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# temporary files generated by Visual Studio specific to the local user
# contains profile information and other metadata
# remove: if no longer targeting Visual Studio 2013 or earlier
# new location for Visual Studio 2015
# specific to MonoDevelop and Xamarin Studio
# workspace options file
# remove: if no longer targeting Visual Studio 6
# build output folders generated by Visual Studio
# default build log file
# remove: if no longer targeting Visual Studio 6
# MSTest
# a test framework from Microsoft
# remove: if you are not using the MSTest runner to run your tests
# NUnit
# an open source test framework for .NET
# url: http://www.nunit.org/
# remove: if you are not using the NUnit test runner to run your tests
# ATL (Active Template Library) Project
# remove: if you do not have an ATL project in your solution
# summary: the environment for cross-platform .NET development
# url: https://github.com/aspnet/dnx
# locks the package references for a project to specific versions
# url: https://github.com/aspnet/Home/wiki/Lock-file
# remove: if you would like to lock your dependencies to a specific version
# when committing and prevent package restore from selecting a
# more recent version
# build output
# Program Database files created by various compilers
# used when debugging compiled code - the file essentially represents a lookup
# so that symbols can be resolved to the relevant source code
# url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Program_database
# Visual SourceSafe hint files to keep the projects and solutions in sync
# with source control - these are no longer necessary once you've moved away
# from Visual SourceSafe
# Chutzpah
# a JS unit testing framework for commit
# url: https://github.com/mmanela/chutzpah
# remove: if you do not use the Chutzpah test runner in your project
# Visual C++ cache files
# temporary files generated by the Visual Studio profiling tools
# remove: if you are not using these features of Visual Studio
# TFS 2012 Local Workspace
# remove: if you are not using TFVC in this repository
# Guidance Automation Toolkit
# ReSharper
# a Visual Studio extension which supports various project types
# url: https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/
# JustCode
# a Visual Studio extension for various project types
# url: https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/
# TeamCity
# a Visual Studio extension you can download from your TeamCity server
# url: https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD9/Visual+Studio+Addin
# DotCover
# a code coverage plugin for Visual Studio
# url: https://www.jetbrains.com/dotcover/
# NCrunch
# a continuous test runner for Visual Studio
# url: http://www.ncrunch.net
# MightyMoose
# a continuous test runner for Visual Studio
# url: http://www.continuoustests.com/
# Web Workbench
# SASS, LESS and Coffeescript integration for Visual Studio
# url: http://www.mindscapehq.com/products/web-workbench
# InstallShield
# installer framework for Windows machines
# url: http://www.flexerasoftware.com/producer/products/software-installation/installshield-software-installer/
# output folder
# DocProject
# a document generation add-in for Visual Studio based on Sandcastle
# url: http://docproject.codeplex.com/
# remove: if you are using Visual Studio 2010 or later (which are not supported)
# ClickOnce installer and deployment
# url: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/142dbbz4(v=vs.90).aspx
# remove: if you do not have ClickOnce publishing enabled for your projects
# Publish Web Output
# remove: if you have sensitive details in your database connection strings
(such as passwords) committing this settings file will mean
that they are stored in an unencrypted state in your repository
# NuGet
# summary: the package manager tool used in Visual Studio
# url: https://nuget.org
# output packages created by NuGet
# Since NuGet 2.7, package restore is now a first class feature of Visual Studio
# so you do not need to check in your packages
# url: https://docs.nuget.org/consume/package-restore
# remove: if you do not wish to restore packages in this way, or have
package restore disabled
# some packages include MSBuild targets files, which are stored in this
# location and should be kept in version control
# this file is a local listing of where to find your packages.config files, and
# is regenerated by Visual Studio during a build
# include: if you wish to version this file
# Windows Azure Build Output
# Windows Store app package directory
# Visual Studio cache files
# files ending in .cache can be ignored
# but keep track of directories ending in .cache
# StyleCop
# an extension for enforcing coding style in C#
# url: https://stylecop.codeplex.com/
# temporary files created by the tool
# Others
# the local cache of node module installed by NPM
# remove: if you are not using nodejs in your solution
OR if you wish to keep this cache under version control
# Orleans
# a Distributed Actor Model framework for .NET
# url: https://github.com/dotnet/Orleans
# code generated as part of compilation
# RIA/Silverlight projects
# url: https://www.microsoft.com/silverlight/
# output directory for *.xap artifacts
# temporary directory used by compiler
# Migrating Projects
# When upgrading a solution to a newer version of Visual Studio, there are a
# number of output files created so you can view the log, troubleshoot issues
# and potentially revert to a backup. These can be safely ignored, because
# you're already using version control.
# SQL Server files
# Business Intelligence projects
# remove: if you do not have Business Intelligence projects in your solution
# Microsoft Fakes
# a local cache of assemblies
# url: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh549175.aspx
# remove: if you are not using Microsoft Fakes in your projects
# Node.js Tools for Visual Studio
# url: https://github.com/Microsoft/nodejstools
# remove: if you do not have this extension installed