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update training tips and faiss tips (#208)
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@ -12,10 +12,7 @@ In '/logs/your-experiment/3_feature256' where the model is located, features ext
From here we read the npy files in order sorted by filename and concatenate the vectors to create big_npy. (This vector has shape [N, 256].)
After saving big_npy as /logs/your-experiment/total_fea.npy, train it with faiss.
As of 2023/04/18, IVF based on L2 distance is used using the index factory function of faiss.
The number of IVF divisions (n_ivf) is N//39, and n_probe uses int(np.power(n_ivf, 0.3)). (Look around train_index in infer-web.py.)
In this article, I will first explain the meaning of these parameters, and then write advice for developers to create a better index.
In this article, I will explain the meaning of these parameters.
# Explanation of the method
## index factory
@ -103,44 +100,3 @@ https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss/wiki/Fast-accumulation-of-PQ-and-AQ-co
## RFlat
RFlat is an instruction to recalculate the rough distance calculated by FastScan with the exact distance specified by the third argument of index factory.
When getting k neighbors, k*k_factor points are recalculated.
# Techniques for embedding
## alpha query expansion
Query expansion is a technique used in searches, for example in full-text searches, where a few words are added to the entered search sentence to improve search accuracy. Several methods have also been proposed for vector search, among which α-query expansion is known as a highly effective method that does not require additional learning. In the paper, it is introduced in [Attention-Based Query Expansion Learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.08019), etc., and [2nd place solution of kaggle shopee competition](https://www.kaggle.com/code/lyakaap/2nd-place-solution/notebook).
α-query expansion can be done by summing a vector with neighboring vectors with weights raised to the power of similarity. How to paste the code example. Replace big_npy with α query expansion.
alpha = 3.
index = faiss.index_factory(256, "IVF512,PQ128x4fs,RFlat")
original_norm = np.maximum(np.linalg.norm(big_npy, ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=True), 1e-9)
big_npy /= original_norm
dist, neighbor = index.search(big_npy, num_expand)
expand_arrays = []
ixs = np.arange(big_npy.shape[0])
for i in range(-(-big_npy.shape[0]//batch_size)):
ix = ixs[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size]
weight = np.power(np.einsum("nd,nmd->nm", big_npy[ix], big_npy[neighbor[ix]]), alpha)
expand_arrays.append(np.sum(big_npy[neighbor[ix]] * np.expand_dims(weight, axis=2),axis=1))
big_npy = np.concatenate(expand_arrays, axis=0)
# normalize index version
big_npy = big_npy / np.maximum(np.linalg.norm(big_npy, ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=True), 1e-9)
This is a technique that can be applied both to the query that does the search and to the DB being searched.
## Compress embedding with MiniBatch KMeans
If total_fea.npy is too large, it is possible to shrink the vector using KMeans.
Compression of embedding is possible with the following code. Specify the size you want to compress for n_clusters, and specify 256 * number of CPU cores for batch_size to fully benefit from CPU parallelization.
import multiprocessing
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
kmeans = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=10000, batch_size=256 * multiprocessing.cpu_count(), init="random")
sample_npy = kmeans.cluster_centers_
@ -9,13 +9,9 @@ RVCではHuBERTで変換した特徴量のEmbeddingに対し、学習データ
# 実装のoverview
モデルが配置されている '/logs/your-experiment/3_feature256'には各音声データからHuBERTで抽出された特徴量が配置されています。
ここからnpyファイルをファイル名でソートした順番で読み込み、ベクトルを連結してbig_npyを作成します。(このベクトルのshapeは[N, 256]です。)
ここからnpyファイルをファイル名でソートした順番で読み込み、ベクトルを連結してbig_npyを作成しfaissを学習させます。(このベクトルのshapeは[N, 256]です。)
2023/04/18時点ではfaissのindex factoryの機能を用いて、L2距離に基づくIVFを用いています。
IVFの分割数(n_ivf)はN//39で、n_probeはint(np.power(n_ivf, 0.3))が採用されています。(infer-web.pyのtrain_index周りを探してください。)
# 手法の解説
## index factory
@ -103,44 +99,3 @@ https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss/wiki/Fast-accumulation-of-PQ-and-AQ-co
## RFlat
RFlatはFastScanで計算した大まかな距離を、index factoryの第三引数で指定した正確な距離で再計算する指示です。
# Embeddingに関するテクニック
## alpha query expansion
クエリ拡張は検索で使われるテクニックで、例えば全文検索では入力された検索文に単語を幾つか追加することで検索精度を上げることがあります。ベクトル検索にもいくつか提唱されていて、その内追加の学習がいらず効果が高い手法としてα-query expansionが知られています。論文では[Attention-Based Query Expansion Learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.08019)などで紹介されていて、[kaggleのshopeeコンペの2位の解法](https://www.kaggle.com/code/lyakaap/2nd-place-solution/notebook)にも用いられていました。
α-query expansionはあるベクトルに対し、近傍のベクトルを類似度のα乗した重みで足し合わせることでできます。いかにコードの例を張ります。big_npyをα query expansionしたものに置き換えます。
alpha = 3.
index = faiss.index_factory(256, "IVF512,PQ128x4fs,RFlat")
original_norm = np.maximum(np.linalg.norm(big_npy, ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=True), 1e-9)
big_npy /= original_norm
dist, neighbor = index.search(big_npy, num_expand)
expand_arrays = []
ixs = np.arange(big_npy.shape[0])
for i in range(-(-big_npy.shape[0]//batch_size)):
ix = ixs[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size]
weight = np.power(np.einsum("nd,nmd->nm", big_npy[ix], big_npy[neighbor[ix]]), alpha)
expand_arrays.append(np.sum(big_npy[neighbor[ix]] * np.expand_dims(weight, axis=2),axis=1))
big_npy = np.concatenate(expand_arrays, axis=0)
# normalize index version
big_npy = big_npy / np.maximum(np.linalg.norm(big_npy, ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=True), 1e-9)
## MiniBatch KMeansによるembeddingの圧縮
以下のコードで、embeddingの圧縮が可能です。n_clustersは圧縮したい大きさを指定し、batch_sizeは256 * CPUのコア数を指定することでCPUの並列化の恩恵を十分に得ることができます。
import multiprocessing
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
kmeans = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=10000, batch_size=256 * multiprocessing.cpu_count(), init="random")
sample_npy = kmeans.cluster_centers_
@ -6,8 +6,12 @@ This TIPS explains how data training is done.
I will explain along the steps in the training tab of the GUI.
## step1
Set the experiment name here. You can also set here whether the model should take pitch into account.
Data for each experiment is placed in `/logs/experiment name/`.
Set the experiment name here.
You can also set here whether the model should take pitch into account.
If the model doesn't consider pitch, the model will be lighter, but not suitable for singing.
Data for each experiment is placed in `/logs/your-experiment-name/`.
## step2a
Loads and preprocesses audio.
@ -23,14 +27,14 @@ After converting to int16 with ffmpeg, convert to float32 and normalize between
The audio is smoothed by scipy's filtfilt.
### Audio Split
First, the input audio is divided by detecting parts of silence that last longer than a certain period (max_sil_kept=5 seconds?). After splitting the audio on silence, split the audio every 4 seconds with an overlap of 0.3 seconds. For audio separated within 4 seconds, after normalizing the volume, convert the wav file to `/logs/experiment name/0_gt_wavs` and then convert it to 16k sampling rate to `/logs/experiment name/1_16k_wavs ` as a wav file.
First, the input audio is divided by detecting parts of silence that last longer than a certain period (max_sil_kept=5 seconds?). After splitting the audio on silence, split the audio every 4 seconds with an overlap of 0.3 seconds. For audio separated within 4 seconds, after normalizing the volume, convert the wav file to `/logs/your-experiment-name/0_gt_wavs` and then convert it to 16k sampling rate to `/logs/your-experiment-name/1_16k_wavs ` as a wav file.
## step2b
### Extract pitch
Extract pitch information from wav files. Extract the pitch information (=f0) using the method built into parselmouth or pyworld and save it in `/logs/experiment name/2a_f0`. Then logarithmically convert the pitch information to an integer between 1 and 255 and save it in `/logs/experiment name/2b-f0nsf`.
Extract pitch information from wav files. Extract the pitch information (=f0) using the method built into parselmouth or pyworld and save it in `/logs/your-experiment-name/2a_f0`. Then logarithmically convert the pitch information to an integer between 1 and 255 and save it in `/logs/your-experiment-name/2b-f0nsf`.
### Extract feature_print
Convert the wav file to embedding in advance using HuBERT. Read the wav file saved in `/logs/experiment name/1_16k_wavs`, convert the wav file to 256-dimensional features with HuBERT, and save in npy format in `/logs/experiment name/3_feature256`.
Convert the wav file to embedding in advance using HuBERT. Read the wav file saved in `/logs/your-experiment-name/1_16k_wavs`, convert the wav file to 256-dimensional features with HuBERT, and save in npy format in `/logs/your-experiment-name/3_feature256`.
## step3
train the model.
@ -40,11 +44,20 @@ In deep learning, the data set is divided and the learning proceeds little by li
Therefore, the learning time is the learning time per step x (the number of data in the dataset / batch size) x the number of epochs. In general, the larger the batch size, the more stable the learning becomes (learning time per step ÷ batch size) becomes smaller, but it uses more GPU memory. GPU RAM can be checked with the nvidia-smi command. Learning can be done in a short time by increasing the batch size as much as possible according to the machine of the execution environment.
### Specify pretrained model
RVC starts training the model from pretrained weights instead of from 0, so it can be trained with a small dataset. By default it loads `rvc-location/pretrained/f0G40k.pth` and `rvc-location/pretrained/f0D40k.pth`. When learning, model parameters are saved in `logs/experiment name/G_{}.pth` and `logs/experiment name/D_{}.pth` for each save_every_epoch, but by specifying this path, you can start learning. You can restart or start training from model weights learned in a different experiment.
RVC starts training the model from pretrained weights instead of from 0, so it can be trained with a small dataset.
By default
- If you consider pitch, it loads `rvc-location/pretrained/f0G40k.pth` and `rvc-location/pretrained/f0D40k.pth`.
- If you don't consider pitch, it loads `rvc-location/pretrained/f0G40k.pth` and `rvc-location/pretrained/f0D40k.pth`.
When learning, model parameters are saved in `logs/your-experiment-name/G_{}.pth` and `logs/your-experiment-name/D_{}.pth` for each save_every_epoch, but by specifying this path, you can start learning. You can restart or start training from model weights learned in a different experiment.
### learning index
RVC saves the HuBERT feature values used during training, and during inference, searches for feature values that are similar to the feature values used during learning to perform inference. In order to perform this search at high speed, the index is learned in advance.
For index learning, we use the approximate neighborhood search library faiss. Read the feature value of `/logs/experiment name/3_feature256`, save the combined feature value as `/logs/experiment name/total_fea.npy`, and use it to learn the index `/logs/experiment name Save it as /add_XXX.index`.
For index learning, we use the approximate neighborhood search library faiss. Read the feature value of `logs/your-experiment-name/3_feature256` and use it to learn the index, and save it as `logs/your-experiment-name/add_XXX.index`.
(From the 20230428update version, it is read from the index, and saving / specifying is no longer necessary.)
### Button description
- Train model: After executing step2b, press this button to train the model.
@ -6,7 +6,10 @@ RVCの訓練における説明、およびTIPS
## step1
## step2a
@ -40,11 +43,19 @@ HuBERTを用いてwavファイルを事前にembeddingに変換します。`/log
そのため、学習時間は 1step当たりの学習時間 x (データセット内のデータ数 ÷ バッチサイズ) x epoch数 かかります。一般にバッチサイズを大きくするほど学習は安定し、(1step当たりの学習時間÷バッチサイズ)は小さくなりますが、その分GPUのメモリを多く使用します。GPUのRAMはnvidia-smiコマンド等で確認できます。実行環境のマシンに合わせてバッチサイズをできるだけ大きくするとより短時間で学習が可能です。
### pretrained modelの指定
- 音高ガイドを考慮する場合、`RVCのある場所/pretrained/f0G40k.pth`と`RVCのある場所/pretrained/f0D40k.pth`を読み込みます。
- 音高ガイドを考慮しない場合、`RVCのある場所/pretrained/G40k.pth`と`RVCのある場所/pretrained/D40k.pth`を読み込みます。
### indexの学習
### ボタンの説明
- モデルのトレーニング: step2bまでを実行した後、このボタンを押すとモデルの学習を行います。
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