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synced 2025-03-03 20:34:56 +08:00
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using nadena.dev.modular_avatar.editor.ErrorReporting;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Animations;
using UnityEngine;
using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.Components;
using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.ScriptableObjects;
using VRC.SDK3.Dynamics.Contact.Components;
using VRC.SDK3.Dynamics.PhysBone.Components;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
internal class RenameParametersHook
private const string DEFAULT_EXP_PARAMS_ASSET_GUID = "03a6d797deb62f0429471c4e17ea99a7";
private BuildContext _context;
private int internalParamIndex = 0;
private Dictionary<string, VRCExpressionParameters.Parameter> _syncedParams =
new Dictionary<string, VRCExpressionParameters.Parameter>();
public void OnPreprocessAvatar(GameObject avatar, BuildContext context)
_context = context;
WalkTree(avatar, ImmutableDictionary<string, string>.Empty, ImmutableDictionary<string, string>.Empty);
private void SetExpressionParameters(GameObject avatarRoot)
var avatar = avatarRoot.GetComponent<VRCAvatarDescriptor>();
var expParams = avatar.expressionParameters;
if (expParams == null)
var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(DEFAULT_EXP_PARAMS_ASSET_GUID);
expParams = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<VRCExpressionParameters>(path);
if (expParams == null)
// Can't find the defaults???
expParams = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<VRCExpressionParameters>();
expParams = Object.Instantiate(expParams);
var knownParams = expParams.parameters.Select(p => p.name).ToImmutableHashSet();
var parameters = expParams.parameters.ToList();
foreach (var kvp in _syncedParams)
var name = kvp.Key;
var param = kvp.Value;
if (!knownParams.Contains(name))
expParams.parameters = parameters.ToArray();
if (expParams.CalcTotalCost() > VRCExpressionParameters.MAX_PARAMETER_COST)
BuildReport.LogFatal("error.rename_params.too_many_synced_params", new[]
"" + expParams.CalcTotalCost(),
"" + VRCExpressionParameters.MAX_PARAMETER_COST,
avatar.expressionParameters = expParams;
private void WalkTree(
GameObject obj,
ImmutableDictionary<string, string> remaps,
ImmutableDictionary<string, string> prefixRemaps
var p = obj.GetComponent<ModularAvatarParameters>();
if (p != null)
BuildReport.ReportingObject(p, () => ApplyRemappings(p, ref remaps, ref prefixRemaps));
var willPurgeAnimators = false;
foreach (var merger in obj.GetComponents<ModularAvatarMergeAnimator>())
if (merger.deleteAttachedAnimator)
willPurgeAnimators = true;
foreach (var component in obj.GetComponents<Component>())
BuildReport.ReportingObject(component, () =>
switch (component)
case VRCPhysBone bone:
if (bone.parameter != null && prefixRemaps.TryGetValue(bone.parameter, out var newVal))
bone.parameter = newVal;
case VRCContactReceiver contact:
if (contact.parameter != null && remaps.TryGetValue(contact.parameter, out var newVal))
contact.parameter = newVal;
case Animator anim:
if (willPurgeAnimators) break; // animator will be deleted in subsequent processing
// RuntimeAnimatorController may be AnimatorOverrideController, convert in case of AnimatorOverrideController
if (anim.runtimeAnimatorController is AnimatorOverrideController overrideController)
anim.runtimeAnimatorController = _context.ConvertAnimatorController(overrideController);
var controller = anim.runtimeAnimatorController as AnimatorController;
if (controller != null)
ProcessAnimator(ref controller, remaps);
anim.runtimeAnimatorController = controller;
case ModularAvatarMergeAnimator merger:
// RuntimeAnimatorController may be AnimatorOverrideController, convert in case of AnimatorOverrideController
if (merger.animator is AnimatorOverrideController overrideController)
merger.animator = _context.ConvertAnimatorController(overrideController);
var controller = merger.animator as AnimatorController;
if (controller != null)
ProcessAnimator(ref controller, remaps);
merger.animator = controller;
case ModularAvatarMenuInstaller installer:
if (installer.menuToAppend != null && installer.enabled)
ProcessMenu(ref installer.menuToAppend, remaps);
foreach (Transform child in obj.transform)
WalkTree(child.gameObject, remaps, prefixRemaps);
private void ProcessMenu(ref VRCExpressionsMenu rootMenu, ImmutableDictionary<string, string> remaps)
Dictionary<VRCExpressionsMenu, VRCExpressionsMenu> remapped =
new Dictionary<VRCExpressionsMenu, VRCExpressionsMenu>();
rootMenu = Transform(rootMenu);
VRCExpressionsMenu Transform(VRCExpressionsMenu menu)
if (menu == null) return null;
if (remapped.TryGetValue(menu, out var newMenu)) return newMenu;
newMenu = Object.Instantiate(menu);
remapped[menu] = newMenu;
ClonedMenuMappings.Add(menu, newMenu);
foreach (var control in newMenu.controls)
control.parameter.name = remap(remaps, control.parameter.name);
foreach (var subParam in control.subParameters)
subParam.name = remap(remaps, subParam.name);
if (control.type == VRCExpressionsMenu.Control.ControlType.SubMenu)
control.subMenu = Transform(control.subMenu);
return newMenu;
private void ProcessAnimator(ref AnimatorController controller, ImmutableDictionary<string, string> remaps)
var visited = new HashSet<AnimatorStateMachine>();
var queue = new Queue<AnimatorStateMachine>();
// Deep clone the animator
if (!Util.IsTemporaryAsset(controller))
controller = _context.DeepCloneAnimator(controller);
var parameters = controller.parameters;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
if (remaps.TryGetValue(parameters[i].name, out var newName))
parameters[i].name = newName;
controller.parameters = parameters;
foreach (var layer in controller.layers)
if (layer.stateMachine != null)
while (queue.Count > 0)
var sm = queue.Dequeue();
if (visited.Contains(sm)) continue;
foreach (var t in sm.anyStateTransitions)
ProcessTransition(t, remaps);
foreach (var t in sm.entryTransitions)
ProcessTransition(t, remaps);
foreach (var sub in sm.stateMachines)
foreach (var t in sm.GetStateMachineTransitions(sub.stateMachine))
ProcessTransition(t, remaps);
foreach (var st in sm.states)
ProcessState(st.state, remaps);
private void ProcessState(AnimatorState state, ImmutableDictionary<string, string> remaps)
state.mirrorParameter = remap(remaps, state.mirrorParameter);
state.timeParameter = remap(remaps, state.timeParameter);
state.speedParameter = remap(remaps, state.speedParameter);
state.cycleOffsetParameter = remap(remaps, state.cycleOffsetParameter);
foreach (var t in state.transitions)
ProcessTransition(t, remaps);
foreach (var behavior in state.behaviours)
if (behavior is VRCAvatarParameterDriver driver)
ProcessDriver(driver, remaps);
if (state.motion is BlendTree blendTree)
ProcessBlendtree(blendTree, remaps);
private void ProcessBlendtree(BlendTree blendTree, ImmutableDictionary<string, string> remaps)
blendTree.blendParameter = remap(remaps, blendTree.blendParameter);
blendTree.blendParameterY = remap(remaps, blendTree.blendParameterY);
foreach (var childMotion in blendTree.children)
if (childMotion.motion is BlendTree subTree)
ProcessBlendtree(subTree, remaps);
private void ProcessDriver(VRCAvatarParameterDriver driver, ImmutableDictionary<string, string> remaps)
var parameters = driver.parameters;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
var p = parameters[i];
p.name = remap(remaps, p.name);
p.source = remap(remaps, p.source);
p.destParam = remap(remaps, p.destParam);
p.sourceParam = remap(remaps, p.sourceParam);
private void ProcessTransition(AnimatorStateTransition t, ImmutableDictionary<string, string> remaps)
var conditions = t.conditions;
for (int i = 0; i < conditions.Length; i++)
var cond = conditions[i];
cond.parameter = remap(remaps, cond.parameter);
conditions[i] = cond;
t.conditions = conditions;
private void ProcessTransition(AnimatorTransition t, ImmutableDictionary<string, string> remaps)
var conditions = t.conditions;
for (int i = 0; i < conditions.Length; i++)
var cond = conditions[i];
cond.parameter = remap(remaps, cond.parameter);
conditions[i] = cond;
t.conditions = conditions;
private void ApplyRemappings(ModularAvatarParameters p,
ref ImmutableDictionary<string, string> remaps,
ref ImmutableDictionary<string, string> prefixRemaps
foreach (var param in p.parameters)
bool doRemap = true;
var remapTo = param.remapTo;
if (param.internalParameter)
remapTo = param.nameOrPrefix + "$$Internal_" + internalParamIndex++;
else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(remapTo))
doRemap = false;
remapTo = param.nameOrPrefix;
// Apply outer scope remaps (only if not an internal parameter)
// Note that this continues the else chain above.
else if (param.isPrefix && prefixRemaps.TryGetValue(remapTo, out var outerScope))
remapTo = outerScope;
else if (remaps.TryGetValue(remapTo, out outerScope))
remapTo = outerScope;
if (doRemap)
if (param.isPrefix)
prefixRemaps = prefixRemaps.Add(param.nameOrPrefix, remapTo);
foreach (var suffix in ParameterPolicy.PhysBoneSuffixes)
var suffixKey = param.nameOrPrefix + suffix;
var suffixValue = remapTo + suffix;
remaps = remaps.SetItem(suffixKey, suffixValue);
remaps = remaps.SetItem(param.nameOrPrefix, remapTo);
if (!param.isPrefix && param.syncType != ParameterSyncType.NotSynced)
AddSyncParam(param, remapTo);
private void AddSyncParam(
ParameterConfig parameterConfig,
string remapTo
if (_syncedParams.ContainsKey(remapTo)) return;
VRCExpressionParameters.ValueType type;
switch (parameterConfig.syncType)
case ParameterSyncType.Bool:
type = VRCExpressionParameters.ValueType.Bool;
case ParameterSyncType.Float:
type = VRCExpressionParameters.ValueType.Float;
case ParameterSyncType.Int:
type = VRCExpressionParameters.ValueType.Int;
default: throw new Exception("Unknown sync type " + parameterConfig.syncType);
_syncedParams[remapTo] = new VRCExpressionParameters.Parameter
name = remapTo,
valueType = type,
defaultValue = parameterConfig.defaultValue,
saved = parameterConfig.saved,
// This is generic to simplify remapping parameter driver fields, some of which are 'object's.
private T remap<T>(ImmutableDictionary<string, string> remaps, T x)
where T : class
if (x is string s && remaps.TryGetValue(s, out var newS))
return (T) (object) newS;
return x;
} |