import soundfile as sf import torch, pdb, time, argparse, os, warnings, sys, librosa import numpy as np import onnxruntime as ort from import write from tqdm import tqdm import torch import torch.nn as nn dim_c = 4 class Conv_TDF_net_trim: def __init__( self, device, model_name, target_name, L, dim_f, dim_t, n_fft, hop=1024 ): super(Conv_TDF_net_trim, self).__init__() self.dim_f = dim_f self.dim_t = 2**dim_t self.n_fft = n_fft self.hop = hop self.n_bins = self.n_fft // 2 + 1 self.chunk_size = hop * (self.dim_t - 1) self.window = torch.hann_window(window_length=self.n_fft, periodic=True).to( device ) self.target_name = target_name self.blender = "blender" in model_name out_c = dim_c * 4 if target_name == "*" else dim_c self.freq_pad = torch.zeros( [1, out_c, self.n_bins - self.dim_f, self.dim_t] ).to(device) self.n = L // 2 def stft(self, x): x = x.reshape([-1, self.chunk_size]) x = torch.stft( x, n_fft=self.n_fft, hop_length=self.hop, window=self.window, center=True, return_complex=True, ) x = torch.view_as_real(x) x = x.permute([0, 3, 1, 2]) x = x.reshape([-1, 2, 2, self.n_bins, self.dim_t]).reshape( [-1, dim_c, self.n_bins, self.dim_t] ) return x[:, :, : self.dim_f] def istft(self, x, freq_pad=None): freq_pad = ( self.freq_pad.repeat([x.shape[0], 1, 1, 1]) if freq_pad is None else freq_pad ) x =[x, freq_pad], -2) c = 4 * 2 if self.target_name == "*" else 2 x = x.reshape([-1, c, 2, self.n_bins, self.dim_t]).reshape( [-1, 2, self.n_bins, self.dim_t] ) x = x.permute([0, 2, 3, 1]) x = x.contiguous() x = torch.view_as_complex(x) x = torch.istft( x, n_fft=self.n_fft, hop_length=self.hop, window=self.window, center=True ) return x.reshape([-1, c, self.chunk_size]) def get_models(device, dim_f, dim_t, n_fft): return Conv_TDF_net_trim( device=device, model_name="Conv-TDF", target_name="vocals", L=11, dim_f=dim_f, dim_t=dim_t, n_fft=n_fft, ) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") cpu = torch.device("cpu") if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda:0") elif torch.backends.mps.is_available(): device = torch.device("mps") else: device = torch.device("cpu") class Predictor: def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.model_ = get_models( device=cpu, dim_f=args.dim_f, dim_t=args.dim_t, n_fft=args.n_fft ) self.model = ort.InferenceSession( os.path.join(args.onnx, self.model_.target_name + ".onnx"), providers=["CUDAExecutionProvider", "CPUExecutionProvider"], ) print("onnx load done") def demix(self, mix): samples = mix.shape[-1] margin = self.args.margin chunk_size = self.args.chunks * 44100 assert not margin == 0, "margin cannot be zero!" if margin > chunk_size: margin = chunk_size segmented_mix = {} if self.args.chunks == 0 or samples < chunk_size: chunk_size = samples counter = -1 for skip in range(0, samples, chunk_size): counter += 1 s_margin = 0 if counter == 0 else margin end = min(skip + chunk_size + margin, samples) start = skip - s_margin segmented_mix[skip] = mix[:, start:end].copy() if end == samples: break sources = self.demix_base(segmented_mix, margin_size=margin) """ mix:(2,big_sample) segmented_mix:offset->(2,small_sample) sources:(1,2,big_sample) """ return sources def demix_base(self, mixes, margin_size): chunked_sources = [] progress_bar = tqdm(total=len(mixes)) progress_bar.set_description("Processing") for mix in mixes: cmix = mixes[mix] sources = [] n_sample = cmix.shape[1] model = self.model_ trim = model.n_fft // 2 gen_size = model.chunk_size - 2 * trim pad = gen_size - n_sample % gen_size mix_p = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((2, trim)), cmix, np.zeros((2, pad)), np.zeros((2, trim))), 1 ) mix_waves = [] i = 0 while i < n_sample + pad: waves = np.array(mix_p[:, i : i + model.chunk_size]) mix_waves.append(waves) i += gen_size mix_waves = torch.tensor(mix_waves, dtype=torch.float32).to(cpu) with torch.no_grad(): _ort = self.model spek = model.stft(mix_waves) if self.args.denoise: spec_pred = (, {"input": -spek.cpu().numpy()})[0] * 0.5 +, {"input": spek.cpu().numpy()})[0] * 0.5 ) tar_waves = model.istft(torch.tensor(spec_pred)) else: tar_waves = model.istft( torch.tensor(, {"input": spek.cpu().numpy()})[0]) ) tar_signal = ( tar_waves[:, :, trim:-trim] .transpose(0, 1) .reshape(2, -1) .numpy()[:, :-pad] ) start = 0 if mix == 0 else margin_size end = None if mix == list(mixes.keys())[::-1][0] else -margin_size if margin_size == 0: end = None sources.append(tar_signal[:, start:end]) progress_bar.update(1) chunked_sources.append(sources) _sources = np.concatenate(chunked_sources, axis=-1) # del self.model progress_bar.close() return _sources def prediction(self, m, vocal_root, others_root, format): os.makedirs(vocal_root, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(others_root, exist_ok=True) basename = os.path.basename(m) mix, rate = librosa.load(m, mono=False, sr=44100) if mix.ndim == 1: mix = np.asfortranarray([mix, mix]) mix = mix.T sources = self.demix(mix.T) opt = sources[0].T if(format in ["wav", "flac"]): sf.write("%s/%s_main_vocal.%s" % (vocal_root, basename, format), mix - opt, rate) sf.write("%s/%s_others.%s" % (others_root, basename, format), opt, rate) else: path_vocal="%s/%s_main_vocal.wav" % (vocal_root, basename) path_other="%s/%s_others.wav" % (others_root, basename) sf.write(path_vocal, mix - opt, rate) sf.write(path_other, opt, rate) if (os.path.exists(path_vocal)): os.system( "ffmpeg -i %s -vn %s -q:a 2 -y" % (path_vocal, path_vocal[:-4] + ".%s" % format) ) if (os.path.exists(path_other)): os.system( "ffmpeg -i %s -vn %s -q:a 2 -y" % (path_other, path_other[:-4] + ".%s" % format) ) class MDXNetDereverb: def __init__(self, chunks): self.onnx = "uvr5_weights/onnx_dereverb_By_FoxJoy" self.shifts = 10 #'Predict with randomised equivariant stabilisation' self.mixing = "min_mag" # ['default','min_mag','max_mag'] self.chunks = chunks self.margin = 44100 self.dim_t = 9 self.dim_f = 3072 self.n_fft = 6144 self.denoise = True self.pred = Predictor(self) def _path_audio_(self, input, vocal_root, others_root, format): self.pred.prediction(input, vocal_root, others_root, format) if __name__ == "__main__": dereverb = MDXNetDereverb(15) from time import time as ttime t0 = ttime() dereverb._path_audio_( "雪雪伴奏对消HP5.wav", "vocal", "others", ) t1 = ttime() print(t1 - t0) """ runtime\python.exe 6G: 15/9:0.8G->6.8G 14:0.8G->6.5G 25:炸 half15:0.7G->6.6G,22.69s fp32-15:0.7G->6.6G,20.85s """