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synced 2025-02-21 21:55:04 +08:00
Apparently, it's safe to use Unity objects as keys in HashMaps, and doing so actually fixes some edge cases where assets are recreated as a new C# object.
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268 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using nadena.dev.ndmf.preview;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
public class ShapeChangerPreview : IRenderFilter
private static TogglablePreviewNode EnableNode = TogglablePreviewNode.Create(
() => "Shape Changer",
qualifiedName: "nadena.dev.modular-avatar/ShapeChangerPreview",
public IEnumerable<TogglablePreviewNode> GetPreviewControlNodes()
yield return EnableNode;
public bool IsEnabled(ComputeContext context)
return context.Observe(EnableNode.IsEnabled);
private class StaticContext
public StaticContext(GameObject avatarRoot, IEnumerable<int> shapes)
AvatarRoot = avatarRoot;
Shapes = shapes.OrderBy(i => i).ToImmutableList();
public GameObject AvatarRoot { get; }
public ImmutableList<int> Shapes { get; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is StaticContext other && Shapes.SequenceEqual(other.Shapes) && AvatarRoot == other.AvatarRoot;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = AvatarRoot.GetHashCode();
foreach (var shape in Shapes)
hash = hash * 31 + shape.GetHashCode();
return hash;
private readonly PropCache<GameObject, ImmutableDictionary<SkinnedMeshRenderer, ImmutableList<(int, float)>>>
_blendshapeCache = new("ShapesForAvatar", ShapesForAvatar);
private static ImmutableDictionary<SkinnedMeshRenderer, ImmutableList<(int, float)>> ShapesForAvatar(ComputeContext context, GameObject avatarRoot)
if (avatarRoot == null || !context.ActiveInHierarchy(avatarRoot))
return ImmutableDictionary<SkinnedMeshRenderer, ImmutableList<(int, float)>>.Empty;
var analysis = ReactiveObjectAnalyzer.CachedAnalyze(context, avatarRoot);
var shapes = analysis.Shapes;
ImmutableDictionary<SkinnedMeshRenderer, ImmutableList<(int, float)>>.Builder rendererStates =
ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder<SkinnedMeshRenderer, ImmutableList<(int, float)>>(
var avatarRootTransform = avatarRoot.transform;
foreach (var prop in shapes.Values)
var target = prop.TargetProp;
if (target.TargetObject == null || target.TargetObject is not SkinnedMeshRenderer r) continue;
if (!r.transform.IsChildOf(avatarRootTransform)) continue;
if (!target.PropertyName.StartsWith("blendShape.")) continue;
var mesh = r.sharedMesh;
if (mesh == null) continue;
var shapeName = target.PropertyName.Substring("blendShape.".Length);
if (!rendererStates.TryGetValue(r, out var states))
states = ImmutableList<(int, float)>.Empty;
rendererStates[r] = states;
var index = r.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex(shapeName);
if (index < 0) continue;
var activeRule = prop.actionGroups.LastOrDefault(rule => rule.InitiallyActive);
if (activeRule == null || activeRule.Value is not float value) continue;
value = Math.Clamp(value, 0, 100);
if (activeRule.IsDelete) value = -1;
states = states.Add((index, value));
rendererStates[r] = states;
return rendererStates.ToImmutableDictionary();
private IEnumerable<RenderGroup> ShapesToGroups(GameObject avatarRoot, ImmutableDictionary<SkinnedMeshRenderer, ImmutableList<(int, float)>> shapes)
return shapes.Select(kv => RenderGroup.For(kv.Key).WithData(
new StaticContext(avatarRoot, kv.Value.Where(shape => shape.Item2 < 0).Select(shape => shape.Item1))
public ImmutableList<RenderGroup> GetTargetGroups(ComputeContext context)
var roots = context.GetAvatarRoots();
return roots
.SelectMany(av =>
ShapesToGroups(av, _blendshapeCache.Get(context, av))
public async Task<IRenderFilterNode> Instantiate(RenderGroup group, IEnumerable<(Renderer, Renderer)> proxyPairs, ComputeContext context)
var shapeValues = group.GetData<StaticContext>();
var node = new Node(shapeValues, proxyPairs.First().Item2 as SkinnedMeshRenderer, _blendshapeCache);
var rv = await node.Refresh(proxyPairs, context, 0);
if (rv == null)
return node;
private class Node : IRenderFilterNode
private readonly PropCache<GameObject, ImmutableDictionary<SkinnedMeshRenderer, ImmutableList<(int, float)>>> _blendshapeCache;
private readonly GameObject _avatarRoot;
private ImmutableList<(int, float)> _shapes;
private ImmutableHashSet<int> _toDelete;
private Mesh _generatedMesh = null;
public RenderAspects WhatChanged => RenderAspects.Shapes | RenderAspects.Mesh;
internal Node(StaticContext staticContext, SkinnedMeshRenderer proxySmr, PropCache<GameObject, ImmutableDictionary<SkinnedMeshRenderer, ImmutableList<(int, float)>>> blendshapeCache)
_blendshapeCache = blendshapeCache;
_avatarRoot = staticContext.AvatarRoot;
_toDelete = staticContext.Shapes.ToImmutableHashSet();
_shapes = ImmutableList<(int, float)>.Empty;
_generatedMesh = GetGeneratedMesh(proxySmr, _toDelete);
public Task<IRenderFilterNode> Refresh(IEnumerable<(Renderer, Renderer)> proxyPairs, ComputeContext context, RenderAspects updatedAspects)
if ((updatedAspects & RenderAspects.Mesh) != 0)
return Task.FromResult<IRenderFilterNode>(null);
var avatarInfo = _blendshapeCache.Get(context, _avatarRoot);
if (!avatarInfo.TryGetValue((SkinnedMeshRenderer)proxyPairs.First().Item1, out var shapes))
return Task.FromResult<IRenderFilterNode>(null);
var toDelete = shapes.Where(shape => shape.Item2 < 0).Select(shape => shape.Item1).ToImmutableHashSet();
if (!_toDelete.SetEquals(toDelete))
return Task.FromResult<IRenderFilterNode>(null);
_shapes = shapes;
return Task.FromResult<IRenderFilterNode>(this);
public Mesh GetGeneratedMesh(SkinnedMeshRenderer proxy, ImmutableHashSet<int> toDelete)
var mesh = proxy.sharedMesh;
if (toDelete.Count > 0)
mesh = Object.Instantiate(mesh);
var bsPos = new Vector3[mesh.vertexCount];
bool[] targetVertex = new bool[mesh.vertexCount];
foreach (var bs in toDelete)
int frames = mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameCount(bs);
for (int f = 0; f < frames; f++)
mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(bs, f, bsPos, null, null);
for (int i = 0; i < bsPos.Length; i++)
if (bsPos[i].sqrMagnitude > 0.0001f)
targetVertex[i] = true;
List<int> tris = new List<int>();
for (int subMesh = 0; subMesh < mesh.subMeshCount; subMesh++)
var baseVertex = (int)mesh.GetBaseVertex(subMesh);
mesh.GetTriangles(tris, subMesh, false);
for (int i = 0; i < tris.Count; i += 3)
if (targetVertex[tris[i] + baseVertex] || targetVertex[tris[i + 1] + baseVertex] ||
targetVertex[tris[i + 2] + baseVertex])
tris.RemoveRange(i, 3);
i -= 3;
mesh.SetTriangles(tris, subMesh, false, baseVertex: baseVertex);
return mesh;
return null;
public void OnFrame(Renderer original, Renderer proxy)
if (original == null || proxy == null) return;
if (original is not SkinnedMeshRenderer originalSmr || proxy is not SkinnedMeshRenderer proxySmr) return;
if (_generatedMesh != null)
proxySmr.sharedMesh = _generatedMesh;
foreach (var shape in _shapes)
proxySmr.SetBlendShapeWeight(shape.Item1, shape.Item2 < 0 ? 100 : shape.Item2);
public void Dispose()
if (_generatedMesh != null) Object.DestroyImmediate(_generatedMesh);
} |