bd_ ea2e1f026d
New Crowdin updates (#759)
* New translations en-us.json (Japanese)

* New translations en-us.json (Korean)

* New translations en-us.json (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations en-us.json (Chinese Traditional)
2024-03-09 19:19:08 +09:00

244 lines
21 KiB

"test0.test_a": "test_a",
"test0.test_b": "test_b",
"boneproxy.foldout.advanced": "高级设置",
"": "目标",
"": "此预制体的菜单默认会安装Avatar的顶部菜单中. 如果不需要, 可以选择其他菜单或取消勾选启用复选框.",
"": "选择的菜单不属于当前Avatar.",
"menuinstall.installto": "安装到",
"menuinstall.installto.tooltip": "此预制体的的菜单将会安装到此菜单",
"menuinstall.selectmenu": "选择菜单",
"menuinstall.showcontents": "显示菜单内容",
"menuinstall.showcontents.notselected": "未选择安装的菜单",
"menuinstall.devoptions": "预制体开发者选项",
"menuinstall.menu_icon_too_large": "菜单图标过大, 图标应小于256像素.",
"menuinstall.menu_icon_uncompressed": "菜单图标未设置压缩.",
"menuinstall.srcmenu": "安装的菜单",
"params.syncmode.NotSynced": "仅动画控制器 (不同步)",
"params.syncmode.Int": "Int",
"params.syncmode.Float": "Float",
"params.syncmode.Bool": "Bool",
"params.__comment__": "=== Unity 2019 only strings ===",
"params.autodetect_header": " 自动检测参数 ",
"params.internal": "内部",
"params.pb_prefix": "PhysBones前缀",
"params.syncmode": "同步模式",
"params.saved": "保存",
"params.synced": "同步",
"params.default": "默认值",
"params.fieldname": "字段名",
"params.remapto": "字段名映射到...",
"params.remapto.tooltip": "输入新的字段名以防止参数命名冲突",
"params.devmode": "显示预制体开发者选项",
"params.__comment1__": "=== Unity 2022 only strings ===",
"": "Parameter name",
"merge_parameter.ui.prefix": "PhysBone prefix name",
"merge_parameter.ui.remapTo": "Change name to",
"merge_parameter.ui.remapTo.tooltip": "Enter a new name here to rename this parameter or prefix. This can be used to resolve name conflicts, or to link up multiple gimmicks.",
"merge_parameter.ui.remapTo.automatic": "(automatically determined)",
"merge_parameter.ui.defaultValue": "Default",
"merge_parameter.ui.defaultValue.tooltip": "This parameter will be set to this value when the avatar is reset or initially worn",
"merge_parameter.ui.saved": "Saved",
"merge_parameter.ui.saved.tooltip": "If set, this parameter's value will be saved when you change avatars or worlds",
"merge_parameter.ui.internalParameter": "Auto Rename",
"merge_parameter.ui.internalParameter.tooltip": "If set, this parameter will be automatically renamed to avoid conflicts with other parameters",
"merge_parameter.ui.isPrefix": "Is PhysBone Prefix",
"merge_parameter.ui.syncType": "Parameter type",
"merge_parameter.ui.localOnly": "Local Only",
"merge_parameter.ui.localOnly.tooltip": "If set, this parameter will not be synced across the network",
"merge_parameter.ui.unregistered_foldout": "Unregistered Parameters",
"merge_parameter.ui.add_button": "Add",
"merge_parameter.ui.details": "Parameter Configuration",
"merge_parameter.ui.overrideAnimatorDefaults": "Override Animator Defaults",
"merge_armature.merge_target": "合并目标",
"merge_armature.merge_target.tooltip": "将当前对象合并到合并目标中",
"merge_armature.prefix": "骨骼前缀",
"merge_armature.prefix.tooltip": "合并目标的骨骼的前缀",
"merge_armature.suffix": "骨骼后缀",
"merge_armature.suffix.tooltip": "合并目标的骨骼的后缀",
"merge_armature.locked": "锁定位置",
"merge_armature.locked.tooltip": "将当前对象的骨架与合并目标的骨架锁定, 用于动画的创建.",
"merge_armature.adjust_names": "根据合并目标调整骨骼名称",
"merge_armature.adjust_names.tooltip": "根据合并目标调整骨骼名称, 通常用于与非Avatar兼容的服装.",
"merge_armature.mangle_names": "避免命名冲突",
"merge_armature.mangle_names.tooltip": "通过重命名新添加的骨骼来避免与其他资源发生命名冲突.",
"path_mode.Relative": "对象的相对路径",
"path_mode.Absolute": "绝对路径 (基于Avatar的Root)",
"merge_animator.animator": "合并的目标动画器",
"merge_animator.layer_type": "Layer类型",
"merge_animator.delete_attached_animator": "删除额外的Animator",
"merge_animator.delete_attached_animator.tooltip": "合并后删除当前对象上的Animator",
"merge_animator.path_mode": "路径模式",
"merge_animator.path_mode.tooltip": "在动画中路径的工作模式. 使用相对路径可以让你在对象上录制动画.",
"merge_animator.match_avatar_write_defaults": "匹配Avatar的WriteDefaults设置",
"merge_animator.match_avatar_write_defaults.tooltip": "使用与Avatar匹配的WriteDefaults设置. 如果设置存在冲突, 将保持目标动画器的设置.",
"merge_animator.relative_path_root": "Relative Path Root",
"merge_animator.relative_path_root.tooltip": "The root object to use when interpreting relative paths. If not specified, the object this component is attached to will be used.",
"merge_animator.layer_priority": "Layer Priority",
"merge_animator.layer_priority.tooltip": "Controls the order in which layers are merged into the animator - lower to higher. Negative values are merged before the original layer on the avatar descriptor, while zero and positive numbers are merged after.",
"merge_armature.lockmode": "位置同步模式",
"merge_armature.lockmode.not_locked.title": "不同步",
"merge_armature.lockmode.not_locked.body": "Avatar骨骼和合并目标骨骼不进行位置同步",
"merge_armature.lockmode.base_to_merge.title": "Avatar =====> 合并目标 (单向)",
"merge_armature.lockmode.base_to_merge.body": "Avatar骨骼位置改变合并目标骨骼也会改变, 合并目标骨骼位置改变Avatar骨骼不会改变. 建议一般服装使用此模式, 因为此模式允许调整合并目标的骨骼",
"merge_armature.lockmode.bidirectional.title": "Avatar <=====> 合并目标 (双向)",
"merge_armature.lockmode.bidirectional.body": "Avatar骨骼和合并目标骨骼的位置始终相同, 这对创建基于Avatar的骨骼的动画时非常有用. 启用此模式要求Avatar骨骼与合并目标骨骼位置完全相同.",
"merge_armature.reset_pos": "将位置与Avatar进行对齐",
"": "此命令将强制服装骨骼与Avatar骨骼进行对齐, 在使用非Avatar兼容的服装时非常有用.",
"merge_armature.reset_pos.adjust_rotation": "也对齐旋转",
"merge_armature.reset_pos.adjust_scale": "也对齐缩放",
"merge_armature.reset_pos.execute": "执行",
"merge_armature.reset_pos.heuristic_scale": "将整体的缩放对齐Avatar",
"merge_armature.reset_pos.heuristic_scale.tooltip": "以臂展作为参考, 调整服装于Avatar的比例. 在使用非Avatar兼容的服装时非常有用.",
"merge_blend_tree.blend_tree": "Blend Tree",
"merge_blend_tree.path_mode": "Path Mode",
"merge_blend_tree.path_mode.tooltip": "How to interpret paths in animations. Using relative mode lets you record animations from an animator on this object.",
"merge_blend_tree.relative_path_root": "Relative Path Root",
"merge_blend_tree.relative_path_root.tooltip": "The root object to use when interpreting relative paths. If not specified, the object this component is attached to will be used.",
"": "This component is not compatible with the standalone Oculus Quest and will have no effect.",
"worldfixed.normal": "This object will be fixed to world unless you fixed to avatar with constraint.",
"fpvisible.normal": "当前对象在第一人称中可见.",
"fpvisible.NotUnderHead": "组件未生效, 因为此组件需要放置在Head骨骼下才能生效.",
"": "组件未生效, 因为此组件与Oculus Quest不兼容.",
"fpvisible.InPhysBoneChain": "当前对象由PhysicsBone控制, 可能无法在第一人称中可见; 请指定PhysicsBone链的起点.",
"blendshape.mesh": "网格",
"blendshape.source": "源形态键",
"": "目标形态键",
"hint.not_in_avatar": "此组件需要放置于你的Avatar中才能工作",
"boneproxy.err.MovingTarget": "您不能指定将由其他 Modular Avatar 组件移动的目标对象",
"boneproxy.err.NotInAvatar": "你必须指定一个在Avatar中的对象",
"boneproxy.attachment": "附加模式",
"boneproxy.attachment.AsChildAtRoot": "作为子对象, 放置于Root",
"boneproxy.attachment.AsChildKeepWorldPose": "As child; keep position and rotation",
"boneproxy.attachment.AsChildKeepPosition": "As child; keep position",
"boneproxy.attachment.AsChildKeepRotation": "As child; keep rotation",
"mesh_settings.header_probe_anchor": "锚点覆盖设置",
"mesh_settings.inherit_probe_anchor": "锚点覆盖模式",
"mesh_settings.probe_anchor": "锚点覆盖",
"mesh_settings.probe_anchor.tooltip": "设置用于此对象以及子对象内渲染器光照计算的锚点覆盖.",
"mesh_settings.header_bounds": "网格边界覆盖设置",
"mesh_settings.inherit_bounds": "网格边界覆盖模式",
"mesh_settings.root_bone": "根骨骼",
"mesh_settings.root_bone.tooltip": "网格的根骨骼, 这被用作计算网格边界的参考点.",
"mesh_settings.bounds": "网格边界",
"mesh_settings.bounds.tooltip": "设置此对象以及子对象的网格边界, 用于确定是否要省略屏幕外的网格渲染.",
"mesh_settings.inherit_mode.Inherit": "继承",
"mesh_settings.inherit_mode.Set": "设置",
"mesh_settings.inherit_mode.DontSet": "不设置 (保持原有的设置)",
"": "当前对象不会受到附加的父对象的PhysBones的影响.",
"hint.bad_vrcsdk": "检测到不兼容的VRCSDK版本.\n\n请尝试升级VRCSDK; 如果这不起作用, 请尝试新版本的Modular Avatar.",
"error.stack_trace": "Stack trace (provide this when reporting bugs!)",
"error.merge_armature.circular_dependency": "[MA-0001] Circular reference in merge armature",
"error.merge_armature.circular_dependency:description": "Your Merge Armature component is referencing itself, or a child of itself, as the merge target.",
"error.merge_armature.circular_dependency:hint": "Merge Armature should typically specify the Armature object of the avatar itself under its Target field. Don't specify the outfit itself!",
"error.merge_armature.physbone_on_humanoid_bone": "[MA-0002] PhysBone component found on humanoid bone",
"error.merge_armature.physbone_on_humanoid_bone:hint": "Some Humanoid bones in the armature to merge are controlled by PhysBones, and can't be merged properly because its position is different from the corresponding Humanoid bone in the merge target. You should remove the PhysBones on those Humanoid bones in the armature to merge.",
"error.internal_error": "[MA-9999] An internal error has occurred: {0}\nwhen processing:",
"error.merge_animator.param_type_mismatch": "[MA-0003] Parameter type mismatch",
"error.merge_animator.param_type_mismatch:description": "Parameter {0} has multiple types: {1} != {2}",
"error.rename_params.too_many_synced_params": "[MA-0004] Too many synced parameters",
"error.rename_params.too_many_synced_params:description": "You have too many synced parameters in your avatar. You have assigned {0} bits worth of parameters, but the limit is {1}",
"error.rename_params.type_conflict": "[MA-0006] Parameter type conflict",
"error.rename_params.type_conflict:description": "Parameter {0} has multiple types specified: {1} != {2}",
"error.rename_params.default_value_conflict": "[MA-0007] Default value conflict",
"error.rename_params.default_value_conflict:description": "Parameter {0} has multiple default values specified: {1} != {2}",
"error.rename_params.default_value_conflict:hint": "To avoid unpredictable behavior, leave the default value field blank in all but on MA Parameters component. If multiple values are present, Modular Avatar will select the first default value specified in the hierarchy order.",
"error.replace_object.null_target": "[MA-0008] No target specified",
"error.replace_object.null_target:hint": "Replace object needs a target object to replace. Try setting one.",
"validation.blendshape_sync.no_local_renderer": "[MA-1000] No renderer found on this object",
"validation.blendshape_sync.no_local_renderer:hint": "Blendshape Sync acts on a Skinned Mesh Renderer on the same GameObject. Did you attach it to the right object?",
"validation.blendshape_sync.no_local_mesh": "[MA-1001] No mesh found on the renderer on this object",
"validation.blendshape_sync.no_local_mesh:hint": "It looks like the configuration for the Skinned Mesh Renderer on this object might be broken. Try recreating the object from its original prefab or FBX.",
"validation.blendshape_sync.no_bindings": "[MA-1002] No blendshape bindings found on this object",
"validation.blendshape_sync.no_bindings:hint": "Blendshape Sync needs to know which blendshapes to sync. Click the '+' button to add one.",
"validation.blendshape_sync.missing_local_shape": "[MA-1003] Missing local blendshape",
"validation.blendshape_sync.missing_local_shape:description": "Missing local blendshape: {0}",
"validation.blendshape_sync.missing_local_shape:hint": "The blendshape configured to 'receive' the value from the target object is missing. Try changing the blendshape name indicated in red.",
"validation.blendshape_sync.missing_target_shape": "[MA-1004] Missing target blendshape",
"validation.blendshape_sync.missing_target_shape:description": "Missing target blendshape: {0}",
"validation.blendshape_sync.missing_target_shape:hint": "The blendshape configured to 'send' the value to the local object is missing. Try changing the blendshape name indicated in red.",
"validation.blendshape_sync.no_target": "[MA-1005] No target object specified",
"validation.blendshape_sync.no_target:hint": "Blendshape Sync needs to know which object to sync blendshapes from. Try setting the Mesh field.",
"validation.blendshape_sync.missing_target_renderer": "[MA-1006] No renderer found on the target object",
"validation.blendshape_sync.missing_target_renderer:hint": "Blendshape Sync receives blendshape values from a Skinned Mesh Renderer on the target object. Did you attach it to the right object?",
"validation.blendshape_sync.missing_target_mesh": "[MA-1007] No mesh found on the renderer on the target object",
"validation.blendshape_sync.missing_target_mesh:hint": "It looks like the configuration for the Skinned Mesh Renderer on the target object might be broken. Try recreating the object from its original prefab or FBX.",
"validation.bone_proxy.no_target": "[MA-1100] No target object specified (or target object not found)",
"validation.bone_proxy.no_target:hint": "Bone Proxy needs to know which object to bind this Bone Proxy to. Try setting the target field to the object this object should follow.",
"validation.menu_installer.no_menu": "[MA-1200] No menu to install specified",
"validation.menu_installer.no_menu:hint": "Menu Installer needs to know which menu to install this prefab to. Try setting the 'Menu to install' field inside 'Prefab Developer Options', or attaching a MA Menu Item component.",
"validation.merge_animator.no_animator": "[MA-1300] No animator to merge specified",
"validation.merge_animator.no_animator:hint": "Merge Animator needs to know which animator to merge. Try setting the 'Animator to merge' field.",
"validation.merge_armature.no_target": "[MA-1400] No merge target specified",
"validation.merge_armature.no_target:hint": "Merge Armature needs to know which armature to merge. Try setting the 'Merge Target' field.",
"validation.merge_armature.target_is_child": "[MA-1500] Merge target cannot be a child of this object",
"validation.merge_armature.target_is_child:hint": "Merge Armature cannot merge an armature into itself. Try setting the 'Merge Target' field to a different object.",
"submenu_source.Children": "子对象",
"submenu_source.MenuAsset": "菜单资源文件 (Expressions Menu)",
"menuitem.showcontents": "显示菜单内容",
"": "名称",
"menuitem.prop.icon": "图标",
"menuitem.prop.icon.tooltip": "(可选) 在菜单中显示的图标",
"menuitem.prop.type": "类型",
"menuitem.prop.type.tooltip": "此菜单项的类型",
"menuitem.prop.value": "参数值",
"menuitem.prop.value.tooltip": "菜单项触发时设置的参数值",
"menuitem.prop.parameter": "参数",
"menuitem.prop.label": "标签",
"menuitem.prop.submenu_asset": "子菜单资源",
"menuitem.prop.submenu_asset.tooltip": "用作子菜单的资源文件 (Expressions Menu)",
"menuitem.prop.submenu_source": "子菜单来源",
"menuitem.prop.submenu_source.tooltip": "寻找子菜单的菜单项的方式",
"menuitem.prop.source_override": "Source object override",
"menuitem.prop.source_override.tooltip": "If specified, this object will be used as the source for the contents of the submenu. Otherwise, children of this menu item will be used.",
"menuitem.prop.is_saved": "保存",
"menuitem.prop.is_saved.tooltip": "If true, the value of this menu item will be saved when you change avatars or worlds.",
"menuitem.prop.is_synced": "同步",
"menuitem.prop.is_synced.tooltip": "If true, the value of this menu item will be synced to other players across the network.",
"menuitem.param.rotation": "参数: 旋转(Rotation)",
"menuitem.param.rotation.tooltip": "The parameter to set based on the rotation of this menu item",
"menuitem.param.horizontal": "参数: 水平(Horizontal)",
"menuitem.param.horizontal.tooltip": "The parameter to set based on the horizontal position of the thumbstick",
"menuitem.param.vertical": "参数: 垂直(Vertical)",
"menuitem.param.vertical.tooltip": "The parameter to set based on the vertical position of the thumbstick",
"menuitem.label.control_labels_and_params": "Control Labels and Parameters",
"menuitem.label.control_labels": "Control Labels",
"menuitem.misc.multiple": "(multiple)",
"menuitem.misc.no_icon": "(无图标)",
"menuitem.misc.extract": "提取到对象",
"menuitem.label.parameters": "参数",
"action.toggle_object.header.object": "Object to show/hide",
"": "Show",
"menu_tree.title": "Select menu",
"menuitem.param.controlled_by_action": "<controlled by action>",
"control_group.foldout.actions": "Actions",
"control_group.foldout.menu_items": "Bound menu items",
"control_group.is_saved": "Saved",
"control_group.is_saved.tooltip": "If true, the value of this menu item will be saved when you change avatars or worlds.",
"control_group.is_synced": "Synced",
"control_group.is_synced.tooltip": "If true, the value of this menu item will be synced to other players across the network.",
"control_group.default_value": "Initial setting",
"control_group.default_value.unset": "(none selected)",
"menuitem.prop.control_group": "Control Group",
"menuitem.prop.control_group.tooltip": "Only one toggle in a given group can be selected at the same time",
"menuitem.prop.is_default": "Is Group Default",
"animation_gen.duplicate_binding": "Controls from different control groups are trying to animate the same parameter. Parameter: {0}",
"animation_gen.multiple_defaults": "Multiple default menu items were found in the same control group.",
"menuitem.misc.add_item": "添加菜单项",
"replace_object.target_object": "Object to replace",
"setup_outfit.err.header.notarget": "Setup outfit failed",
"setup_outfit.err.header": "Setup Outfit failed to process {0}",
"setup_outfit.err.unknown": "Unknown error",
"setup_outfit.err.no_selection": "No object selected.",
"setup_outfit.err.run_on_avatar_itself": "Setup outfit needs to be run on the outfit object, not on the avatar itself.\n\nAre you trying to make a hybrid avatar? If so, remove the avatar descriptor from the inner avatar, and run setup outfit on that.",
"setup_outfit.err.multiple_avatar_descriptors": "Multiple avatar descriptors found in {0} and its parents.\n\nAre you trying to make a hybrid avatar? If so, remove the avatar descriptor from the inner avatar, and run setup outfit on that.",
"setup_outfit.err.no_avatar_descriptor": "No avatar descriptor found in {0}'s parents. Make sure your outfit is placed inside your avatar.",
"setup_outfit.err.no_animator": "Your avatar does not have an Animator component.",
"setup_outfit.err.no_hips": "Your avatar does not have a Hips bone. Setup Outfit only works on humanoid avatars.",
"setup_outfit.err.no_outfit_hips": "Unable to identify the Hips object for the outfit. Searched for objects containing the following names:",
"": "Objects to move together",
"scale_adjuster.scale": "Scale adjustment",
"scale_adjuster.adjust_children": "Adjust position of child objects",
"world_fixed_object.err.unsupported_platform": "World Fixed Object is not supported on this platform",
"world_fixed_object.err.unsupported_platform:description": "World Fixed Object is not supported on Android builds and will be ignored."