import soundfile as sf import torch,pdb,time,argparse,os,warnings,sys,librosa import numpy as np import onnxruntime as ort from import write from tqdm import tqdm import torch import torch.nn as nn dim_c = 4 class Conv_TDF_net_trim(): def __init__(self, device, model_name, target_name, L, dim_f, dim_t, n_fft, hop=1024): super(Conv_TDF_net_trim, self).__init__() self.dim_f = dim_f self.dim_t = 2 ** dim_t self.n_fft = n_fft self.hop = hop self.n_bins = self.n_fft // 2 + 1 self.chunk_size = hop * (self.dim_t - 1) self.window = torch.hann_window(window_length=self.n_fft, periodic=True).to(device) self.target_name = target_name self.blender = 'blender' in model_name out_c = dim_c * 4 if target_name == '*' else dim_c self.freq_pad = torch.zeros([1, out_c, self.n_bins - self.dim_f, self.dim_t]).to(device) self.n = L // 2 def stft(self, x): x = x.reshape([-1, self.chunk_size]) x = torch.stft(x, n_fft=self.n_fft, hop_length=self.hop, window=self.window, center=True, return_complex=True) x = torch.view_as_real(x) x = x.permute([0, 3, 1, 2]) x = x.reshape([-1, 2, 2, self.n_bins, self.dim_t]).reshape([-1, dim_c, self.n_bins, self.dim_t]) return x[:, :, :self.dim_f] def istft(self, x, freq_pad=None): freq_pad = self.freq_pad.repeat([x.shape[0], 1, 1, 1]) if freq_pad is None else freq_pad x =[x, freq_pad], -2) c = 4 * 2 if self.target_name == '*' else 2 x = x.reshape([-1, c, 2, self.n_bins, self.dim_t]).reshape([-1, 2, self.n_bins, self.dim_t]) x = x.permute([0, 2, 3, 1]) x = x.contiguous() x = torch.view_as_complex(x) x = torch.istft(x, n_fft=self.n_fft, hop_length=self.hop, window=self.window, center=True) return x.reshape([-1, c, self.chunk_size]) def get_models(device, dim_f, dim_t, n_fft): return Conv_TDF_net_trim( device=device, model_name='Conv-TDF', target_name='vocals', L=11, dim_f=dim_f, dim_t=dim_t, n_fft=n_fft ) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") cpu = torch.device('cpu') device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') class Predictor: def __init__(self,args): self.args=args self.model_ = get_models(device=cpu, dim_f=args.dim_f, dim_t=args.dim_t, n_fft=args.n_fft) self.model = ort.InferenceSession(os.path.join(args.onnx,self.model_.target_name+'.onnx'), providers=['CUDAExecutionProvider', 'CPUExecutionProvider']) print('onnx load done') def demix(self, mix): samples = mix.shape[-1] margin = self.args.margin chunk_size = self.args.chunks*44100 assert not margin == 0, 'margin cannot be zero!' if margin > chunk_size: margin = chunk_size segmented_mix = {} if self.args.chunks == 0 or samples < chunk_size: chunk_size = samples counter = -1 for skip in range(0, samples, chunk_size): counter+=1 s_margin = 0 if counter == 0 else margin end = min(skip+chunk_size+margin, samples) start = skip-s_margin segmented_mix[skip] = mix[:,start:end].copy() if end == samples: break sources = self.demix_base(segmented_mix, margin_size=margin) ''' mix:(2,big_sample) segmented_mix:offset->(2,small_sample) sources:(1,2,big_sample) ''' return sources def demix_base(self, mixes, margin_size): chunked_sources = [] progress_bar = tqdm(total=len(mixes)) progress_bar.set_description("Processing") for mix in mixes: cmix = mixes[mix] sources = [] n_sample = cmix.shape[1] model=self.model_ trim = model.n_fft//2 gen_size = model.chunk_size-2*trim pad = gen_size - n_sample%gen_size mix_p = np.concatenate((np.zeros((2,trim)), cmix, np.zeros((2,pad)), np.zeros((2,trim))), 1) mix_waves = [] i = 0 while i < n_sample + pad: waves = np.array(mix_p[:, i:i+model.chunk_size]) mix_waves.append(waves) i += gen_size mix_waves = torch.tensor(mix_waves, dtype=torch.float32).to(cpu) with torch.no_grad(): _ort = self.model spek = model.stft(mix_waves) if self.args.denoise: spec_pred =, {'input': -spek.cpu().numpy()})[0]*, {'input': spek.cpu().numpy()})[0]*0.5 tar_waves = model.istft(torch.tensor(spec_pred)) else: tar_waves = model.istft(torch.tensor(, {'input': spek.cpu().numpy()})[0])) tar_signal = tar_waves[:,:,trim:-trim].transpose(0,1).reshape(2, -1).numpy()[:, :-pad] start = 0 if mix == 0 else margin_size end = None if mix == list(mixes.keys())[::-1][0] else -margin_size if margin_size == 0: end = None sources.append(tar_signal[:,start:end]) progress_bar.update(1) chunked_sources.append(sources) _sources = np.concatenate(chunked_sources, axis=-1) # del self.model progress_bar.close() return _sources def prediction(self, m,vocal_root,others_root): os.makedirs(vocal_root,exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(others_root,exist_ok=True) basename = os.path.basename(m) mix, rate = librosa.load(m, mono=False, sr=44100) if mix.ndim == 1: mix = np.asfortranarray([mix,mix]) mix = mix.T sources = self.demix(mix.T) opt=sources[0].T sf.write("%s/%s_main_vocal.wav"%(vocal_root,basename), mix-opt, rate) sf.write("%s/%s_others.wav"%(others_root,basename), opt , rate) class MDXNetDereverb(): def __init__(self,chunks): self.onnx="uvr5_weights/onnx_dereverb_By_FoxJoy" self.shifts=10#'Predict with randomised equivariant stabilisation' self.mixing="min_mag"#['default','min_mag','max_mag'] self.chunks=chunks self.margin=44100 self.dim_t=9 self.dim_f=3072 self.n_fft=6144 self.denoise=True self.pred=Predictor(self) def _path_audio_(self,input,vocal_root,others_root): self.pred.prediction(input,vocal_root,others_root) if __name__ == '__main__': dereverb=MDXNetDereverb(15) from time import time as ttime t0=ttime() dereverb._path_audio_( "雪雪伴奏对消HP5.wav", "vocal", "others", ) t1=ttime() print(t1-t0) ''' runtime\python.exe 6G: 15/9:0.8G->6.8G 14:0.8G->6.5G 25:炸 half15:0.7G->6.6G,22.69s fp32-15:0.7G->6.6G,20.85s '''