diff --git a/FAQ-(Frequently-Asked-Questions).md b/FAQ-(Frequently-Asked-Questions).md
index 2601a8f..3160f59 100644
--- a/FAQ-(Frequently-Asked-Questions).md
+++ b/FAQ-(Frequently-Asked-Questions).md
@@ -47,6 +47,27 @@ index_rate=float(sys.argv[7])
+runtime\python.exe myinfer-v2-0528.py 0 "E:\codes\py39\RVC-beta\todo-songs\1111.wav" "E:\codes\py39\test-20230416b\logs\mi-test-v2\aadded_IVF677_Flat_nprobe_1_v2.index" harvest "test_v2.wav" "E:\codes\py39\test-20230416b\weights\mi-test-v2.pth" 0.66 cuda:0 True 3 0 1 0.33
+f0method=sys.argv[4]#harvest or pm or crepe
## Q8:Cuda error/Cuda out of memory.
There is a small chance that there is a problem with the CUDA configuration or the device is not supported; more likely, there is not enough memory (out of memory).