{ "Format": "1.26.0", "ConfigSchema": { "= IMPORTANT! =": { "Description": "Highlight texts for more info on settings descriptions!", "AllowValues": "= Highlight For Info. =", "Default": "= Highlight For Info. =" }, "钓鱼难度": { "Description": "Select a setting that will modify fishing difficulty. Ranges from 15% up to 99% for easy settings, 10% to 30% for easy sunday fishing (fishing will be easier only on Sundays), and 15% to 50% for harder settings. For the Dynamic Weather settings, highlight the 'Dynamic Weather Info' below for more information. You will have to hold left click on your mouse and scroll with your mouse wheel to see more options.", "AllowValues": "Default, 15% Easier, 25% Easier, 35% Easier, 50% Easier, 60% Easier, 75% Easier, 85% Easier, 99% Easier, 10% Easy Sunday, 20% Easy Sunday, 30% Easy Sunday, 40% Easy Sunday, 50% Easy Sunday, 15% Harder, 25% Harder, 35% Harder, 50% Harder, Dynamic Weather (Easy), Dynamic Weather (Easier), Dynamic Weather (Easiest)", "Default": "Default" }, "动态天气": { "Description": "If you are selecting a Dynamic Weather setting for Fishing Difficulty, this will change fishing difficulty based on the weather. The settings are as follows; For the Easy option, Wind = 15% Harder, Rain = 10% Easier, Snow = 15% Easier, Storm = 20% Easier. The Easier option will make those options easier by another 10% and Easiest by another 20%.", "AllowValues": "= Highlight For Info. =", "Default": "= Highlight For Info. =" }, "年度礼物": { "Description": "Enabling this setting will disable the mod developer gifts you will receive yearly.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "全时段鱼": { "Description": "All fish can be caught at any time of day.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "全天气鱼": { "Description": "All fish can be caught in all types of weather.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "全季节鱼": { "Description": "All fish can be caught in every season.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "相同概率": { "Description": "All fish share the same spawn rates.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "农场钓鱼": { "Description": "Seasonal Fish can now be caught on the farm pond.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "农场钓鱼特殊": { "Description": "Specialty Fish can now be caught on the farm pond.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "农场钓鱼王": { "Description": "Legendary Fish (Recatchable) can now be caught on the farm pond.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "反复钓鱼王": { "Description": "Legendary fish are recatchable. Legendary Fish will appear anywhere on their proper location. Example: The Crimsonfish will appear any where on the beach area not just the eastern dock.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "鱼王任务": { "Description": "New quests for Legendary Fish will be available. (Recatch Legendary Fish is required!)", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "稀有鱼王": { "Description": "Legendary fish are now much more rare.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "幸运限定鱼王": { "Description": "Legendary fish now only spawn when daily luck is at its highest.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "人人都爱传说鱼": { "Description": "Legendary fish are now a universally loved gift for the villagers.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "鱼王只能在7点到9点钓到": { "Description": "Legendary fish can now only be fished during the hours of 7am to 9am.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "鱼王只能在12点到14点钓到": { "Description": "Legendary fish can now only be fished during the hours of 12pm to 2pm.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "鱼王只能在23点到1点钓到": { "Description": "Legendary fish can now only be fished during the hours of 11pm to 1am.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "钓到五彩碎片": { "Description": "Prismatic Shards are now fishable. (All Locations). This setting is REQUIRED for all Prismatic Shards settings below!", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "五彩碎片进鱼缸": { "Description": "Prismatic Shards can now be added to the aquarium fish tanks.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "稀有五彩碎片": { "Description": "Prismatic Shards are now much more rare when fishing. Requires the Fishable Prismatic Shards (REQ) setting to work!", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "幸运限定五彩碎片": { "Description": "Prismatic Shards rarity changes based on daily luck. Will not work with the All Seasons and/or Same Spawn Rates options above! Those options will take priority by default if they are enabled together with Lucky Prismatic Shards. Requires the Fishable Prismatic Shards (REQ) setting to work!", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "雨天限定五彩碎片": { "Description": "Prismatic Shards can now only be fished during rainy weather. Requires the Fishable Prismatic Shards (REQ) setting to work!", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "五彩碎片只能在7点到9点钓到": { "Description": "Prismatic Shards can now only be fished during the hours of 7am to 9am. Requires the Fishable Prismatic Shards (REQ) setting to work!", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "五彩碎片只能在12点到14点钓到": { "Description": "Prismatic Shards can now only be fished during the hours of 12pm to 2pm. Requires the Fishable Prismatic Shards (REQ) setting to work!", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "五彩碎片只能在23点到1点钓到": { "Description": "Prismatic Shards can now only be fished during the hours of 11pm to 1am. Requires the Fishable Prismatic Shards (REQ) setting to work!", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "鱼塘产出速度": { "Description": "Select a setting that will increase the chance for rare loot to spawn from the Fish Pond Building every morning. Settings range from 2X to 5X as an increase. The 50% option will make all rare loot from fish ponds equal and will always have a 50% chance to spawn. You will have to hold left click on your mouse and scroll with your mouse wheel to see more options.", "AllowValues": "Default, Rare Loot Chance 2X, Rare Loot Chance 3X, Rare Loot Chance 4X, Rare Loot Chance 5X, Rare Loot Chance All 50%", "Default": "Default" }, "鱼塘产出五彩碎片": { "Description": "All fish ponds (buildings) have a chance to spawn Prismatic Shards when fish ponds are full.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "鱼塘任务更新": { "Description": "Select a setting that will change the spawn time for when fish in the fish ponds (buildings) replicate and when new quests appear. These options will only work on newly built fish ponds AFTER you enable the setting you want. You will have to hold left click on your mouse and scroll with your mouse wheel to see more options.", "AllowValues": "Default, Half The Time, Every Day", "Default": "Default" }, "渔具所需材料": { "Description": "Select a setting that will decrease the ammount of materials required to craft tackle and lures.", "AllowValues": "Default, Lessened Materials, 1 Copper Bar", "Default": "Default" }, "渔具1级可造": { "Description": "All tackle will now be learned at Fishing Level 1.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "珍稀鱼饵9级可造": { "Description": "The Curiosity Lure is now a craftable item learned At Level 9 Fishing. (Increases chance for rare fish to spawn)", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "珍稀鱼饵所需材料": { "Description": "Select a setting that will decrease the amount of materials required to craft the Curiosity Lure. Requires the Craftable Curisoity Lure setting to work!", "AllowValues": "Default, Lessened Materials, 1 Copper Bar", "Default": "Default" }, "珍稀鱼饵1级可造": { "Description": "The Curiosity Lure will now be learned at Fishing Level 1. Requires the Craftable Curisoity Lure setting to work!", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "海泡布丁1级可造": { "Description": "The Seafoam Pudding recipe is now learned at Fishing Level 1.", "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false" }, "海泡布丁所需鱼数": { "Description": "Select a setting that will change the ingredients requirements for the Seafoam Pudding Recipe. Ranges from 1 to 25 of Any Fish. You will have to hold left click on your mouse and scroll with your mouse wheel to see more options.", "AllowValues": "Default, 1 of Any Fish, 5 of Any Fish, 10 of Any Fish, 25 of Any Fish", "Default": "Default" }, "风浪越大鱼越贵": { "Description": "Select a setting that will increase the sell value of all fish. Ranges from 10% to 500% increase. NOTE!! Enabling or Disabling these settings will only pertain to NEWLY ACQUIRED fish after the setting you want is enabled!! You will have to hold left click on your mouse and scroll with your mouse wheel to see more options.", "AllowValues": "Default, Increase by 10%, Increase by 20%, Increase by 30%, Increase by 40%, Increase by 50%, Increase by 60%, Increase by 70%, Increase by 80%, Increase by 90%, Increase by 100%, Increase by 125%, Increase by 150%, Increase by 175%, Increase by 200%, Increase by 225%, Increase by 250%, Increase by 275%, Increase by 300%, Increase by 325%, Increase by 350%, Increase by 375%, Increase by 400%, Increase by 425%, Increase by 450%, Increase by 475%, Increase by 500%", "Default": "Default" }, "---------------------------------------------": { "AllowValues": "-", "Default": "-" }, "=Have A Fantastic Day!=": { "AllowValues": "=", "Default": "=" }, "----------------------------------------------": { "AllowValues": "-", "Default": "-" }, }, "Changes": [ //Fish#1 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "15% Easier"}, }, //Fish#2 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "25% Easier"}, }, //Fish#3 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "35% Easier"}, }, //Fish#4 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "50% Easier"}, }, //Fish#5 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.6)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "60% Easier"}, }, //Fish#6 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.75)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "75% Easier"}, }, //Fish#7 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.85)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "85% Easier"}, }, //Fish#8 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "0", 2: "smooth"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "0"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "0"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "0"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "0"}, //Bream "136": {1: "0"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "0"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "0"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "0"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "0"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "0"}, //Perch "142": {1: "0"}, //Carp "143": {1: "0"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "0"}, //Pike "145": {1: "0"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "0"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "0"}, //Herring "148": {1: "0"}, //Eel "149": {1: "0"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "0"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "0"}, //Squid "154": {1: "0"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "0"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "0"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "0"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "0"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "0"}, //Angler "161": {1: "0"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "0"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "0"}, //Legend "164": {1: "0"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "0"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "0"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "0"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "0"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "0"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "0"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "0"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "0"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "0"}, //Chub "704": {1: "0"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "0"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "0"}, //Shad "707": {1: "0"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "0"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "0"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "0"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "0"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "0"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "0"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "0"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "0", 2: "smooth"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "0"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "0"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "0"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "0"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "0"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "0"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "0"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "0"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "99% Easier"}, }, //Fish#9 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "10% Easy Sunday", "DayOfWeek": "Sunday"}, }, //Fish#10 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "20% Easy Sunday", "DayOfWeek": "Sunday"}, }, //Fish#11 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "30% Easy Sunday", "DayOfWeek": "Sunday"}, }, //Fish#12 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "40% Easy Sunday", "DayOfWeek": "Sunday"}, }, //Fish#13 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "50% Easy Sunday", "DayOfWeek": "Sunday"}, }, //Fish#14 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 + (28 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 + (15 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 + (25 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 + (46 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "15% Harder"}, }, //Fish#15 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 + (28 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 + (15 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 + (25 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 + (46 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "25% Harder"}, }, //Fish#16 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 + (28 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 + (15 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 + (25 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 + (46 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "35% Harder"}, }, //Fish#17 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 + (28 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 + (15 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 + (25 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 + (46 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.5)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "50% Harder"}, }, //Fish#18 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Eel "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Shad "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Legend }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easy)", "全季节鱼": true, "Weather": "Sun"}, }, //Fish#19 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 + (28 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 + (15 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Pike "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 + (25 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 + (46 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easy)", "Weather": "Wind"}, }, //Fish#20 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Carp "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Herring "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.1)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easy)", "Weather": "Rain"}, }, //Fish#21 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easy)", "Weather": "Snow"}, }, //Fish#22 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Carp "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.15)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Herring "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easy)", "Weather": "Storm"}, }, //Fish#23 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Eel "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Shad "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Legend }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easier)", "全季节鱼": true, "Weather": "Sun"}, }, //Fish#24 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 + (28 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 + (15 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Pike "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 + (25 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 + (70 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 + (40 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 + (65 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 + (90 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 + (46 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 + (35 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 + (78 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 + (55 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 + (75 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 + (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 + (60 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 + (95 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 + (85 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 + (110 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 + (100 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easier)", "Weather": "Wind"}, }, //Fish#25 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Carp "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Herring "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.2)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easier)", "Weather": "Rain"}, }, //Fish#26 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.25)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easier)", "Weather": "Snow"}, }, //Fish#27 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 + (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 + (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Carp "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 + (30 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Herring "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easier)", "Weather": "Storm"}, }, //Fish#28 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Eel "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Shad "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Legend }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easiest)", "全季节鱼": true, "Weather": "Sun"}, }, //Fish#29 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Pike "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easiest)", "Weather": "Wind"}, }, //Fish#30 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Carp "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Herring "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.3)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easiest)", "Weather": "Rain"}, }, //Fish#31 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.35)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easiest)", "Weather": "Snow"}, }, //Fish#32 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Update": "OnLocationChange", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (70 - (70 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (28 - (28 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 - (45 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Salmon "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (15 - (15 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Carp "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 - (30 * 0.05)) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (25 - (25 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Herring "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Octopus "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 - (40 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 - (65 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (90 - (90 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (46 - (46 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (35 - (35 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (78 - (78 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Albacore "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 - (55 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 - (75 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 - (50 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 - (60 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (95 - (95 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 - (85 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (110 - (110 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 - (80 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 - (100 * 0.4)) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"钓鱼难度": "Dynamic Weather (Easiest)", "Weather": "Storm"}, }, //Fish#33 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {5: "600 2600"}, //Pufferfish "130": {5: "600 2600"}, //Tuna "131": {5: "600 2600"}, //Sardine "132": {5: "600 2600"}, //Bream "136": {5: "600 2600"}, //Largemouth Bass "138": {5: "600 2600"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {5: "600 2600"}, //Salmon "140": {5: "600 2600"}, //Walleye "143": {5: "600 2600"}, //Catfish "145": {5: "600 2600"}, //Sunfish "146": {5: "600 2600"}, //Red Mullet "148": {5: "600 2600"}, //Eel "149": {5: "600 2600"}, //Octopus "150": {5: "600 2600"}, //Red Snapper "151": {5: "600 2600"}, //Squid "154": {5: "600 2600"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {5: "600 2600"}, //Super Cucumber "159": {5: "600 2600"}, //Crimsonfish "163": {5: "600 2600"}, //Legend "164": {5: "600 2600"}, //Sandfish "165": {5: "600 2600"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {5: "600 2600"}, //Flounder "269": {5: "600 2600"}, //Midnight Carp "698": {5: "600 2600"}, //Sturgeon "699": {5: "600 2600"}, //Tiger Trout "701": {5: "600 2600"}, //Tilapia "704": {5: "600 2600"}, //Dorado "705": {5: "600 2600"}, //Albacore "706": {5: "600 2600"}, //Shad "708": {5: "600 2600"}, //Halibut "775": {5: "600 2600"}, //Glacierfish "898": {5: "600 2600"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "900": {5: "600 2600"}, //Legend II "902": {5: "600 2600"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"全时段鱼": true}, }, //Fish#34 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {7: "both"}, //Pufferfish "138": {7: "both"}, //Rainbow Trout "140": {7: "both"}, //Walleye "143": {7: "both"}, //Catfish "145": {7: "both"}, //Sunfish "148": {7: "both"}, //Eel "150": {7: "both"}, //Red Snapper "163": {7: "both"}, //Legend "706": {7: "both"}, //Shad "775": {7: "both"}, //Glacierfish "902": {7: "both"}, //Glacierfish Jr }, "When": {"全天气鱼": true}, }, //Locations#1 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Locations", "Fields": { "Forest": {4: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 269 1", 5: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 269 1", 6: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 269 1", 7: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 269 1"}, "Town": {4: 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"136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 163 -1 138 -1 698 -1 140 -1 141 -1 707 -1"}, "Beach": {4: "128 -1 129 -1 130 -1 131 -1 146 -1 147 -1 148 -1 149 -1 150 -1 151 -1 154 -1 155 -1 701 -1 705 -1 708 -1 152 -1 153 -1 267 -1", 5: "128 -1 129 -1 130 -1 131 -1 146 -1 147 -1 148 -1 149 -1 150 -1 151 -1 154 -1 155 -1 701 -1 705 -1 708 -1 152 -1 153 -1 267 -1", 6: "128 -1 129 -1 130 -1 131 -1 146 -1 147 -1 148 -1 149 -1 150 -1 151 -1 154 -1 155 -1 701 -1 705 -1 708 -1 152 -1 153 -1 267 -1", 7: "128 -1 129 -1 130 -1 131 -1 146 -1 147 -1 148 -1 149 -1 150 -1 151 -1 154 -1 155 -1 701 -1 705 -1 708 -1 152 -1 153 -1 267 -1"}, }, "When": {"全季节鱼": true, "反复钓鱼王": false, "钓到五彩碎片": false}, }, //Fish#35 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Fish", "Fields": { "128": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Pufferfish "129": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Anchovy "130": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Tuna "131": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Sardine "132": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Bream "136": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Salmon "140": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Walleye "141": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Perch "142": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Carp "143": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Catfish "144": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Pike "145": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Sunfish "146": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Red Mullet "147": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Herring "148": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Eel "149": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Octopus "150": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Red Snapper "151": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Squid "154": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Super Cucumber "164": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Sandfish "165": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Flounder "269": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Midnight Carp "698": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Sturgeon "699": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {10: ".45", 11: ".1"}, //Bullhead 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775 0 74 -1"}, "Town": {4: "137 -1 132 -1 143 -1 145 -1 153 -1 706 -1 74 -1", 5: "138 -1 132 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 706 -1 74 -1", 6: "139 -1 137 -1 132 -1 140 -1 143 -1 153 -1 160 -1 706 -1 699 -1 74 -1", 7: "132 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 153 -1 707 -1 699 -1 74 -1"}, "Mountain": {4: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 163 -1 702 -1 700 -1 74 -1", 5: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 138 -1 702 -1 700 -1 698 -1 74 -1", 6: "136 -1 140 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 7: "136 -1 140 -1 141 -1 153 -1 707 -1 702 -1 700 -1 698 -1 269 -1 74 -1"}, "Backwoods": {4: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 163 -1 74 -1", 5: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 138 -1 702 -1 700 -1 698 -1 74 -1", 6: "136 -1 140 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 74 -1", 7: "136 -1 140 -1 141 -1 153 -1 707 -1 702 -1 700 -1 698 -1 74 -1"}, "Beach": {4: "129 -1 131 -1 147 -1 148 -1 152 -1 708 -1 267 -1 74 -1", 5: "128 -1 130 -1 146 -1 149 -1 150 -1 152 -1 155 -1 159 -1 708 -1 701 -1 267 -1 74 -1", 6: "129 -1 131 -1 148 -1 150 -1 152 -1 154 -1 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true, "全季节鱼": false}, }, //Locations#67 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Locations", "Fields": { "UndergroundMine": {4: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 5: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 6: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 7: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1"}, "Desert": {4: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 5: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 6: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 7: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1"}, "Forest": {4: "153 -1 145 0 143 0 137 1 132 0 706 0 702 0 74 -1", 5: "153 -1 145 0 144 -1 138 0 132 0 706 0 704 0 702 0 74 -1", 6: "143 0 153 -1 140 -1 139 0 137 1 132 0 706 0 702 0 699 0 269 1 74 -1", 7: "699 0 143 0 153 -1 144 -1 141 -1 140 -1 132 0 707 0 702 0 269 1 74 -1"}, "Town": {4: "137 -1 132 -1 143 -1 145 -1 153 -1 706 -1 74 -1", 5: "138 -1 132 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 706 -1 74 -1", 6: "139 -1 137 -1 132 -1 140 -1 143 -1 153 -1 706 -1 699 -1 74 -1", 7: "132 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 153 -1 707 -1 699 -1 74 -1"}, "Mountain": {4: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 74 -1", 5: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 138 -1 702 -1 700 -1 698 -1 74 -1", 6: "136 -1 140 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 7: "136 -1 140 -1 141 -1 153 -1 707 -1 702 -1 700 -1 698 -1 269 -1 74 -1"}, "Backwoods": {4: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 163 -1 74 -1", 5: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 138 -1 702 -1 700 -1 698 -1 74 -1", 6: "136 -1 140 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 74 -1", 7: "136 -1 140 -1 141 -1 153 -1 707 -1 702 -1 700 -1 698 -1 74 -1"}, "Beach": {4: "129 -1 131 -1 147 -1 148 -1 152 -1 708 -1 267 -1 74 -1", 5: "128 -1 130 -1 146 -1 149 -1 150 -1 152 -1 155 -1 708 -1 701 -1 267 -1 74 -1", 6: "129 -1 131 -1 148 -1 150 -1 152 -1 154 -1 155 -1 705 -1 701 -1 74 -1", 7: "708 -1 130 -1 131 -1 146 -1 147 -1 150 -1 151 -1 152 -1 154 -1 705 -1 74 -1"}, "Woods": {4: "734 -1 142 -1 143 -1 74 -1", 5: "734 -1 142 -1 143 -1 74 -1", 6: "734 -1 142 -1 143 -1 74 -1", 7: "734 -1 142 -1 143 -1 74 -1"}, "Sewer": {4: "142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 5: "142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 6: "142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 7: "142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1"}, "BugLand": {4: "796 -1 142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 5: "796 -1 142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 6: "796 -1 142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 7: "796 -1 142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1"}, "WitchSwamp": {4: "795 -1 153 -1 143 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 5: "795 -1 153 -1 143 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 6: "795 -1 153 -1 143 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 7: "795 -1 153 -1 143 -1 157 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandNorth": {4: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 5: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 6: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 7: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSouth": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandWest": {4: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 5: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 6: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 7: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1"}, "IslandSouthEast": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSouthEastCave": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSecret": {4: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 5: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 6: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 7: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1"}, }, "When": {"钓到五彩碎片": true, "反复钓鱼王": true, "幸运限定鱼王": true, "Query: {{DailyLuck}} <= 0.07": true, "全季节鱼": false}, }, //Locations#68 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Locations", "Fields": { "UndergroundMine": {4: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 5: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 6: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 7: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1"}, "Desert": {4: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 5: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 6: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 7: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1"}, "Forest": {4: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 775 0 269 1 74 -1", 5: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 775 0 269 1 74 -1", 6: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 775 0 269 1 74 -1", 7: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 775 0 269 1 74 -1"}, "Town": {4: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 160 -1 699 -1 706 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 5: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 160 -1 699 -1 706 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 6: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 160 -1 699 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157 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandNorth": {4: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 5: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 6: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 7: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSouth": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandWest": {4: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 5: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 6: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 7: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1"}, "IslandSouthEast": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSouthEastCave": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSecret": {4: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 5: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 6: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 7: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1"}, }, "When": {"钓到五彩碎片": true, "反复钓鱼王": true, "全季节鱼": true, "幸运限定鱼王": false}, }, //Locations#69 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Locations", "Fields": { "UndergroundMine": {4: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 5: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 6: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 7: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1"}, "Desert": {4: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 5: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 6: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 7: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1"}, "Forest": {4: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 775 0 269 1 74 -1", 5: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 775 0 269 1 74 -1", 6: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 775 0 269 1 74 -1", 7: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 775 0 269 1 74 -1"}, "Town": {4: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 160 -1 699 -1 706 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 5: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 160 -1 699 -1 706 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 6: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 160 -1 699 -1 706 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 7: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 160 -1 699 -1 706 -1 707 -1 74 -1"}, "Mountain": {4: "136 -1 138 -1 140 -1 141 -1 142 -1 153 -1 163 -1 698 -1 700 -1 702 -1 707 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 5: "136 -1 138 -1 140 -1 141 -1 142 -1 153 -1 163 -1 698 -1 700 -1 702 -1 707 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 6: "136 -1 138 -1 140 -1 141 -1 142 -1 153 -1 163 -1 698 -1 700 -1 702 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1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 5: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 6: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 7: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1"}, "IslandSouthEast": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSouthEastCave": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSecret": {4: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 5: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 6: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 7: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1"}, }, "When": {"钓到五彩碎片": true, "反复钓鱼王": true, "幸运限定鱼王": true, "Query: {{DailyLuck}} > 0.07": true, "全季节鱼": true}, }, //Locations#70 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Locations", "Fields": { "UndergroundMine": {4: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 5: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 6: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 7: "153 -1 156 -1 157 -1 74 -1"}, "Desert": {4: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 5: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 6: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1", 7: "153 -1 164 -1 165 -1 74 -1"}, "Forest": {4: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 269 1 74 -1", 5: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 269 1 74 -1", 6: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 269 1 74 -1", 7: "132 0 137 1 138 0 139 0 140 -1 141 -1 143 0 144 -1 145 0 153 -1 699 0 702 0 704 0 706 0 707 0 269 1 74 -1"}, "Town": {4: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 699 -1 706 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 5: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 699 -1 706 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 6: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 699 -1 706 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 7: "132 -1 137 -1 138 -1 139 -1 140 -1 141 -1 143 -1 144 -1 145 -1 153 -1 699 -1 706 -1 707 -1 74 -1"}, "Mountain": {4: "136 -1 138 -1 140 -1 141 -1 142 -1 153 -1 698 -1 700 -1 702 -1 707 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 5: "136 -1 138 -1 140 -1 141 -1 142 -1 153 -1 698 -1 700 -1 702 -1 707 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 6: "136 -1 138 -1 140 -1 141 -1 142 -1 153 -1 698 -1 700 -1 702 -1 707 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 7: "136 -1 138 -1 140 -1 141 -1 142 -1 153 -1 698 -1 700 -1 702 -1 707 -1 269 -1 74 -1"}, "Backwoods": {4: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 163 -1 138 -1 698 -1 140 -1 141 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 5: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 163 -1 138 -1 698 -1 140 -1 141 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 6: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 163 -1 138 -1 698 -1 140 -1 141 -1 707 -1 74 -1", 7: "136 -1 142 -1 153 -1 702 -1 700 -1 163 -1 138 -1 698 -1 140 -1 141 -1 707 -1 74 -1"}, "Beach": {4: "128 -1 129 -1 130 -1 131 -1 146 -1 147 -1 148 -1 149 -1 150 -1 151 -1 154 -1 155 -1 701 -1 705 -1 708 -1 152 -1 153 -1 267 -1 74 -1", 5: "128 -1 129 -1 130 -1 131 -1 146 -1 147 -1 148 -1 149 -1 150 -1 151 -1 154 -1 155 -1 701 -1 705 -1 708 -1 152 -1 153 -1 267 -1 74 -1", 6: "128 -1 129 -1 130 -1 131 -1 146 -1 147 -1 148 -1 149 -1 150 -1 151 -1 154 -1 155 -1 701 -1 705 -1 708 -1 152 -1 153 -1 267 -1 74 -1", 7: "128 -1 129 -1 130 -1 131 -1 146 -1 147 -1 148 -1 149 -1 150 -1 151 -1 154 -1 155 -1 701 -1 705 -1 708 -1 152 -1 153 -1 267 -1 74 -1"}, "Sewer": {4: "142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 5: "142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 6: "142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 7: "142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1"}, "BugLand": {4: "796 -1 142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 5: "796 -1 142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 6: "796 -1 142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 7: "796 -1 142 -1 153 -1 157 -1 74 -1"}, "WitchSwamp": {4: "795 -1 153 -1 143 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 5: "795 -1 153 -1 143 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 6: "795 -1 153 -1 143 -1 157 -1 74 -1", 7: "795 -1 153 -1 143 -1 157 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandNorth": {4: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 5: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 6: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1", 7: "701 -1 838 -1 269 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSouth": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandWest": {4: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 5: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 6: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1", 7: "149 1 155 1 130 1 128 1 267 1 837 1 701 2 838 2 269 2 74 -1"}, "IslandSouthEast": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 837 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSouthEastCave": {4: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 5: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 6: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1", 7: "155 -1 130 -1 128 -1 267 -1 836 -1 74 -1"}, "IslandSecret": {4: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 5: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 6: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1", 7: "836 -1 267 -1 151 -1 708 -1 146 -1 155 -1 130 -1 74 -1"}, }, "When": {"钓到五彩碎片": true, "反复钓鱼王": true, "幸运限定鱼王": true, "Query: {{DailyLuck}} <= 0.07": true, "全季节鱼": true}, }, //Quests#1 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Quests", "Entries": { "3623100": "ItemDelivery/Fish of Legends/Willy has a sense that a family of Legend fish has made their way to the valley./Bring Willy three Legend fish of the same quality./Willy 163 3/-1/60000/-1/true/You have done it, lad!$h#$b#You sure have proven yourself to be a legend with the art of fishing.$k#$b#Enjoy this grand reward for your achievement!$h#", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true}, }, //Mail#1 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Mail", "Entries": { "LegendsQuest1": "Ahoy @!^The fish of legends has once again returned to the valley after a harsh Winter! I saw them with me own eyes! Not just one, but THREE! Now is the time to go out there and become a legend yourself! Bring me three Legend fish of the same quality and I will reward you greatly.^ -Willy%item quest 3623100 %%[#]Legends of Three", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true}, }, //Events/Farm#1 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Events/Farm", "Entries": { "3623100/m 1/x LegendsQuest1": "null", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "Season": "spring", "Query: {{Year}} > 2": true}, }, //Quests#2 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Quests", "Entries": { "3623101": "ItemDelivery/Crimsonfish of Legends/Willy has a sense that a family of Crimsonfish has made their way to the valley./Bring Willy three Crimsonfish of the same quality./Willy 159 3/-1/30000/-1/true/You have not disappointed me, lad!$h#$b#The Crimsonfish is one that many great fisherman would dream to catch one day and you caught three no less!$k#$b#Enjoy this grand reward for your achievement!$h#", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true}, }, //Mail#2 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Mail", "Entries": { "LegendsQuest2": "Ahoy @!^I was scouting the waters around my shop and I swear I saw not one...but three legendary Crimsonfish! Now is the time to go out there and become a legend yourself! Bring me three Crimsonfish of the same quality and I will reward you greatly.^ -Willy%item quest 3623101 %%[#]Legends of Three II", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true}, }, //Events/Farm#2 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Events/Farm", "Entries": { "3623101/m 1/x LegendsQuest2": "null", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true, "Season": "summer", "Query: {{Year}} > 1": true}, }, //Quests#3 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Quests", "Entries": { "3623102": "ItemDelivery/Angler of Legends/Willy has a sense that a family of Anglers has made their way to the valley./Bring Willy three Anglers of the same quality./Willy 160 3/-1/20000/-1/true/Well done, lad!$h#$b#Me friend will be honored to know his information lead to the catch of three legendary Anglers!$k#$b#Here's a grand reward for your achievement!$h#", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true}, }, //Mail#3 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Mail", "Entries": { "LegendsQuest3": "Ahoy @!^An ol' friend has given me word that the legendary Angler has made its way to the valley once again! Here's the kicker...it's rumored there's three this time around! Now is the time to go out there and become a legend yourself! Bring me three Angler fish of the same quality and I will reward you greatly.^ -Willy%item quest 3623102 %%[#]Legends of Three III", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true}, }, //Events/Farm#3 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Events/Farm", "Entries": { "3623102/m 1/x LegendsQuest3": "null", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "Season": "fall", "Query: {{Year}} > 1": true}, }, //Quests#4 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Quests", "Entries": { "3623103": "ItemDelivery/Glacierfish of Legends/Willy has a sense that a family of Glacierfish has made their way to the valley./Bring Willy three Glacierfish./Willy 775 3/-1/35000/-1/true/What a marvelous feat, lad!$h#$b#The children weren't just seeing ghosts! But they should know the legendary Glacierfish would've done no harm to them no matter how scary they look.$k#$b#Here's a grand reward for your achievement!$h#", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true}, }, //Mail#4 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Mail", "Entries": { "LegendsQuest4": "Ahoy @!^Winter is here and that means the legendary Glacierfish is roaming the clear waters of the forest! The children in the area have stated there's not one but three blue 'monster fish' in the river! If what the children say is true, now is the time to go out there and become a legend yourself! Bring me three Glacierfish of the same quality and I will reward you greatly.^ -Willy%item quest 3623103 %%[#]Legends of Three IV", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true}, }, //Events/Farm#4 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Events/Farm", "Entries": { "3623103/m 1/x LegendsQuest4": "null", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "Season": "winter", "Query: {{Year}} > 1": true}, }, //Quests#5 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Quests", "Entries": { "3623104": "ItemDelivery/Mutant Carp of Legends/Krobus has an inkling he has seen a family of Mutant Carp roaming the sewers./Bring Krobus three Mutant Carp./Krobus 682 3/-1/25000/-1/true/Wow! How intriguing, @!$h#$b#It's best to remove these creatures incase the humans above have a scare.$k#$b#Here's a grand reward for your achievement!$h#", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true}, }, //Mail#5 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Mail", "Entries": { "LegendsQuest5": "Hello...@^Do you like fishing? There's a family of fish that appeared in the sewers called the 'Mutant Carp' can you remove them for me? It would help do a favor for the humans above. You are the only one with a key to the sewers that can help me...please bring me three Mutant Carp of the same quality.^ -Krobus%item quest 3623104 %%[#]Legends of Three V", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "反复钓鱼王": true}, }, //Events/Farm#5 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Events/Farm", "Entries": { "3623104/m 1/x LegendsQuest5": "null", }, "When": {"鱼王任务": true, "Season": "winter", "HasWalletItem": "RustyKey"}, }, //FishPondData#1 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/FishPondData", "Fields": { "item_lionfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 857, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 7, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 831, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 4, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 831, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 1, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_blue_discus": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 91, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 791, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 7, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 91, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 4, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 91, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 1, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_stingray": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 787, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.12, "ItemID": 852, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 7, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 848, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 4, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 851, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 1, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_sunfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.16, "ItemID": 768, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.9, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_blobfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 797, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 688, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 6, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.9, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_lava_eel": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.066, "ItemID": 537, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 537, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.08, "ItemID": 226, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.033, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 384, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 6, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_woodskip": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 309, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 310, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 311, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 8, "Chance": 0.16, "ItemID": 388, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 6, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 709, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.66, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.66, "ItemID": 388, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, ], }, "fish_desert": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 802, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 8, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.75, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_void_salmon": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 305, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 8, "Chance": 0.16, "ItemID": 769, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.83, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_slimejack": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 680, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 50, "MaxQuantity": 50 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_stonefish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 390, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 378, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_ice_pip": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 536, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 84, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 536, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 380, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_ghostfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 157, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 457, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 80, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 338, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.16, "ItemID": 80, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_super_cucumber": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 386, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 66, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_octopus": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.132, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_rainbow_trout": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 394, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.002, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_semi_rare": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.006, "ItemID": 166, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_carnivorous": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 684, "MinQuantity": 20, "MaxQuantity": 20 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_coral": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.12, "ItemID": 543, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.12, "ItemID": 571, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_freshwater,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 689, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 770, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 169, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 170, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 171, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 172, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_ocean,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 392, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 690, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.176, "ItemID": 152, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 397, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 393, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 169, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 170, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 171, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 172, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, }, "When": {"鱼塘产出速度": "Rare Loot Chance 2X"}, }, //FishPondData#2 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/FishPondData", "Fields": { "item_lionfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { 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"MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_stonefish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.225, "ItemID": 390, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.03, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 378, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_ice_pip": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, 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"Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 338, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 80, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_super_cucumber": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 386, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 66, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_octopus": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.198, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.03, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_rainbow_trout": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.06, "ItemID": 394, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.003, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_semi_rare": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.009, "ItemID": 166, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_carnivorous": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 684, "MinQuantity": 20, "MaxQuantity": 20 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_coral": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.18, "ItemID": 543, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, 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"MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 172, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, }, "When": {"鱼塘产出速度": "Rare Loot Chance 3X"}, }, //FishPondData#3 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/FishPondData", "Fields": { "item_lionfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.08, "ItemID": 857, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 7, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 831, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 4, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 831, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 1, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_blue_discus": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 91, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 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"ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_slimejack": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.08, "ItemID": 680, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 50, "MaxQuantity": 50 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.48, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_stonefish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 390, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.48, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 378, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_ice_pip": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 536, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 84, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.48, "ItemID": 536, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 380, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, 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"Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_octopus": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.264, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_rainbow_trout": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.08, "ItemID": 394, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.004, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_semi_rare": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.012, "ItemID": 166, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_carnivorous": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 684, "MinQuantity": 20, "MaxQuantity": 20 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_coral": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 543, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 571, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_freshwater,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 689, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 770, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { 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"MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 7, "Chance": 0.9, "ItemID": 831, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 4, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 831, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 1, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_blue_discus": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 91, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 791, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 7, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 91, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 4, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 91, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 1, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_stingray": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 787, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { 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{ "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.75, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_void_salmon": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 305, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 8, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 769, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.83, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_slimejack": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 680, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.375, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 50, "MaxQuantity": 50 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.6, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.9, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.5, 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{ "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 80, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_super_cucumber": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 386, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 66, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_octopus": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.33, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_rainbow_trout": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 394, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.005, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_semi_rare": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.015, "ItemID": 166, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_carnivorous": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 684, "MinQuantity": 20, "MaxQuantity": 20 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_coral": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 543, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 571, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, 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"MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_ocean,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 392, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.375, "ItemID": 690, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.44, "ItemID": 152, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 397, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.375, "ItemID": 393, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 169, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 170, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 171, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 172, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, }, "When": {"鱼塘产出速度": "Rare Loot Chance 5X"}, }, //FishPondData#5 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/FishPondData", "Fields": { "item_lionfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 857, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 7, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 831, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 4, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 831, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 1, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_blue_discus": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 91, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 791, "MinQuantity": 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0.5, "ItemID": 768, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.9, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_blobfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 797, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 688, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 6, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.9, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_lava_eel": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 537, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 537, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 226, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.033, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 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{ "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 378, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_ice_pip": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 536, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 84, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 536, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 380, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, 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"RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_rainbow_trout": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 394, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_semi_rare": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 166, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_carnivorous": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 684, "MinQuantity": 20, "MaxQuantity": 20 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_coral": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 543, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 571, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_freshwater,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 689, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 770, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 169, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 170, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 171, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 172, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_ocean,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 392, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 690, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 152, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 397, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 393, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 169, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 170, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 171, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 172, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, }, "When": {"鱼塘产出速度": "Rare Loot Chance All 50%"}, }, //FishPondData#6 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/FishPondData", "Fields": { "item_lionfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 857, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 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"ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 787, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.06, "ItemID": 852, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 7, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 848, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 4, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 851, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 1, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_squid": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 7, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 814, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.6, "ItemID": 814, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.45, "ItemID": 814, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 814, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_midnight_squid": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 814, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 7, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 814, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.6, "ItemID": 814, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.45, "ItemID": 814, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 814, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_carp": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 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"RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.9, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_lava_eel": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.033, "ItemID": 537, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 537, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 226, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.033, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 384, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 6, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 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"ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_desert": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 802, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 8, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.75, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_void_salmon": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 305, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 8, "Chance": 0.08, "ItemID": 769, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.83, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_slimejack": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 680, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.075, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 50, "MaxQuantity": 50 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.12, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_stonefish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.075, "ItemID": 390, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.12, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 378, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_ice_pip": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 536, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.075, "ItemID": 84, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.12, "ItemID": 536, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 380, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_ghostfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 157, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 457, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.12, "ItemID": 80, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 338, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.08, "ItemID": 80, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_sturgeon": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 6, "Chance": 0.6, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 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"MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_rainbow_trout": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 394, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.001, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_semi_rare": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.003, "ItemID": 166, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_catfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_carnivorous": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 684, "MinQuantity": 20, "MaxQuantity": 20 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_coral": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.06, "ItemID": 543, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.06, "ItemID": 571, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_sea_urchin": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.01, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.33, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.2, 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"MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 380, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_ghostfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 157, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 457, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 80, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 338, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.16, "ItemID": 80, "MinQuantity": 1, 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"MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.225, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 50, "MaxQuantity": 50 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.36, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.6, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_stonefish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.03, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.225, "ItemID": 390, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.03, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 378, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_ice_pip": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.03, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 536, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.225, "ItemID": 84, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.24, "ItemID": 536, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.03, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 380, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, 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"MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.18, "ItemID": 571, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_sea_urchin": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.03, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.33, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_freshwater,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.03, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.225, "ItemID": 689, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.15, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { 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"MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 766, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_stonefish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 390, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.48, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 378, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 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"MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_rainbow_trout": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.08, "ItemID": 394, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.004, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_semi_rare": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.012, "ItemID": 166, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_catfish": { 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"MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.33, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_freshwater,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 689, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 770, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 169, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 170, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 171, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 172, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_ocean,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.04, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.08, "ItemID": 392, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 690, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.352, "ItemID": 152, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.2, 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"MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_stonefish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.375, "ItemID": 390, "MinQuantity": 30, "MaxQuantity": 30 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.6, "ItemID": 535, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 72, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 378, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_ice_pip": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, 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"Chance": 0.6, "ItemID": 80, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 338, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 80, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_sturgeon": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 6, "Chance": 0.6, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_super_cucumber": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 386, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 66, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_octopus": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.33, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 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"Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 684, "MinQuantity": 20, "MaxQuantity": 20 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_coral": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 543, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.3, "ItemID": 571, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_sea_urchin": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.05, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.33, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, 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"MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 311, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 8, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 388, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 6, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 709, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.66, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 388, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, ], }, "item_tiger_trout": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_desert": { "ProducedItems": [ { 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"ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_sturgeon": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.25, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 2 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.8, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 6, "Chance": 0.6, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 3, "Chance": 0.4, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_super_cucumber": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 386, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 66, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_octopus": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 3, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 10, "MaxQuantity": 10 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 749, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_rainbow_trout": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 394, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_semi_rare": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 166, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_catfish": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_carnivorous": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 684, "MinQuantity": 20, "MaxQuantity": 20 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_coral": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 543, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 571, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "item_sea_urchin": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.02, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 5, "MaxQuantity": 5 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.33, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.1, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_freshwater,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 9, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 689, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 153, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 770, "MinQuantity": 2, "MaxQuantity": 3 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 169, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 170, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 171, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 172, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_ocean,fish_crab_pot": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, 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"MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 168, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.2, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_ocean": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 5, "Chance": 1.0, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.07, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_river": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.9, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], }, "fish_lake": { "ProducedItems": [ { "RequiredPopulation": 10, "Chance": 0.5, "ItemID": 74, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, { "RequiredPopulation": 0, "Chance": 0.9, "ItemID": 812, "MinQuantity": 1, "MaxQuantity": 1 }, ], 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(30 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.10) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 10%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#2 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.20) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 20%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#3 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.30) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 30%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#4 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.40) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 40%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#5 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.50) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 50%"}, }, 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1.60) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.60) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 60%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#7 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.70) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 70%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#8 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: 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"{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.80) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 80%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#9 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: 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"698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 1.90) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 90%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#10 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 2) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 2) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 2) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 2) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 2) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 2) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 2) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 2) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 2) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 2) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 2) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 2) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: 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"708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 2) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 2) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 2) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 2) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 2) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 2) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 2) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 2) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 2) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 2) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 2) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 100%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#11 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 2.25) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 125%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#12 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 2.50) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 150%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#13 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 2.75) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 175%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#14 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 3) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 3) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 3) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 3) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 3) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 3) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 3) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 3) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 3) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 3) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 3) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 3) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 3) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 3) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 3) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 3) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 3) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 3) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 3) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 3) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 3) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 3) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 3) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 3) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 3) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 3) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 3) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 200%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#15 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 3.25) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 225%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#16 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 3.50) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 250%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#17 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3.75) }} }}"}, 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3.75) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 3.75) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 275%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#18 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 4) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 4) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 4) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 4) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 4) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 4) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 4) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 4) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 4) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 4) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 4) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 4) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 4) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 4) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 4) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 4) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 4) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 4) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 4) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 4) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 4) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 4) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 4) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 4) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 4) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 4) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 4) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 300%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#19 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 4.25) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 325%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#20 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 4.50) }} }}"}, 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* 4.50) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 4.50) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 350%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#21 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 4.75) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 375%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#22 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 5) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 5) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 5) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 5) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 5) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 5) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 5) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 5) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 5) }} }}"}, 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"{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 5) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 5) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 5) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 5) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 5) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 5) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 5) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 5) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 5) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 5) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 5) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 5) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 400%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#23 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 5.25) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 425%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#24 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 5.50) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 450%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#25 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 5.75) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 475%"}, }, //ObjectInformation#26 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/ObjectInformation", "Fields": { "128": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 6) }} }}"}, //Pufferfish "129": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 6) }} }}"}, //Anchovy "130": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 6) }} }}"}, //Tuna "131": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 6) }} }}"}, //Sardine "132": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 6) }} }}"}, //Bream "136": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 6) }} }}"}, //Largemouth Bass "137": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 6) }} }}"}, //Smallmouth Bass "138": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 6) }} }}"}, //Rainbow Trout "139": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 6) }} }}"}, //Salmon "140": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (105 * 6) }} }}"}, //Walleye "141": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (55 * 6) }} }}"}, //Perch "142": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 6) }} }}"}, //Carp "143": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 6) }} }}"}, //Catfish "144": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 6) }} }}"}, //Pike "145": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 6) }} }}"}, //Sunfish "146": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 6) }} }}"}, //Red Mullet "147": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 6) }} }}"}, //Herring "148": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (85 * 6) }} }}"}, //Eel "149": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 6) }} }}"}, //Octopus "150": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 6) }} }}"}, //Red Snapper "151": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 6) }} }}"}, //Squid "154": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 6) }} }}"}, //Sea Cucumber "155": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (250 * 6) }} }}"}, //Super Cucumber "156": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (45 * 6) }} }}"}, //Ghostfish "158": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (300 * 6) }} }}"}, //Stonefish "159": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 6) }} }}"}, //Crimsonfish "160": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 6) }} }}"}, //Angler "161": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 6) }} }}"}, //Ice Pip "162": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (700 * 6) }} }}"}, //Lava Eel "163": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 6) }} }}"}, //Legend "164": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 6) }} }}"}, //Sandfish "165": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 6) }} }}"}, //Scorpion Carp "267": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 6) }} }}"}, //Flounder "269": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 6) }} }}"}, //Midnight Carp "682": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 6) }} }}"}, //Mutant Carp "698": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (200 * 6) }} }}"}, //Sturgeon "699": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 6) }} }}"}, //Tiger Trout "700": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 6) }} }}"}, //Bullhead "701": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 6) }} }}"}, //Tilapia "702": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 6) }} }}"}, //Chub "704": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 6) }} }}"}, //Dorado "705": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 6) }} }}"}, //Albacore "706": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 6) }} }}"}, //Shad "707": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 6) }} }}"}, //Lingcod "708": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (80 * 6) }} }}"}, //Halibut "734": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 6) }} }}"}, //Woodskip "775": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 6) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish "795": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (150 * 6) }} }}"}, //Void Salmon "796": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 6) }} }}"}, //Slimejack "798": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 6) }} }}"}, //Midnight Squid "799": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (220 * 6) }} }}"}, //Spook Fish "800": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (500 * 6) }} }}"}, //Blobfish "836": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (180 * 6) }} }}"}, //Stingray "837": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 6) }} }}"}, //Lionfish "838": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 6) }} }}"}, //Blue Discus "898": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1500 * 6) }} }}"}, //Son of Crimsonfish "899": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (900 * 6) }} }}"}, //Ms. Angler "900": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (5000 * 6) }} }}"}, //Legend II "901": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 6) }} }}"}, //Radioactive Carp "902": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (1000 * 6) }} }}"}, //Glacierfish Jr "372": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 6) }} }}"}, //Clam "715": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (120 * 6) }} }}"}, //Lobster "716": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (75 * 6) }} }}"}, //Crayfish "717": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (100 * 6) }} }}"}, //Crab "718": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (50 * 6) }} }}"}, //Cockle "719": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (30 * 6) }} }}"}, //Mussel "720": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (60 * 6) }} }}"}, //Shrimp "721": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (65 * 6) }} }}"}, //Snail "722": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (20 * 6) }} }}"}, //Periwinkle "723": {1: "{{Round: {{Query: (40 * 6) }} }}"}, //Oyster }, "When": {"风浪越大鱼越贵": "Increase by 500%"}, }, //Mail#6 { "Action": "EditData", "Target": "Data/Mail", "Entries": { "fall_21": "Hi there @!^^ Thank you very much for using the Fishing Made Easy Suite mod! :) ^^ Here is a gift of my appreciation! ^^ Thank you again and Happy Fishing!! ^^ =Ericlegacy, Mod Author= %item object 774 25 694 1 695 1 693 1 687 1 703 1 856 1 691 1 242 5 265 5 730 5 728 5 733 5 858 25 %%[#]Gift from Ericlegacy", }, "When": {"年度礼物": false}, }, ] }