From ed810d0faecca0f26c7275d4ebdc92377cb7135a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jiting Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2019 23:11:24 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] lagos_zh - add translations to many fields --- src/lagos_zh.ts | 305 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 153 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/lagos_zh.ts b/src/lagos_zh.ts index b16dd19..d71b665 100644 --- a/src/lagos_zh.ts +++ b/src/lagos_zh.ts @@ -2573,7 +2573,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Filter files (Ctrl+F) - + 筛选文件 (Ctrl+F) Display files as icons @@ -3097,7 +3097,7 @@ selected files from your computer? FriendFoeListSeenItem %1 on %2 (%3) - + %1 在 %2 (%3) @@ -3319,40 +3319,41 @@ everyone. GUISetupDialog Design - + 风格 Configure the Design of TeamSpeak - + 配置 TeamSpeak 的界面风格 Get more stylesheets & icons - + 获取更多样式和图标 System default - + 系统默认 Show icon in menu bar Mac only - + 在菜单栏显示图标 TeamSpeak will reset to the default style on the next restart. - + TeamSpeak 将在下次重新启动时重置为默认样式。 TeamSpeak will use the selected icon pack on the next restart. Do you want to restart now? - + TeamSpeak 将在下次重启后使用所选的图标包。 +你想现在重启吗? GatherInfoThread Upload contains bad character, skipping upload "%1" - + 上传内容包含错误字符,跳过上传 "%1" @@ -3952,7 +3953,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Ctrl+F - + Ctrl+F for all Capture Profiles @@ -4812,31 +4813,31 @@ You need to improve your identity security level.</span> LicenseViewer License agreement - + 许可协议 Open in Webbrowser - + 在浏览器中打开 I accept - + 我接受 I do not accept - + 我拒绝 Close - + 关闭 Error - + 错误 Failed to download license. - + 无法下载许可证。 @@ -5740,11 +5741,11 @@ Current: %1 &Play - 播放(&PP) + 播放(&P) Alt+P - Alt+P + Alt+P No valid entry selected @@ -5996,203 +5997,203 @@ Current: %1 From Channel - + 从频道 From Server - + 从服务器 Away From Current Channel - + 离开当前的频道 Server Group - + 服务器组 Channel Group - + 频道组 Added by the server - + 由服务器添加 Added by a user - + 由用户添加 Removed by the server - + 由服务器移除 Removed by a user - + 由用户移除 Changed by the server - + 由服务器更改 Changed by a user - + 由用户更改 Starts recording - + 开始录制 Stops recording - + 停止录制 Is already recording - + 正在录制中 Switched channel - + 切换频道 Were moved to different channel - + 被转移到不同的频道 Were Kicked - + 被踢出 Were banned - + 被封禁 Talk Power was granted - + 通话权限被提升 Talk Power was revoked - + 通话权限被移除 Were Assigned a Group - + 被分配到一个组 From the server - + 从这个服务器 From the channel - + 从这个频道 You sent a client message - + 您发送了一条客户端消息 You received a client message - + 您收到了一条客户端消息 You sent a channel message - + 您发送了一条频道消息 You received a channel message - + 您收到了一条频道消息 You sent a server message - + 您发送了一条服务器消息 You received a server message - + 您收到了一条服务器消息 Muted - + 静音 Unmuted - + 取消静音 Set to away - + 设置离开 Set to present - + 设置在线 Received poke - + 收到戳一戳 Sent poke - + 发送戳一戳 File transfer complete - + 文件传输完成 File transfer failed - + 文件传输失败 Whisper list empty - + 密语列表为空 No whisper target found - + 未发现密语目标 Too many whisper targets - + 太多密语目标 Incoming whisper - + 收到密语 Mic clicks other off - + 其他人关麦 Mic clicks other on - + 其他人开麦 Mic click self off - + 自己关麦 Mic click self on - + 自己开麦 3D test sound - + 3D 测试音 Playback test sound - + 音频播放测试音 Talking while muted - + 静音时说话 Action - + 做动作 Sound Script - + 音频脚本 Text Location @@ -6314,11 +6315,11 @@ Current: %1 Ctrl+N - + Ctrl+N Ctrl+R - + Ctrl+R F5 @@ -10033,7 +10034,7 @@ Do you want to apply your changes? TokenAdd Add Privilege Key - + 添加权限密钥 &Type: @@ -11937,34 +11938,34 @@ Useful for servers with a lot of channels and clients. awayDialog Set Away Message - + 设置离开消息 Message: - + 消息: Preset: - + 预设: captureSoundSetupDialog Profile Details - + 配置详情 Capture Mode: - + 音频捕获模式: Capture Device: - + 音频捕获设备: Push-To-Talk - + 按键通话 Continuous Transmission @@ -11972,154 +11973,154 @@ Useful for servers with a lot of channels and clients. Voice Activation Detection - + 语音激活检测 <a href="jumpTo:Hotkeys"><span style=" text-decoration: none;">Set more hotkeys</span></a> - + <a href="jumpTo:Hotkeys"><span style=" text-decoration: none;">设置更多快捷键</span></a> <p><strong>Echo Reduction</strong> reduces the volume of currently talking clients while you talk, and thereby reduces the echoing effect.</p> - + <p><strong>减小回音</strong>在您说话时减少当前通话中的用户的音量,从而减少回音效果。</p> &Echo reduction - + 减小回音(&E) <p><strong>Echo Cancellation</strong> tries to subtract any audio that was played back from the captured signal, reducing the echoing effect at the cost of additional CPU cycles.</p> - + <p><strong>消除回音</strong>尝试从捕获的音频中移除播放的任何音频,以更高的的CPU使用率为代价降低回声影响。</p> Echo cancellation - + 消除回音 &Advanced Options - + 高级选项(&A) Attempt to filter out background noises - + 尝试过滤掉背景噪音 Remove background noise - + 消除背景噪音 <p><strong>Automatic voice gain control</strong> automatically adjusts the volume of captured sound to ensure you don't sound too loud or too soft compared with others.</p> - + <p><strong>自动语音增益控制</strong>会自动调整捕获声音的音量,以确保与其他人的声音相比,您的声音听起来不会太大声或太轻。</p> Automatic voice gain control - + 自动语音增益控制 Echo &reduction reduces playback by: - + 减小回音功能降低的音频回放音量(&R): dB - + 分贝(dB) Delay when release the Push-To-Talk key until Push-To-Talk is actually disabled - + 延迟释放按键通话按键直到按键通话实际关闭 Delay releasing Push-To-Talk: - + 延迟释放按键通话: secs - + 秒(s) Enabled Voice Activation Detection even when Push-To-Talk is used. - + 使用按键通话时启用语音激活检测。 Voice Activation Detection while using Push-To-Talk - + 在使用按键通话模式下仍使用语音激活检测功能 chatSetupDialog Chat Window - + 聊天窗口 Maximum number of lines: - + 最大行数: Chats are cut short when the maximum number of lines are exceeded. - + 超过最大行数时,聊天会被缩短。 lines - + Change the default font used in chat tabs - + 更改聊天标签中使用的默认字体 Change Font - + 更改字体 Reset font to default - + 重置字体为默认值 Automatic Logging - + 自动记录日志 Log channel chats - + 记录频道聊天 Log private chats - + 记录私人聊天 Log server chats - + 记录服务器聊天 Reloading Logs - + 刷新日志 Reload channel chat logs - + 刷新频道聊天日志 last - + 最后的 Reload private chat logs - + 重新加载私人聊天记录 Indicate Incoming Chat - + 表示传入的聊天 Server - + 服务器 Channel - + 频道 Private - + 私有 @@ -13368,143 +13369,143 @@ Please contact the plugin author. The item was deleted on this device but still exists in your account. Keep the item in your account and add it to this device. - + 该项目已在此设备上删除,但仍存在于您的帐户中。 将该项目保留在您的帐户中,然后将其添加到此设备中。 Move To Local Item - + 移动为本地项目 The item was deleted in your account but was edited and still exists on this device. Move the item to your Local Items. - + 该项目已在您的帐户中删除,但已经过修改并仍然存在于此设备上。将项目移动到本地项目。 Use Local Item - + 使用本地项目 The item was edited on your device and in your account. Use the changes from your device and replace the item in your account. - + 该项目已在您的设备和帐户中进行了修改。 使用设备中的更改并替换帐户中的项目。 Use Cloud Item - + 使用云端项目 The item was edited on your device and in your account. Use the changes from your account and replace the item on this device. - + 该项目已在您的设备和帐户中进行了修改。 使用您帐户中的更改并替换此设备上的项目。 Always default - + 永远默认 None - + Updated: - + 更新: Name: - + 名称: Address: - + 地址: Port: - + 端口: Nickname: - + 昵称: Phonetic Nickname: - + 昵称发音: Server Password: - + 服务器密码: Default Channel: - + 默认频道: Default Channel Password: - + 默认频道密码: Auto Connect: - + 自动连接: Show Serverquery Clients: - + 显示 Serverquery 客户端: Identity: - + 身份: Capture Profile: - + 音频捕获配置: Playback Profile: - + 音频回放配置: Hotkey Profile: - + 快捷键配置: Sound Pack: - + 音效包: Unique Identity: - + 唯一识别码: Security Level - + 安全级别 Is Default: - + 是默认: Bookmark - + 书签 Invalid - + 无效 Folder Name: - + 文件夹名称: Folder Type: - + 文件夹类型: Description - + 描述 new - + old - +