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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using nadena.dev.modular_avatar.animation;
using nadena.dev.ndmf;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Animations;
using UnityEngine;
using VRC.SDK3.Avatars.Components;
using EditorCurveBinding = UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.editor
/// <summary>
/// Reserve an animator layer for Shape Changer's use. We do this here so that we can take advantage of MergeAnimator's
/// layer reference correction logic; this can go away once we have a more unified animation services API.
/// </summary>
internal class PropertyOverlayPrePass : Pass<PropertyOverlayPrePass>
internal const string TAG_PATH = "__MA/ShapeChanger/PrepassPlaceholder";
protected override void Execute(ndmf.BuildContext context)
var hasShapeChanger = context.AvatarRootObject.GetComponentInChildren<ModularAvatarShapeChanger>() != null;
var hasObjectSwitcher =
context.AvatarRootObject.GetComponentInChildren<ModularAvatarObjectToggle>() != null;
if (hasShapeChanger || hasObjectSwitcher)
var clip = new AnimationClip();
clip.name = "MA Shape Changer Defaults";
var curve = new AnimationCurve();
curve.AddKey(0, 0);
clip.SetCurve(TAG_PATH, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", curve);
// Merge using a null blend tree. This also ensures that we initialize the Merge Blend Tree system.
var bt = new BlendTree();
bt.name = "MA Shape Changer Defaults";
bt.blendType = BlendTreeType.Direct;
bt.children = new[]
new ChildMotion
motion = clip,
timeScale = 1,
cycleOffset = 0,
directBlendParameter = MergeBlendTreePass.ALWAYS_ONE
bt.useAutomaticThresholds = false;
// This is a hack and a half - put in a dummy path so we can find the cloned clip later on...
var obj = new GameObject("MA SC Defaults");
var mambt = obj.AddComponent<ModularAvatarMergeBlendTree>();
mambt.BlendTree = bt;
mambt.PathMode = MergeAnimatorPathMode.Absolute;
internal class PropertyOverlayPass
struct TargetProp
public Object TargetObject;
public string PropertyName;
public bool Equals(TargetProp other)
return Equals(TargetObject, other.TargetObject) && PropertyName == other.PropertyName;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is TargetProp other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
var hashCode = (TargetObject != null ? TargetObject.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (PropertyName != null ? PropertyName.GetHashCode() : 0);
return hashCode;
public void ApplyImmediate(float value)
var renderer = (SkinnedMeshRenderer)TargetObject;
), value);
class PropGroup
public TargetProp TargetProp { get; }
public string ControlParam { get; set; }
public bool alwaysDeleted;
public float currentState;
// Objects which trigger deletion of this shape key.
public List<ActionGroupKey> actionGroups = new List<ActionGroupKey>();
public PropGroup(TargetProp key, float currentState)
TargetProp = key;
this.currentState = currentState;
class ActionGroupKey
public ActionGroupKey(ndmf.BuildContext context, TargetProp key, GameObject controllingObject, float value)
var asc = context.Extension<AnimationServicesContext>();
TargetProp = key;
var conditions = new List<ControlCondition>();
var cursor = controllingObject?.transform;
while (cursor != null && !RuntimeUtil.IsAvatarRoot(cursor))
conditions.Add(new ControlCondition
Parameter = asc.GetActiveSelfProxy(cursor.gameObject),
DebugName = cursor.gameObject.name,
IsConstant = false,
InitialValue = cursor.gameObject.activeSelf ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
ParameterValueLo = 0.5f,
ParameterValueHi = 1.5f,
ReferenceObject = cursor.gameObject
foreach (var mami in cursor.GetComponents<ModularAvatarMenuItem>())
conditions.Add(ParameterAssignerPass.AssignMenuItemParameter(context, mami));
cursor = cursor.parent;
ControllingConditions = conditions;
Value = value;
public TargetProp TargetProp;
public float Value;
public readonly List<ControlCondition> ControllingConditions;
public bool InitiallyActive =>
ControllingConditions.Count == 0 || ControllingConditions.All(c => c.InitiallyActive);
public bool IsDelete;
public bool IsConstant => ControllingConditions.Count == 0 || ControllingConditions.All(c => c.IsConstant);
public bool IsConstantOn => IsConstant && InitiallyActive;
public override string ToString()
return $"AGK: {TargetProp}={Value}";
public bool TryMerge(ActionGroupKey other)
if (!TargetProp.Equals(other.TargetProp)) return false;
if (Mathf.Abs(Value - other.Value) > 0.001f) return false;
if (!ControllingConditions.SequenceEqual(other.ControllingConditions)) return false;
if (IsDelete || other.IsDelete) return false;
return true;
private readonly ndmf.BuildContext context;
private Dictionary<string, float> initialValues = new();
// Properties that are being driven, either by foreign animations or Object Toggles
private HashSet<string> activeProps = new();
private AnimationClip _initialStateClip;
public PropertyOverlayPass(ndmf.BuildContext context)
this.context = context;
internal void Execute()
Dictionary<TargetProp, PropGroup> shapes = FindShapes(context);
FindObjectToggles(shapes, context);
PreprocessShapes(shapes, out var initialStates, out var deletedShapes);
foreach (var groups in shapes.Values)
private void AnalyzeConstants(Dictionary<TargetProp, PropGroup> shapes)
HashSet<GameObject> toggledObjects = new();
foreach (var targetProp in shapes.Keys)
if (targetProp is { TargetObject: GameObject go, PropertyName: "m_IsActive" })
foreach (var group in shapes.Values)
foreach (var actionGroup in group.actionGroups)
foreach (var condition in actionGroup.ControllingConditions)
if (condition.ReferenceObject != null && !toggledObjects.Contains(condition.ReferenceObject))
condition.IsConstant = true;
var firstAlwaysOn =
actionGroup.ControllingConditions.FindIndex(c => c.InitiallyActive && c.IsConstant);
if (firstAlwaysOn > 0) actionGroup.ControllingConditions.RemoveRange(0, firstAlwaysOn - 1);
// Remove any action groups with always-off conditions
group.actionGroups.RemoveAll(agk =>
agk.ControllingConditions.Any(c => !c.InitiallyActive && c.IsConstant));
// Remove shapes with no action groups
foreach (var kvp in shapes.ToList())
if (kvp.Value.actionGroups.Count == 0)
private void ProcessInitialAnimatorVariables(Dictionary<TargetProp, PropGroup> shapes)
foreach (var group in shapes.Values)
foreach (var agk in group.actionGroups)
foreach (var condition in agk.ControllingConditions)
if (condition.IsConstant) continue;
if (!initialValues.ContainsKey(condition.Parameter))
initialValues[condition.Parameter] = condition.InitialValue;
private void PreprocessShapes(Dictionary<TargetProp, PropGroup> shapes, out Dictionary<TargetProp, float> initialStates, out HashSet<TargetProp> deletedShapes)
// For each shapekey, determine 1) if we can just set an initial state and skip and 2) if we can delete the
// corresponding mesh. If we can't, delete ops are merged into the main list of operations.
initialStates = new Dictionary<TargetProp, float>();
deletedShapes = new HashSet<TargetProp>();
foreach (var (key, info) in shapes.ToList())
if (info.actionGroups.Count == 0)
// never active control; ignore it entirely
var deletions = info.actionGroups.Where(agk => agk.IsDelete).ToList();
if (deletions.Any(d => d.ControllingConditions.All(c => c.IsConstantActive)))
// always deleted
// Move deleted shapes to the end of the list, so they override all Set actions
info.actionGroups = info.actionGroups.Where(agk => !agk.IsDelete).Concat(deletions).ToList();
var initialState = info.actionGroups.Where(agk => agk.InitiallyActive)
.Select(agk => agk.Value)
.Prepend(info.currentState) // use scene state if everything is disabled
initialStates[key] = initialState;
// If we're now constant-on, we can skip animation generation
if (info.actionGroups[^1].IsConstant)
private void ProcessInitialStates(Dictionary<TargetProp, float> initialStates)
// We need to track _two_ initial states: the initial state we'll apply at build time (which applies
// when animations are disabled) and the animation base state. Confusingly, the animation base state
// should be the state that is currently applied to the object...
var clips = context.Extension<AnimationServicesContext>().AnimationDatabase;
var initialStateHolder = clips.ClipsForPath(PropertyOverlayPrePass.TAG_PATH).FirstOrDefault();
if (initialStateHolder == null) return;
_initialStateClip = new AnimationClip();
_initialStateClip.name = "MA Shape Changer Defaults";
initialStateHolder.CurrentClip = _initialStateClip;
foreach (var (key, initialState) in initialStates)
string path;
Type componentType;
var applied = false;
float animBaseState = 0;
if (key.TargetObject is GameObject go)
path = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(context.AvatarRootObject, go);
componentType = typeof(GameObject);
else if (key.TargetObject is SkinnedMeshRenderer smr)
path = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(context.AvatarRootObject, smr.gameObject);
componentType = typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer);
if (key.PropertyName.StartsWith("blendShape."))
var blendShape = key.PropertyName.Substring("blendShape.".Length);
var index = smr.sharedMesh?.GetBlendShapeIndex(blendShape);
if (index != null && index >= 0)
animBaseState = smr.GetBlendShapeWeight(index.Value);
smr.SetBlendShapeWeight(index.Value, initialState);
applied = true;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid target object: " + key.TargetObject);
if (!applied)
var serializedObject = new SerializedObject(key.TargetObject);
var prop = serializedObject.FindProperty(key.PropertyName);
if (prop != null)
switch (prop.propertyType)
case SerializedPropertyType.Boolean:
animBaseState = prop.boolValue ? 1 : 0;
prop.boolValue = initialState > 0.5f;
case SerializedPropertyType.Float:
animBaseState = prop.floatValue;
prop.floatValue = initialState;
var curve = new AnimationCurve();
curve.AddKey(0, animBaseState);
curve.AddKey(1, animBaseState);
var binding = EditorCurveBinding.FloatCurve(
AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve(_initialStateClip, binding, curve);
#region Mesh processing
private void ProcessMeshDeletion(HashSet<TargetProp> deletedKeys)
ImmutableDictionary<SkinnedMeshRenderer, List<TargetProp>> renderers = deletedKeys
v => (SkinnedMeshRenderer) v.TargetObject
g => (SkinnedMeshRenderer) g.Key,
g => g.ToList()
foreach (var (renderer, infos) in renderers)
if (renderer == null) continue;
var mesh = renderer.sharedMesh;
if (mesh == null) continue;
renderer.sharedMesh = RemoveBlendShapeFromMesh.RemoveBlendshapes(
.Select(i => mesh.GetBlendShapeIndex(i.PropertyName.Substring("blendShape.".Length)))
.Where(k => k >= 0)
private void ProcessShapeKey(PropGroup info)
// TODO: prune non-animated keys
// Check if this is non-animated and skip most processing if so
if (info.alwaysDeleted) return;
if (info.actionGroups[^1].IsConstant)
var asm = GenerateStateMachine(info);
ApplyController(asm, "MA Responsive: " + info.TargetProp.TargetObject.name);
private AnimatorStateMachine GenerateStateMachine(PropGroup info)
var asc = context.Extension<AnimationServicesContext>();
var asm = new AnimatorStateMachine();
asm.name = "MA Shape Changer " + info.TargetProp.TargetObject.name;
var x = 200;
var y = 0;
var yInc = 60;
asm.anyStatePosition = new Vector3(-200, 0);
var initial = new AnimationClip();
var initialState = new AnimatorState();
initialState.motion = initial;
initialState.writeDefaultValues = false;
initialState.name = "<default>";
asm.defaultState = initialState;
asm.entryPosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
var states = new List<ChildAnimatorState>();
states.Add(new ChildAnimatorState
position = new Vector3(x, y),
state = initialState
var lastConstant = info.actionGroups.FindLastIndex(agk => agk.IsConstant);
var transitionBuffer = new List<(AnimatorState, List<AnimatorStateTransition>)>();
var entryTransitions = new List<AnimatorTransition>();
transitionBuffer.Add((initialState, new List<AnimatorStateTransition>()));
foreach (var group in info.actionGroups.Skip(lastConstant))
y += yInc;
var clip = AnimResult(group.TargetProp, group.Value);
if (group.IsConstant)
clip.name = "Property Overlay constant " + group.Value;
initialState.motion = clip;
clip.name = "Property Overlay controlled by " + group.ControllingConditions[0].DebugName + " " +
var conditions = GetTransitionConditions(asc, group);
foreach (var (st, transitions) in transitionBuffer)
var transition = new AnimatorStateTransition
isExit = true,
hasExitTime = false,
duration = 0,
hasFixedDuration = true,
conditions = (AnimatorCondition[])conditions.Clone()
var state = new AnimatorState();
state.name = group.ControllingConditions[0].DebugName;
state.motion = clip;
state.writeDefaultValues = false;
states.Add(new ChildAnimatorState
position = new Vector3(x, y),
state = state
var transitionList = new List<AnimatorStateTransition>();
transitionBuffer.Add((state, transitionList));
entryTransitions.Add(new AnimatorTransition
destinationState = state,
conditions = conditions
foreach (var cond in conditions)
var inverted = new AnimatorCondition
parameter = cond.parameter,
mode = cond.mode == AnimatorConditionMode.Greater
? AnimatorConditionMode.Less
: AnimatorConditionMode.Greater,
threshold = cond.threshold
transitionList.Add(new AnimatorStateTransition
isExit = true,
hasExitTime = false,
duration = 0,
hasFixedDuration = true,
conditions = new[] { inverted }
foreach (var (st, transitions) in transitionBuffer) st.transitions = transitions.ToArray();
asm.states = states.ToArray();
asm.entryTransitions = entryTransitions.ToArray();
asm.exitPosition = new Vector3(500, 0);
return asm;
private AnimatorCondition[] GetTransitionConditions(AnimationServicesContext asc, ActionGroupKey group)
var conditions = new List<AnimatorCondition>();
foreach (var condition in group.ControllingConditions)
if (condition.IsConstant) continue;
conditions.Add(new AnimatorCondition
parameter = condition.Parameter,
mode = AnimatorConditionMode.Greater,
threshold = condition.ParameterValueLo
conditions.Add(new AnimatorCondition
parameter = condition.Parameter,
mode = AnimatorConditionMode.Less,
threshold = condition.ParameterValueHi
if (conditions.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No controlling parameters found for " + group);
return conditions.ToArray();
private Motion AnimResult(TargetProp key, float value)
string path;
Type componentType;
if (key.TargetObject is GameObject go)
path = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(context.AvatarRootObject, go);
componentType = typeof(GameObject);
else if (key.TargetObject is SkinnedMeshRenderer smr)
path = RuntimeUtil.RelativePath(context.AvatarRootObject, smr.gameObject);
componentType = typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid target object: " + key.TargetObject);
var clip = new AnimationClip();
clip.name = $"Set {path}:{key.PropertyName}={value}";
var curve = new AnimationCurve();
curve.AddKey(0, value);
curve.AddKey(1, value);
var binding = EditorCurveBinding.FloatCurve(path, componentType, key.PropertyName);
AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve(clip, binding, curve);
if (key.TargetObject is GameObject obj && key.PropertyName == "m_IsActive")
var asc = context.Extension<AnimationServicesContext>();
var propName = asc.GetActiveSelfProxy(obj);
binding = EditorCurveBinding.FloatCurve("", typeof(Animator), propName);
AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve(clip, binding, curve);
return clip;
private void ApplyController(AnimatorStateMachine asm, string layerName)
var fx = context.AvatarDescriptor.baseAnimationLayers
.FirstOrDefault(l => l.type == VRCAvatarDescriptor.AnimLayerType.FX);
if (fx.animatorController == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No FX layer found");
if (!context.IsTemporaryAsset(fx.animatorController))
throw new InvalidOperationException("FX layer is not a temporary asset");
if (!(fx.animatorController is AnimatorController animController))
throw new InvalidOperationException("FX layer is not an animator controller");
var paramList = animController.parameters.ToList();
var paramSet = paramList.Select(p => p.name).ToHashSet();
foreach (var paramName in initialValues.Keys.Except(paramSet))
paramList.Add(new AnimatorControllerParameter()
name = paramName,
type = AnimatorControllerParameterType.Float,
defaultFloat = initialValues[paramName], // TODO
animController.parameters = paramList.ToArray();
animController.layers = animController.layers.Append(
new AnimatorControllerLayer
stateMachine = asm,
name = "MA Shape Changer " + layerName,
defaultWeight = 1
private AnimationClip AnimParam(string param, float val)
return AnimParam((param, val));
private AnimationClip AnimParam(params (string param, float val)[] pairs)
AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
clip.name = "Set " + string.Join(", ", pairs.Select(p => $"{p.param}={p.val}"));
// TODO - check property syntax
foreach (var (param, val) in pairs)
var curve = new AnimationCurve();
curve.AddKey(0, val);
curve.AddKey(1, val);
clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Animator), "" + param, curve);
return clip;
private void FindObjectToggles(Dictionary<TargetProp, PropGroup> objectGroups, ndmf.BuildContext context)
var asc = context.Extension<AnimationServicesContext>();
var toggles = this.context.AvatarRootObject.GetComponentsInChildren<ModularAvatarObjectToggle>(true);
foreach (var toggle in toggles)
if (toggle.Objects == null) continue;
foreach (var obj in toggle.Objects)
var target = obj.Object.Get(toggle);
if (target == null) continue;
// Make sure we generate an animator prop for each controlled object, as we intend to generate
// animations for them.
var key = new TargetProp
TargetObject = target,
PropertyName = "m_IsActive"
if (!objectGroups.TryGetValue(key, out var group))
group = new PropGroup(key, target.activeSelf ? 1 : 0);
objectGroups[key] = group;
var value = obj.Active ? 1 : 0;
var action = new ActionGroupKey(context, key, toggle.gameObject, value);
if (group.actionGroups.Count == 0)
else if (!group.actionGroups[^1].TryMerge(action)) group.actionGroups.Add(action);
private Dictionary<TargetProp, PropGroup> FindShapes(ndmf.BuildContext context)
var asc = context.Extension<AnimationServicesContext>();
var changers = context.AvatarRootObject.GetComponentsInChildren<ModularAvatarShapeChanger>(true);
Dictionary<TargetProp, PropGroup> shapeKeys = new();
foreach (var changer in changers)
var renderer = changer.targetRenderer.Get(changer)?.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
if (renderer == null) continue;
var mesh = renderer.sharedMesh;
if (mesh == null) continue;
foreach (var shape in changer.Shapes)
var shapeId = mesh.GetBlendShapeIndex(shape.ShapeName);
if (shapeId < 0) continue;
var key = new TargetProp
TargetObject = renderer,
PropertyName = "blendShape." + shape.ShapeName,
var value = shape.ChangeType == ShapeChangeType.Delete ? 100 : shape.Value;
if (!shapeKeys.TryGetValue(key, out var info))
info = new PropGroup(key, renderer.GetBlendShapeWeight(shapeId));
shapeKeys[key] = info;
// Add initial state
var agk = new ActionGroupKey(context, key, null, value);
agk.Value = renderer.GetBlendShapeWeight(shapeId);
var action = new ActionGroupKey(context, key, changer.gameObject, value);
var isCurrentlyActive = changer.gameObject.activeInHierarchy;
if (shape.ChangeType == ShapeChangeType.Delete)
action.IsDelete = true;
if (isCurrentlyActive) info.currentState = 100;
info.actionGroups.Add(action); // Never merge
if (changer.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) info.currentState = action.Value;
Debug.Log("Trying merge: " + action);
if (info.actionGroups.Count == 0)
else if (!info.actionGroups[^1].TryMerge(action))
Debug.Log("Failed merge");
Debug.Log("Post merge: " + info.actionGroups[^1]);
return shapeKeys;
} |