spec file created by PyInstaller is useful to share since contains information like hidden-imports, datas and exe-related meta that are fundamentals and necessary for other developers to recreate the exe locally, without struggling to search by themselves what imports and other things are needed.
First and foremost I think that requiring such a complicated gitignore for JetBrains IDEs is a failure on JetBrains part in structuring their project setting. I also feel that it should be included in the `Python.gitignore` due to its popularity and due to the frequency of requests. A quick search for `PyCharm` PRs shows 81 closed PRs requesting it be added and if searching for `.idea` you can see many more have been requested. However I understand the maintenance burden in including it when a user can manually merge the two files themselves so I understand why the maintainers have opted to maintain it seperately.
The main problem I see is that with many people adding the `Python.gitignore` at project creation through the Github UI and the `JetBrains.gitignore` being in the Global folder and makes it less discoverable than it should be.
This PR adds a comment for people adding the `Python.gitignore` directing them to the global `JetBrains.gitignore` which should solve this issue in a way that is acceptable for the maintainers, since comment-only sections already exist for `pyenv` and `pipenv`.
pip generated this folder for a few versions, as part of it's initial
implementation of PEP 517.
pip has not generated this folder for a few versions now, so it should
be OK to remove this from the standard gitignore file.
Cython extension modules built with `gdb_debug=True` spit out debug symbols in the `cython_debug` directory at the top level of the project. The files in this directory contain hardcoded paths and are not shareable/meaningful across environments, so I think it makes sense to include them in a default Python .gitignore.
* Add ignore rules for Pipenv
Pipenv uses Pipfile.lock to maintain Python package information
(metadata, hash, etc.) installed as described in Pipfile. Thus,
Pipfile.lock may vary on different operating systems, platforms
when collaborating. This PR adds Pipfile.lock into the Python
default gitignore. See http://pipenv.org
* Update Python.gitignore
Not to ignore Pipfile.lock in default, but explain
when and why it should be ignored in case of
collaboration. (adjusted according to comment
in github/gitignore#2977 by @drothmaler )
* Apply suggestions from code review
Co-Authored-By: JarryShaw <jarryshaw@icloud.com>
* Update Python.gitignore
As suggested by @shiftkey , elaborate on the problems that users might see with `Pipfile.lock`.
PEP-517 has resulted in some updates to the Python
build process. As a result, a new directory called
pip-wheel-metadata is created on fresh builds.
This PR adds this directory into the Python default
gitignore. See
e5f4bbb7dd/src/pip/_internal/req/req_install.py (L568)
Pyre is a new type-checker for Python developed by facebook in May 2018.
It makes .pyre directory for storing result or cache for type checking.
This directory is environment dependent. So it should be ignored from Git.
add MANIFEST which is GENERATED by distutils
Reasons for making this change:
if you use distutils.core to setup, the file MANIFEST is generated by distutils when run 'python setup.py sdist'
Some of these names relate to specific tools, others could be used by multiple tools. In particular, virtualenv, the most popular tool for creating Python environments, does not mandate any of these and venv/ or .venv are simply conventional. It is more readable to group all of these together.