From 3909ce4a7ba42226449845e281756a231bee417a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: RVC-Boss <> Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 03:49:38 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Add files via upload --- docs/ | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/ | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 184 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/ create mode 100644 docs/ diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59283ca --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +## Q1:ffmpeg error/utf8 error. + +大概率不是ffmpeg问题,而是音频路径问题;
+ffmpeg读取路径带空格、()等特殊符号,可能出现ffmpeg error;训练集音频带中文路径,在写入filelist.txt的时候可能出现utf8 error;
+ +## Q2:一键训练结束没有索引 + +显示"Training is done. The program is closed."则模型训练成功,后续紧邻的报错是假的;
+ +一键训练结束完成没有added开头的索引文件,可能是因为训练集太大卡住了添加索引的步骤;已通过批处理add索引解决内存add索引对内存需求过大的问题。临时可尝试再次点击"训练索引"按钮。
+ +## Q3:训练结束推理没看到训练集的音色 +点刷新音色再看看,如果还没有看看训练有没有报错,控制台和webui的截图,logs/实验名下的log,都可以发给开发者看看。
+ +## Q4:如何分享模型 +  rvc_root/logs/实验名 下面存储的pth不是用来分享模型用来推理的,而是为了存储实验状态供复现,以及继续训练用的。用来分享的模型应该是weights文件夹下大小为60+MB的pth文件;
+  后续将把weights/exp_name.pth和logs/exp_name/added_xxx.index合并打包成weights/exp_name.zip省去填写index的步骤,那么zip文件用来分享,不要分享pth文件,除非是想换机器继续训练;
+  如果你把logs文件夹下的几百MB的pth文件复制/分享到weights文件夹下强行用于推理,可能会出现f0,tgt_sr等各种key不存在的报错。你需要用ckpt选项卡最下面,手工或自动(本地logs下如果能找到相关信息则会自动)选择是否携带音高、目标音频采样率的选项后进行ckpt小模型提取(输入路径填G开头的那个),提取完在weights文件夹下会出现60+MB的pth文件,刷新音色后可以选择使用。
+ +## Q5:Connection Error. +也许你关闭了控制台(黑色窗口)。
+ +## Q6:WebUI弹出Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0). +请关闭系统局域网代理/全局代理。
+ +这个不仅是客户端的代理,也包括服务端的代理(例如你使用autodl设置了http_proxy和https_proxy学术加速,使用时也需要unset关掉)
+ +## Q7:不用WebUI如何通过命令训练推理 +训练脚本:
+ +推理脚本:
+ +例子:
+ +runtime\python.exe 0 "E:\codes\py39\RVC-beta\todo-songs\1111.wav" "E:\codes\py39\logs\mi-test\added_IVF677_Flat_nprobe_7.index" harvest "test.wav" "weights/mi-test.pth" 0.6 cuda:0 True
+ +f0up_key=sys.argv[1]
+f0method=sys.argv[4]#harvest or pm
+ +## Q8:Cuda error/Cuda out of memory. +小概率是cuda配置问题、设备不支持;大概率是显存不够(out of memory);
+ +训练的话缩小batch size(如果缩小到1还不够只能更换显卡训练),推理的话酌情缩小config.py结尾的x_pad,x_query,x_center,x_max。4G以下显存(例如1060(3G)和各种2G显卡)可以直接放弃,4G显存显卡还有救。
+ +## Q9:total_epoch调多少比较好 + +如果训练集音质差底噪大,20~30足够了,调太高,底模音质无法带高你的低音质训练集
+ +## Q10:需要多少训练集时长 +  推荐10min至50min
+  保证音质高底噪低的情况下,如果有个人特色的音色统一,则多多益善
+  高水平的训练集(精简+音色有特色),5min至10min也是ok的,仓库作者本人就经常这么玩
+  也有人拿1min至2min的数据来训练并且训练成功的,但是成功经验是其他人不可复现的,不太具备参考价值。这要求训练集音色特色非常明显(比如说高频气声较明显的萝莉少女音),且音质高;
+  1min以下时长数据目前没见有人尝试(成功)过。不建议进行这种鬼畜行为。
+ +## Q11:index rate干嘛用的,怎么调(科普) +  如果底模和推理源的音质高于训练集的音质,他们可以带高推理结果的音质,但代价可能是音色往底模/推理源的音色靠,这种现象叫做"音色泄露";
+  index rate用来削减/解决音色泄露问题。调到1,则理论上不存在推理源的音色泄露问题,但音质更倾向于训练集。如果训练集音质比推理源低,则index rate调高可能降低音质。调到0,则不具备利用检索混合来保护训练集音色的效果;
+  如果训练集优质时长多,可调高total_epoch,此时模型本身不太会引用推理源和底模的音色,很少存在"音色泄露"问题,此时index_rate不重要,你甚至可以不建立/分享index索引文件。
+ +## Q11:推理怎么选gpu +config.py文件里device cuda:后面选择卡号;
+ +## Q12:如何推理训练中间保存的pth +通过ckpt选项卡最下面提取小模型。
+ + +## Q13:如何中断和继续训练 +现阶段只能关闭WebUI控制台双击go-web.bat重启程序。网页参数也要刷新重新填写;
+ +## Q14:训练时出现文件页面/内存error +进程开太多了,内存炸了。你可能可以通过如下方式解决
+1、"提取音高和处理数据使用的CPU进程数" 酌情拉低;
+ + + diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab7d6a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +## Q1:ffmpeg error/utf8 error. +It is most likely not a FFmpeg issue, but rather an audio path issue; + +FFmpeg may encounter an error when reading paths containing special characters like spaces and (), which may cause an FFmpeg error; and when the training set's audio contains Chinese paths, writing it into filelist.txt may cause a utf8 error.
+ +## Q2:Cannot find index file after "One-click Training". +If it displays "Training is done. The program is closed," then the model has been trained successfully, and the subsequent errors are fake; + +The lack of an 'added' index file after One-click training may be due to the training set being too large, causing the addition of the index to get stuck; this has been resolved by using batch processing to add the index, which solves the problem of memory overload when adding the index. As a temporary solution, try clicking the "Train Index" button again.
+ +## Q3:Cannot find the model in “Inferencing timbre” after training +Click “Refresh timbre list” and check again; if still not visible, check if there are any errors during training and send screenshots of the console, web UI, and logs/experiment_name/*.log to the developers for further analysis.
+ +## Q4:How to share a model/How to use others' models? +The pth files stored in rvc_root/logs/experiment_name are not meant for sharing or inference, but for storing the experiment checkpoits for reproducibility and further training. The model to be shared should be the 60+MB pth file in the weights folder; + +In the future, weights/exp_name.pth and logs/exp_name/added_xxx.index will be merged into a single weights/ file to eliminate the need for manual index input; so share the zip file, not the pth file, unless you want to continue training on a different machine; + +Copying/sharing the several hundred MB pth files from the logs folder to the weights folder for forced inference may result in errors such as missing f0, tgt_sr, or other keys. You need to use the ckpt tab at the bottom to manually or automatically (if the information is found in the logs/exp_name), select whether to include pitch infomation and target audio sampling rate options and then extract the smaller model. After extraction, there will be a 60+ MB pth file in the weights folder, and you can refresh the voices to use it.
+ +## Q5:Connection Error. +You may have closed the console (black command line window).
+ +## Q6:WebUI popup 'Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)'. +Please disable system LAN proxy/global proxy and then refresh.
+ +## Q7:How to train and infer without the WebUI? +Training script:
+You can run training in WebUI first, and the command-line versions of dataset preprocessing and training will be displayed in the message window.
+ +Inference script:
+ + +e.g.
+ +runtime\python.exe 0 "E:\codes\py39\RVC-beta\todo-songs\1111.wav" "E:\codes\py39\logs\mi-test\added_IVF677_Flat_nprobe_7.index" harvest "test.wav" "weights/mi-test.pth" 0.6 cuda:0 True
+ + +f0up_key=sys.argv[1]
+f0method=sys.argv[4]#harvest or pm
+ +## Q8:Cuda error/Cuda out of memory. +There is a small chance that there is a problem with the CUDA configuration or the device is not supported; more likely, there is not enough memory (out of memory).
+ +For training, reduce the batch size (if reducing to 1 is still not enough, you may need to change the graphics card); for inference, adjust the x_pad, x_query, x_center, and x_max settings in the file as needed. 4G or lower memory cards (e.g. 1060(3G) and various 2G cards) can be abandoned, while 4G memory cards still have a chance.
+ +## Q9:How many total_epoch are optimal? +If the training dataset's audio quality is poor and the noise floor is high, 20-30 epochs are sufficient. Setting it too high won't improve the audio quality of your low-quality training set.
+ +If the training set audio quality is high, the noise floor is low, and there is sufficient duration, you can increase it. 200 is acceptable (since training is fast, and if you're able to prepare a high-quality training set, your GPU likely can handle a longer training duration without issue).
+ +## Q10:How much training set duration is needed? + +A dataset of around 10min to 50min is recommended.
+ +With guaranteed high sound quality and low bottom noise, more can be added if the dataset's timbre is uniform.
+ +For a high-level training set (lean + distinctive tone), 5min to 10min is fine.
+ +There are some people who have trained successfully with 1min to 2min data, but the success is not reproducible by others and is not very informative.
This requires that the training set has a very distinctive timbre (e.g. a high-frequency airy anime girl sound) and the quality of the audio is high; +Data of less than 1min duration has not been successfully attempted so far. This is not recommended.
+ + +## Q11:What is the index rate for and how to adjust it? +If the tone quality of the pre-trained model and inference source is higher than that of the training set, they can bring up the tone quality of the inference result, but at the cost of a possible tone bias towards the tone of the underlying model/inference source rather than the tone of the training set, which is generally referred to as "tone leakage".
+ +The index rate is used to reduce/resolve the timbre leakage problem. If the index rate is set to 1, theoretically there is no timbre leakage from the inference source and the timbre quality is more biased towards the training set. If the training set has a lower sound quality than the inference source, then a higher index rate may reduce the sound quality. Turning it down to 0 does not have the effect of using retrieval blending to protect the training set tones.
+ +If the training set has good audio quality and long duration, turn up the total_epoch, when the model itself is less likely to refer to the inferred source and the pretrained underlying model, and there is little "tone leakage", the index_rate is not important and you can even not create/share the index file.
+ +## Q12:How to choose the gpu when inferring? +In the file, select the card number after "device cuda:".
+ +The mapping between card number and graphics card can be seen in the graphics card information section of the training tab.
+ +## Q13:How to use the model saved in the middle of training? +Save via model extraction at the bottom of the ckpt processing tab. + +## Q14:File/memory error(when training)? +Too many processes and your memory is not enough. You may fix it by: + +1、decrease "Number of CPU threads". + +2、pre-cut trainset to shorter audio files. + + +