilation": true,
"EnableOptimisations": true,
"EnableSafetyChecks": false,
"EnableDebugInAllBuilds": false,
"UsePlatformSDKLinker": false,
"CpuMinTargetX32": 0,
"CpuMaxTargetX32": 0,
"CpuMinTargetX64": 0,
"CpuMaxTargetX64": 0,
"CpuTargetsX32": 6,
"CpuTargetsX64": 72