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synced 2025-02-01 03:02:56 +08:00
Closes: #839, #856
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212 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Jobs;
using UnityEngine;
namespace nadena.dev.modular_avatar.core.armature_lock
internal class OnewayArmatureLockOperator : ArmatureLockOperator<OnewayArmatureLockOperator>
private NativeArrayRef<BoneStaticData> _boneStaticData;
private NativeArrayRef<TransformState> _mergeSavedState;
private List<(Transform, Transform)> _transforms;
protected override bool WritesBaseBones => false;
public OnewayArmatureLockOperator()
_boneStaticData = _memoryManager.CreateArray<BoneStaticData>();
_mergeSavedState = _memoryManager.CreateArray<TransformState>();
protected override bool SetupJob(ISegment segment)
for (int i = 0; i < segment.Length; i++)
int bone = segment.Offset + i;
var baseState = TransformState.FromTransform(BaseTransforms[bone]);
var mergeState = TransformState.FromTransform(TargetTransforms[bone]);
var baseParentState = TransformState.FromTransform(BaseTransforms[bone].parent);
var mergeParentState = TransformState.FromTransform(TargetTransforms[bone].parent);
if (!new ComputePosition().SyncState(out var staticData, baseState, mergeState, baseParentState,
return false;
_boneStaticData.Array[bone] = staticData;
_mergeSavedState.Array[bone] = mergeState;
return true;
protected override JobHandle Compute(ArmatureLockJobAccessor accessor, int? jobIndex, JobHandle dependency)
return new ComputePosition()
_baseState = accessor._in_baseBone,
_mergeState = accessor._in_targetBone,
_baseParentState = accessor._in_baseParentBone,
_mergeParentState = accessor._in_baseParentBone,
_mergeSavedState = _mergeSavedState,
_boneStatic = _boneStaticData,
_fault = accessor._abortFlag,
_wroteAny = accessor._didAnyWriteFlag,
_wroteBone = accessor._out_dirty_targetBone,
jobIndexLimit = jobIndex ?? -1,
_boneToJobIndex = accessor._boneToJobIndex,
_outputState = accessor._out_targetBone,
_boneInUse = accessor._in_boneInUse,
}.Schedule(accessor._in_baseBone.Length, 32, dependency);
struct BoneStaticData
public Matrix4x4 _mat_l, _mat_r;
struct ComputePosition : IJobParallelFor
public NativeArray<BoneStaticData> _boneStatic;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<TransformState> _mergeState;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<TransformState> _baseState;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<TransformState> _mergeParentState;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<TransformState> _baseParentState;
public NativeArray<TransformState> _mergeSavedState;
public NativeArray<TransformState> _outputState;
public NativeArray<bool> _wroteBone;
public int jobIndexLimit;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<int> _boneToJobIndex;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<bool> _boneInUse;
// job indexed
[NativeDisableContainerSafetyRestriction] [NativeDisableParallelForRestriction]
public NativeArray<bool> _fault, _wroteAny;
public bool SyncState(out BoneStaticData result, TransformState baseState, TransformState mergeState,
TransformState baseParentState, TransformState mergeParentState)
if (SmallScale(mergeParentState.localScale) || SmallScale(mergeState.localScale) ||
result = default;
return false;
// We want to emulate the hierarchy:
// baseParent
// - baseBone
// - v_mergeBone
// However our hierarchy actually is:
// mergeParent
// - mergeBone
// Our question is: What is the local affine transform of mergeBone -> mergeParent space, given a new
// baseBone -> baseParent affine transform?
// First, relative to baseBone, what is the local affine transform of mergeBone?
var mat_l = baseState.worldToLocalMatrix * mergeState.localToWorldMatrix;
// We also find parent -> mergeParent
var mat_r = mergeParentState.worldToLocalMatrix * baseParentState.localToWorldMatrix;
// Now we can multiply:
// (baseParent -> mergeParent) * (baseBone -> baseParent) * (mergeBone -> baseBone)
// = (baseParent -> mergeParent) * (mergeBone -> baseParent)
// = (mergeBone -> mergeParent)
result = new BoneStaticData()
_mat_l = mat_r,
_mat_r = mat_l
return true;
private bool SmallScale(Vector3 scale)
var epsilon = 0.000001f;
return (scale.x < epsilon || scale.y < epsilon || scale.z < epsilon);
public void Execute(int index)
if (!_boneInUse[index]) return;
_wroteBone[index] = false;
var jobIndex = _boneToJobIndex[index];
if (jobIndexLimit >= 0 && jobIndex >= jobIndexLimit) return;
var boneStatic = _boneStatic[index];
var mergeState = _mergeState[index];
var baseState = _baseState[index];
var mergeSaved = _mergeSavedState[index];
var basePos = baseState.localPosition;
var baseRot = baseState.localRotation;
var baseScale = baseState.localScale;
if (TransformState.Differs(mergeSaved, mergeState))
// Reinitialize our transform matrices here, so we can continue to track on the next frame
if (SyncState(out var state,
_boneStatic[index] = state;
_mergeSavedState[index] = mergeState;
_fault[jobIndex] = true;
var relTransform = boneStatic._mat_l * Matrix4x4.TRS(basePos, baseRot, baseScale) * boneStatic._mat_r;
var targetMergePos = relTransform.MultiplyPoint(Vector3.zero);
var targetMergeRot = relTransform.rotation;
var targetMergeScale = relTransform.lossyScale;
var newState = new TransformState
localPosition = targetMergePos,
localRotation = targetMergeRot,
localScale = targetMergeScale
if (TransformState.Differs(mergeSaved, newState))
_wroteAny[jobIndex] = true;
_wroteBone[index] = true;
_mergeSavedState[index] = newState;
_outputState[index] = newState;
} |