mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 15:54:56 +08:00
* add version defines * refactor: prefer BuildContext.ctor() overload taking GameObject * wrap unit tests entirely with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS * wrap unit tests smart with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS * wrap runtime entirely with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS * wrap VRC.SDKBase.IEditorOnly with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS * wrap editor entirely with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS * fix AvatarObjectReference.Get(Component) * wrap editor smart with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS * wrap BuildContext smart with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS * wrap PluginDefinition smart with MA_VRCSDK3_AVATARS * style: move conditional compiles one step outside
290 lines
9.5 KiB
290 lines
9.5 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using UnityEngine;
using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.Components;
using static nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor.Localization;
namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
internal class ParameterGUI
private GameObject _parameterReference;
private readonly SerializedProperty _property;
private readonly Action _redraw;
private Rect fieldRect;
internal ParameterGUI(GameObject parameterReference, SerializedProperty property, Action redraw)
_parameterReference = parameterReference;
_property = property;
_redraw = redraw;
public void DoGUI(bool enabled, GUIContent label = null)
), enabled, label);
public void DoGUI(Rect rect, bool enabled, GUIContent label = null)
label = label ?? G("menuitem.prop.parameter");
if (!enabled)
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true))
EditorGUI.TextField(rect, label, S("menuitem.param.controlled_by_action"));
if (_parameterReference != null) GUILayout.Space(-2);
rect.width -= EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
EditorGUI.PropertyField(rect, _property, label);
Rect propField = new Rect();
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
propField = rect;
Rect buttonRect = rect;
buttonRect.xMin = rect.xMax;
buttonRect.width = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
GUIStyle style = "IN DropDown";
buttonRect.xMin += (buttonRect.width - style.fixedWidth) / 2;
if (_parameterReference != null &&
EditorGUI.DropdownButton(buttonRect, new GUIContent(), FocusType.Keyboard, style))
new ParameterWindow(_parameterReference, _property, fieldRect.width, _redraw));
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
float labelWidth = label == GUIContent.none ? 0 : EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
fieldRect = propField;
fieldRect.x += labelWidth + 2;
fieldRect.width = buttonRect.xMax - propField.x - labelWidth;
fieldRect.height = 0;
if (_parameterReference != null) GUILayout.Space(2);
private class ParameterWindow : PopupWindowContent
private readonly GameObject _target;
private readonly SerializedProperty _prop;
private readonly float _width;
private readonly Action _redraw;
private SearchField _searchField;
private ParameterTree _tree;
private string _searchString;
public ParameterWindow(GameObject target, SerializedProperty prop, float width, Action redraw)
_target = target;
_prop = prop;
_width = width;
_redraw = redraw;
public override void OnGUI(Rect rect)
var sfRect = rect;
sfRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
rect.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
rect.height -= EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
if (_searchField == null)
_searchField = new SearchField();
_searchString = _searchField.OnGUI(sfRect, _searchString);
if (_tree == null)
_tree = new ParameterTree(new TreeViewState(), _target);
_tree.OnSelect = (s) =>
_prop.stringValue = s;
_tree.OnCommit = (s) =>
_prop.stringValue = s;
_tree.searchString = _searchString;
public override Vector2 GetWindowSize()
return new Vector2(Math.Max(256, _width), 150);
private class ParameterTree : TreeView
private List<string> _items;
public Action<string> OnSelect, OnCommit;
private GameObject _obj;
private class SourceItem : TreeViewItem
public GameObject source;
private class ParamItem : TreeViewItem
public GameObject source;
public ParameterTree(TreeViewState state, GameObject obj) : base(state)
_obj = obj;
protected override void SelectionChanged(IList<int> selectedIds)
var item = _items[selectedIds[0]];
if (item != null) OnSelect(item);
protected override void DoubleClickedItem(int id)
var item = _items[id];
if (item != null) OnCommit(item);
protected override void RowGUI(RowGUIArgs args)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString) && args.item is ParamItem offer)
var rect = args.rowRect;
var objName = offer.source.name + " / ";
var content = new GUIContent(objName);
var width = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(content).x;
var color = GUI.color;
var grey = color;
grey.a *= 0.7f;
GUI.color = grey;
EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, content);
GUI.color = color;
rect.x += width;
rect.width -= width;
if (rect.width >= 0)
EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, offer.displayName);
else if (args.item is SourceItem source)
var rect = args.rowRect;
rect.xMin += this.GetContentIndent(args.item) + this.extraSpaceBeforeIconAndLabel;
EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, source.source.name);
protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot()
List<TreeViewItem> treeItems = new List<TreeViewItem>();
_items = new List<string>();
var root = new TreeViewItem {id = 0, depth = -1, displayName = "Root"};
GameObject priorNode = null;
foreach ((GameObject node, string param) in FindParameters())
if (node != priorNode)
treeItems.Add(new SourceItem()
{id = _items.Count - 1, depth = 0, displayName = "", source = node});
priorNode = node;
treeItems.Add(new ParamItem {id = _items.Count - 1, depth = 1, displayName = param, source = node});
SetupParentsAndChildrenFromDepths(root, treeItems);
return root;
private IEnumerable<(GameObject, string)> FindParameters()
HashSet<string> emitted = new HashSet<string>();
GameObject node = _obj;
while (node != null && node.GetComponent<VRCAvatarDescriptor>() == null)
var paramComp = node.GetComponent<ModularAvatarParameters>();
if (paramComp != null)
foreach (var param in paramComp.parameters)
if (!param.isPrefix)
if (emitted.Add(param.nameOrPrefix)) yield return (node, param.nameOrPrefix);
node = node.transform.parent?.gameObject;
var desc = node?.GetComponent<VRCAvatarDescriptor>();
if (desc != null)
foreach (var param in desc.expressionParameters.parameters)
if (emitted.Add(param.name)) yield return (node, param.name);
#endif |