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synced 2025-03-11 00:04:56 +08:00
The human avatar mapping system seems to use bone _names_ rather than full _paths_ to identify bones. When the avatar armature and an outfit armature are both present under the avatar root, this can result in misidentification of outfit bones as avatar bones on the avatar animator. This in turn results in issues with Bone Proxy's editor-side tracking logic. This change adjusts setup outfit to ensure that there is always a prefix and/or suffix set, renaming bones if necessary. Note that this does not fully use outfit human avatar data to map bones yet; this is mostly intended as a patch to resolve the issues that have been reported recently, particularly around the stricter validations in SDK 3.3.0.
404 lines
15 KiB
404 lines
15 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
using static nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor.Localization;
namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
internal class ESOErrorWindow : EditorWindow
private string header;
private string[] messageGroups;
private static readonly GUIStyle buttonStyle, labelStyle;
private const float SeparatorSize = 6f;
static ESOErrorWindow()
buttonStyle = EditorStyles.miniButtonRight;
labelStyle = EditorStyles.label;
labelStyle.wordWrap = true;
buttonStyle.fixedWidth = 40f;
buttonStyle.fixedHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1.5f;
private void OnEnable()
internal static void Show(
string header,
string[] messageGroups
var window = CreateInstance<ESOErrorWindow>();
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Setup Outfit");
window.header = header;
window.messageGroups = messageGroups;
// Compute required window size
var height = 0f;
var width = 450f;
height += SeparatorSize;
height += EditorStyles.helpBox.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(header), width);
foreach (var message in messageGroups)
height += 6f; // TODO: constant
height += labelStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(message), width);
height += buttonStyle.fixedHeight;
height += SeparatorSize;
window.minSize = new Vector2(width, height);
private void OnGUI()
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(header, MessageType.Error);
foreach (var message in messageGroups)
if (GUILayout.Button("OK", buttonStyle))
var finalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(SeparatorSize, SeparatorSize, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
var size = this.minSize;
size.y = finalRect.position.y + finalRect.height;
if (size.y > 10)
if (Vector2.Distance(this.minSize, size) > 1f)
this.minSize = size;
if (Vector2.Distance(this.maxSize, size) > 1f)
this.maxSize = size;
internal class EasySetupOutfit
private const int PRIORITY = 49;
private static string[] errorMessageGroups;
private static string errorHeader;
[MenuItem("GameObject/ModularAvatar/Setup Outfit", false, PRIORITY)]
static void SetupOutfit(MenuCommand cmd)
if (!ValidateSetupOutfit())
ESOErrorWindow.Show(errorHeader, errorMessageGroups);
if (!FindBones(cmd.context,
out var avatarRoot, out var avatarHips, out var outfitHips)
) return;
var outfitRoot = cmd.context as GameObject;
var avatarArmature = avatarHips.transform.parent;
var outfitArmature = outfitHips.transform.parent;
var merge = outfitArmature.GetComponent<ModularAvatarMergeArmature>();
if (merge == null)
merge = Undo.AddComponent<ModularAvatarMergeArmature>(outfitArmature.gameObject);
merge.mergeTarget = new AvatarObjectReference();
merge.mergeTarget.referencePath = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(avatarRoot, avatarArmature.gameObject);
if (outfitRoot != null
&& outfitRoot.GetComponent<ModularAvatarMeshSettings>() == null
&& outfitRoot.GetComponentInParent<ModularAvatarMeshSettings>() == null)
var meshSettings = Undo.AddComponent<ModularAvatarMeshSettings>(outfitRoot.gameObject);
Transform rootBone = null, probeAnchor = null;
Bounds bounds = ModularAvatarMeshSettings.DEFAULT_BOUNDS;
FindConsistentSettings(avatarRoot, ref probeAnchor, ref rootBone, ref bounds);
if (probeAnchor == null)
probeAnchor = avatarHips.transform;
if (rootBone == null)
rootBone = avatarRoot.transform;
meshSettings.InheritProbeAnchor = ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Set;
meshSettings.InheritBounds = ModularAvatarMeshSettings.InheritMode.Set;
meshSettings.ProbeAnchor = new AvatarObjectReference();
meshSettings.ProbeAnchor.referencePath = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(avatarRoot, probeAnchor.gameObject);
meshSettings.RootBone = new AvatarObjectReference();
meshSettings.RootBone.referencePath = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(avatarRoot, rootBone.gameObject);
meshSettings.Bounds = bounds;
private static void FindConsistentSettings(
GameObject avatarRoot,
ref Transform probeAnchor,
ref Transform rootBone,
ref Bounds bounds
// We assume the renderers directly under the avatar root came from the original avatar and are _probably_
// set consistently. If so, we use this as a basis for the new outfit's settings.
bool firstRenderer = true;
bool firstSkinnedMeshRenderer = true;
foreach (Transform directChild in avatarRoot.transform)
var renderer = directChild.GetComponent<Renderer>();
if (renderer == null) continue;
if (firstRenderer)
probeAnchor = renderer.probeAnchor;
if (renderer.probeAnchor != probeAnchor)
probeAnchor = null; // inconsistent configuration
firstRenderer = false;
var skinnedMeshRenderer = renderer as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
if (skinnedMeshRenderer == null) continue;
if (firstSkinnedMeshRenderer)
rootBone = skinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone;
bounds = skinnedMeshRenderer.localBounds;
if (rootBone != skinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone)
rootBone = null; // inconsistent configuration
bounds = ModularAvatarMeshSettings.DEFAULT_BOUNDS;
else if (Vector3.Distance(bounds.center, skinnedMeshRenderer.bounds.center) > 0.01f
|| Vector3.Distance(bounds.extents, skinnedMeshRenderer.bounds.extents) > 0.01f)
bounds = TransformBounds(rootBone, ModularAvatarMeshSettings.DEFAULT_BOUNDS);
firstSkinnedMeshRenderer = false;
private static Bounds TransformBounds(Transform rootBone, Bounds bounds)
bounds.extents = bounds.extents / (Vector3.Dot(rootBone.lossyScale, Vector3.one) / 3);
return bounds;
static bool ValidateSetupOutfit()
errorHeader = S("setup_outfit.err.header.notarget");
errorMessageGroups = new string[] { S("setup_outfit.err.unknown") };
if (Selection.objects.Length == 0)
errorMessageGroups = new string[] { S("setup_outfit.err.no_selection") };
return false;
foreach (var obj in Selection.objects)
errorHeader = S_f("setup_outfit.err.header", obj.name);
if (!(obj is GameObject gameObj)) return false;
var xform = gameObj.transform;
if (!FindBones(obj, out var _, out var _, out var outfitHips))
return false;
// Some users have been accidentally running Setup Outfit on the avatar itself, and/or nesting avatar
// descriptors when transplanting outfits. Block this (and require that there be only one avdesc) by
// refusing to run if we detect multiple avatar descriptors above the current object (or if we're run on
// the avdesc object itself)
var nearestAvatar = RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarInParents(xform);
if (nearestAvatar == null || nearestAvatar.transform == xform)
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
{S_f("setup_outfit.err.multiple_avatar_descriptors", xform.gameObject.name)};
return false;
var parent = nearestAvatar.transform.parent;
if (parent != null && RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarInParents(parent) != null)
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
S_f("setup_outfit.err.no_avatar_descriptor", xform.gameObject.name)
return false;
return true;
private static bool FindBones(Object obj, out GameObject avatarRoot, out GameObject avatarHips, out GameObject outfitHips)
avatarHips = outfitHips = null;
var outfitRoot = obj as GameObject;
avatarRoot = outfitRoot != null
? RuntimeUtil.FindAvatarInParents(outfitRoot.transform)?.gameObject
: null;
if (outfitRoot == null || avatarRoot == null) return false;
var avatarAnimator = avatarRoot.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (avatarAnimator == null)
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
return false;
var avatarBoneMappings = GetAvatarBoneMappings(avatarAnimator);
if (!avatarBoneMappings.ContainsKey(HumanBodyBones.Hips))
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
return false;
// We do an explicit search for the hips bone rather than invoking the animator, as we want to control
// traversal order.
foreach (var maybeHips in avatarRoot.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>())
if (maybeHips.name == avatarBoneMappings[HumanBodyBones.Hips] && !maybeHips.IsChildOf(outfitRoot.transform))
avatarHips = maybeHips.gameObject;
if (avatarHips == null)
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
return false;
var outfitAnimator = outfitRoot.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (outfitAnimator != null)
outfitHips = outfitAnimator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips)?.gameObject;
var hipsCandidates = new List<string>();
if (outfitHips == null)
// Heuristic search - usually there'll be root -> Armature -> (single child) Hips.
// First, look for an exact match.
foreach (Transform child in outfitRoot.transform)
foreach (Transform tempHip in child)
if (tempHip.name.Contains(avatarBoneMappings[HumanBodyBones.Hips]))
outfitHips = tempHip.gameObject;
// If that doesn't work out, we'll check for heuristic bone mapper mappings.
foreach (var hbm in HeuristicBoneMapper.BoneToNameMap[HumanBodyBones.Hips])
if (hipsCandidates[0] != hbm)
foreach (Transform child in outfitRoot.transform)
foreach (Transform tempHip in child)
foreach (var candidate in hipsCandidates)
if (HeuristicBoneMapper.NormalizeName(tempHip.name).Contains(candidate))
outfitHips = tempHip.gameObject;
if (outfitHips == null)
errorMessageGroups = new string[]
string.Join("\n", hipsCandidates.Select(c => "・ " + c).ToArray())
return avatarHips != null && outfitHips != null;
private static ImmutableDictionary<HumanBodyBones, string> GetAvatarBoneMappings(Animator avatarAnimator)
var avatarHuman = avatarAnimator.avatar?.humanDescription.human ?? new HumanBone[0];
return avatarHuman
.Where(hb => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(hb.boneName))
.Select(hb => new KeyValuePair<HumanBodyBones, string>(
(HumanBodyBones) Enum.Parse(typeof(HumanBodyBones), hb.humanName.Replace(" ", "")),
} |