
139 lines
4.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import platform
import sys
import tqdm
import time
from modules import shared, images
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts
from modules.textual_inversion import autocrop
if cmd_opts.deepdanbooru:
import modules.deepbooru as deepbooru
def preprocess(process_src, process_dst, process_width, process_height, process_flip, process_split, process_caption, process_caption_deepbooru=False, process_entropy_focus=False):
if process_caption:
if process_caption_deepbooru:
db_opts = deepbooru.create_deepbooru_opts()
db_opts[deepbooru.OPT_INCLUDE_RANKS] = False
deepbooru.create_deepbooru_process(opts.interrogate_deepbooru_score_threshold, db_opts)
preprocess_work(process_src, process_dst, process_width, process_height, process_flip, process_split, process_caption, process_caption_deepbooru, process_entropy_focus)
if process_caption:
if process_caption_deepbooru:
def preprocess_work(process_src, process_dst, process_width, process_height, process_flip, process_split, process_caption, process_caption_deepbooru=False, process_entropy_focus=False):
2022-10-10 21:35:35 +08:00
width = process_width
height = process_height
src = os.path.abspath(process_src)
dst = os.path.abspath(process_dst)
2022-10-06 05:11:32 +08:00
assert src != dst, 'same directory specified as source and destination'
os.makedirs(dst, exist_ok=True)
files = os.listdir(src)
shared.state.textinfo = "Preprocessing..."
shared.state.job_count = len(files)
def save_pic_with_caption(image, index):
caption = ""
if process_caption:
caption += shared.interrogator.generate_caption(image)
if process_caption_deepbooru:
if len(caption) > 0:
caption += ", "
caption += deepbooru.get_tags_from_process(image)
filename_part = filename
filename_part = os.path.splitext(filename_part)[0]
filename_part = os.path.basename(filename_part)
basename = f"{index:05}-{subindex[0]}-{filename_part}", f"{basename}.png"))
if len(caption) > 0:
with open(os.path.join(dst, f"{basename}.txt"), "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
subindex[0] += 1
def save_pic(image, index):
save_pic_with_caption(image, index)
if process_flip:
save_pic_with_caption(ImageOps.mirror(image), index)
for index, imagefile in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(files)):
subindex = [0]
filename = os.path.join(src, imagefile)
2022-10-11 16:32:46 +08:00
img ="RGB")
except Exception:
if shared.state.interrupted:
ratio = img.height / img.width
is_tall = ratio > 1.35
is_wide = ratio < 1 / 1.35
processing_option_ran = False
if process_split and is_tall:
2022-10-10 21:35:35 +08:00
img = img.resize((width, height * img.height // img.width))
2022-10-10 21:35:35 +08:00
top = img.crop((0, 0, width, height))
save_pic(top, index)
2022-10-10 21:35:35 +08:00
bot = img.crop((0, img.height - height, width, img.height))
save_pic(bot, index)
processing_option_ran = True
elif process_split and is_wide:
2022-10-10 21:35:35 +08:00
img = img.resize((width * img.width // img.height, height))
2022-10-10 21:35:35 +08:00
left = img.crop((0, 0, width, height))
save_pic(left, index)
2022-10-10 21:35:35 +08:00
right = img.crop((img.width - width, 0, img.width, height))
save_pic(right, index)
processing_option_ran = True
if process_entropy_focus and img.height != img.width:
autocrop_settings = autocrop.Settings(
crop_width = width,
crop_height = height,
face_points_weight = 0.9,
entropy_points_weight = 0.7,
corner_points_weight = 0.5,
annotate_image = False
focal = autocrop.crop_image(img, autocrop_settings)
save_pic(focal, index)
processing_option_ran = True
if not processing_option_ran:
2022-10-10 21:35:35 +08:00
img = images.resize_image(1, img, width, height)
save_pic(img, index)