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### This file contains impls for underlying related models (CLIP, T5, etc)
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import torch
import math
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from torch import nn
from transformers import CLIPTokenizer , T5TokenizerFast
### Core/Utility
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class AutocastLinear ( nn . Linear ) :
""" Same as usual linear layer, but casts its weights to whatever the parameter type is.
This is different from torch . autocast in a way that float16 layer processing float32 input
will return float16 with autocast on , and float32 with this . T5 seems to be fucked
if you do it in full float16 ( returning almost all zeros in the final output ) .
def forward ( self , x ) :
return torch . nn . functional . linear ( x , self . weight . to ( x . dtype ) , self . bias . to ( x . dtype ) if self . bias is not None else None )
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def attention ( q , k , v , heads , mask = None ) :
""" Convenience wrapper around a basic attention operation """
b , _ , dim_head = q . shape
dim_head / / = heads
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q , k , v = [ t . view ( b , - 1 , heads , dim_head ) . transpose ( 1 , 2 ) for t in ( q , k , v ) ]
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out = torch . nn . functional . scaled_dot_product_attention ( q , k , v , attn_mask = mask , dropout_p = 0.0 , is_causal = False )
return out . transpose ( 1 , 2 ) . reshape ( b , - 1 , heads * dim_head )
class Mlp ( nn . Module ) :
""" MLP as used in Vision Transformer, MLP-Mixer and related networks """
def __init__ ( self , in_features , hidden_features = None , out_features = None , act_layer = nn . GELU , bias = True , dtype = None , device = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
out_features = out_features or in_features
hidden_features = hidden_features or in_features
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self . fc1 = nn . Linear ( in_features , hidden_features , bias = bias , dtype = dtype , device = device )
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self . act = act_layer
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self . fc2 = nn . Linear ( hidden_features , out_features , bias = bias , dtype = dtype , device = device )
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def forward ( self , x ) :
x = self . fc1 ( x )
x = self . act ( x )
x = self . fc2 ( x )
return x
### CLIP
class CLIPAttention ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , embed_dim , heads , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . heads = heads
self . q_proj = nn . Linear ( embed_dim , embed_dim , bias = True , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . k_proj = nn . Linear ( embed_dim , embed_dim , bias = True , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . v_proj = nn . Linear ( embed_dim , embed_dim , bias = True , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . out_proj = nn . Linear ( embed_dim , embed_dim , bias = True , dtype = dtype , device = device )
def forward ( self , x , mask = None ) :
q = self . q_proj ( x )
k = self . k_proj ( x )
v = self . v_proj ( x )
out = attention ( q , k , v , self . heads , mask )
return self . out_proj ( out )
" quick_gelu " : lambda a : a * torch . sigmoid ( 1.702 * a ) ,
" gelu " : torch . nn . functional . gelu ,
class CLIPLayer ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , embed_dim , heads , intermediate_size , intermediate_activation , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . layer_norm1 = nn . LayerNorm ( embed_dim , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . self_attn = CLIPAttention ( embed_dim , heads , dtype , device )
self . layer_norm2 = nn . LayerNorm ( embed_dim , dtype = dtype , device = device )
#self.mlp = CLIPMLP(embed_dim, intermediate_size, intermediate_activation, dtype, device)
self . mlp = Mlp ( embed_dim , intermediate_size , embed_dim , act_layer = ACTIVATIONS [ intermediate_activation ] , dtype = dtype , device = device )
def forward ( self , x , mask = None ) :
x + = self . self_attn ( self . layer_norm1 ( x ) , mask )
x + = self . mlp ( self . layer_norm2 ( x ) )
return x
class CLIPEncoder ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , num_layers , embed_dim , heads , intermediate_size , intermediate_activation , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . layers = torch . nn . ModuleList ( [ CLIPLayer ( embed_dim , heads , intermediate_size , intermediate_activation , dtype , device ) for i in range ( num_layers ) ] )
def forward ( self , x , mask = None , intermediate_output = None ) :
if intermediate_output is not None :
if intermediate_output < 0 :
intermediate_output = len ( self . layers ) + intermediate_output
intermediate = None
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for i , layer in enumerate ( self . layers ) :
x = layer ( x , mask )
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if i == intermediate_output :
intermediate = x . clone ( )
return x , intermediate
class CLIPEmbeddings ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , embed_dim , vocab_size = 49408 , num_positions = 77 , dtype = None , device = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . token_embedding = torch . nn . Embedding ( vocab_size , embed_dim , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . position_embedding = torch . nn . Embedding ( num_positions , embed_dim , dtype = dtype , device = device )
def forward ( self , input_tokens ) :
return self . token_embedding ( input_tokens ) + self . position_embedding . weight
class CLIPTextModel_ ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , config_dict , dtype , device ) :
num_layers = config_dict [ " num_hidden_layers " ]
embed_dim = config_dict [ " hidden_size " ]
heads = config_dict [ " num_attention_heads " ]
intermediate_size = config_dict [ " intermediate_size " ]
intermediate_activation = config_dict [ " hidden_act " ]
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . embeddings = CLIPEmbeddings ( embed_dim , dtype = torch . float32 , device = device )
self . encoder = CLIPEncoder ( num_layers , embed_dim , heads , intermediate_size , intermediate_activation , dtype , device )
self . final_layer_norm = nn . LayerNorm ( embed_dim , dtype = dtype , device = device )
def forward ( self , input_tokens , intermediate_output = None , final_layer_norm_intermediate = True ) :
x = self . embeddings ( input_tokens )
causal_mask = torch . empty ( x . shape [ 1 ] , x . shape [ 1 ] , dtype = x . dtype , device = x . device ) . fill_ ( float ( " -inf " ) ) . triu_ ( 1 )
x , i = self . encoder ( x , mask = causal_mask , intermediate_output = intermediate_output )
x = self . final_layer_norm ( x )
if i is not None and final_layer_norm_intermediate :
i = self . final_layer_norm ( i )
pooled_output = x [ torch . arange ( x . shape [ 0 ] , device = x . device ) , input_tokens . to ( dtype = torch . int , device = x . device ) . argmax ( dim = - 1 ) , ]
return x , i , pooled_output
class CLIPTextModel ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , config_dict , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . num_layers = config_dict [ " num_hidden_layers " ]
self . text_model = CLIPTextModel_ ( config_dict , dtype , device )
embed_dim = config_dict [ " hidden_size " ]
self . text_projection = nn . Linear ( embed_dim , embed_dim , bias = False , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . text_projection . weight . copy_ ( torch . eye ( embed_dim ) )
self . dtype = dtype
def get_input_embeddings ( self ) :
return self . text_model . embeddings . token_embedding
def set_input_embeddings ( self , embeddings ) :
self . text_model . embeddings . token_embedding = embeddings
def forward ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
x = self . text_model ( * args , * * kwargs )
out = self . text_projection ( x [ 2 ] )
return ( x [ 0 ] , x [ 1 ] , out , x [ 2 ] )
class SDTokenizer :
def __init__ ( self , max_length = 77 , pad_with_end = True , tokenizer = None , has_start_token = True , pad_to_max_length = True , min_length = None ) :
self . tokenizer = tokenizer
self . max_length = max_length
self . min_length = min_length
empty = self . tokenizer ( ' ' ) [ " input_ids " ]
if has_start_token :
self . tokens_start = 1
self . start_token = empty [ 0 ]
self . end_token = empty [ 1 ]
else :
self . tokens_start = 0
self . start_token = None
self . end_token = empty [ 0 ]
self . pad_with_end = pad_with_end
self . pad_to_max_length = pad_to_max_length
vocab = self . tokenizer . get_vocab ( )
self . inv_vocab = { v : k for k , v in vocab . items ( ) }
self . max_word_length = 8
def tokenize_with_weights ( self , text : str ) :
""" Tokenize the text, with weight values - presume 1.0 for all and ignore other features here. The details aren ' t relevant for a reference impl, and weights themselves has weak effect on SD3. """
if self . pad_with_end :
pad_token = self . end_token
else :
pad_token = 0
batch = [ ]
if self . start_token is not None :
batch . append ( ( self . start_token , 1.0 ) )
to_tokenize = text . replace ( " \n " , " " ) . split ( ' ' )
to_tokenize = [ x for x in to_tokenize if x != " " ]
for word in to_tokenize :
batch . extend ( [ ( t , 1 ) for t in self . tokenizer ( word ) [ " input_ids " ] [ self . tokens_start : - 1 ] ] )
batch . append ( ( self . end_token , 1.0 ) )
if self . pad_to_max_length :
batch . extend ( [ ( pad_token , 1.0 ) ] * ( self . max_length - len ( batch ) ) )
if self . min_length is not None and len ( batch ) < self . min_length :
batch . extend ( [ ( pad_token , 1.0 ) ] * ( self . min_length - len ( batch ) ) )
return [ batch ]
class SDXLClipGTokenizer ( SDTokenizer ) :
def __init__ ( self , tokenizer ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( pad_with_end = False , tokenizer = tokenizer )
class SD3Tokenizer :
def __init__ ( self ) :
clip_tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer . from_pretrained ( " openai/clip-vit-large-patch14 " )
self . clip_l = SDTokenizer ( tokenizer = clip_tokenizer )
self . clip_g = SDXLClipGTokenizer ( clip_tokenizer )
self . t5xxl = T5XXLTokenizer ( )
def tokenize_with_weights ( self , text : str ) :
out = { }
out [ " g " ] = self . clip_g . tokenize_with_weights ( text )
out [ " l " ] = self . clip_l . tokenize_with_weights ( text )
out [ " t5xxl " ] = self . t5xxl . tokenize_with_weights ( text )
return out
class ClipTokenWeightEncoder :
def encode_token_weights ( self , token_weight_pairs ) :
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tokens = [ a [ 0 ] for a in token_weight_pairs [ 0 ] ]
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out , pooled = self ( [ tokens ] )
if pooled is not None :
first_pooled = pooled [ 0 : 1 ] . cpu ( )
else :
first_pooled = pooled
output = [ out [ 0 : 1 ] ]
return torch . cat ( output , dim = - 2 ) . cpu ( ) , first_pooled
class SDClipModel ( torch . nn . Module , ClipTokenWeightEncoder ) :
""" Uses the CLIP transformer encoder for text (from huggingface) """
LAYERS = [ " last " , " pooled " , " hidden " ]
def __init__ ( self , device = " cpu " , max_length = 77 , layer = " last " , layer_idx = None , textmodel_json_config = None , dtype = None , model_class = CLIPTextModel ,
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special_tokens = None , layer_norm_hidden_state = True , return_projected_pooled = True ) :
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super ( ) . __init__ ( )
assert layer in self . LAYERS
self . transformer = model_class ( textmodel_json_config , dtype , device )
self . num_layers = self . transformer . num_layers
self . max_length = max_length
self . transformer = self . transformer . eval ( )
for param in self . parameters ( ) :
param . requires_grad = False
self . layer = layer
self . layer_idx = None
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self . special_tokens = special_tokens if special_tokens is not None else { " start " : 49406 , " end " : 49407 , " pad " : 49407 }
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self . logit_scale = torch . nn . Parameter ( torch . tensor ( 4.6055 ) )
self . layer_norm_hidden_state = layer_norm_hidden_state
self . return_projected_pooled = return_projected_pooled
if layer == " hidden " :
assert layer_idx is not None
assert abs ( layer_idx ) < self . num_layers
self . set_clip_options ( { " layer " : layer_idx } )
self . options_default = ( self . layer , self . layer_idx , self . return_projected_pooled )
def set_clip_options ( self , options ) :
layer_idx = options . get ( " layer " , self . layer_idx )
self . return_projected_pooled = options . get ( " projected_pooled " , self . return_projected_pooled )
if layer_idx is None or abs ( layer_idx ) > self . num_layers :
self . layer = " last "
else :
self . layer = " hidden "
self . layer_idx = layer_idx
def forward ( self , tokens ) :
backup_embeds = self . transformer . get_input_embeddings ( )
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tokens = torch . asarray ( tokens , dtype = torch . int64 , device = backup_embeds . weight . device )
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outputs = self . transformer ( tokens , intermediate_output = self . layer_idx , final_layer_norm_intermediate = self . layer_norm_hidden_state )
self . transformer . set_input_embeddings ( backup_embeds )
if self . layer == " last " :
z = outputs [ 0 ]
else :
z = outputs [ 1 ]
pooled_output = None
if len ( outputs ) > = 3 :
if not self . return_projected_pooled and len ( outputs ) > = 4 and outputs [ 3 ] is not None :
pooled_output = outputs [ 3 ] . float ( )
elif outputs [ 2 ] is not None :
pooled_output = outputs [ 2 ] . float ( )
return z . float ( ) , pooled_output
class SDXLClipG ( SDClipModel ) :
""" Wraps the CLIP-G model into the SD-CLIP-Model interface """
def __init__ ( self , config , device = " cpu " , layer = " penultimate " , layer_idx = None , dtype = None ) :
if layer == " penultimate " :
layer = " hidden "
layer_idx = - 2
super ( ) . __init__ ( device = device , layer = layer , layer_idx = layer_idx , textmodel_json_config = config , dtype = dtype , special_tokens = { " start " : 49406 , " end " : 49407 , " pad " : 0 } , layer_norm_hidden_state = False )
class T5XXLModel ( SDClipModel ) :
""" Wraps the T5-XXL model into the SD-CLIP-Model interface for convenience """
def __init__ ( self , config , device = " cpu " , layer = " last " , layer_idx = None , dtype = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( device = device , layer = layer , layer_idx = layer_idx , textmodel_json_config = config , dtype = dtype , special_tokens = { " end " : 1 , " pad " : 0 } , model_class = T5 )
### T5 implementation, for the T5-XXL text encoder portion, largely pulled from upstream impl
class T5XXLTokenizer ( SDTokenizer ) :
""" Wraps the T5 Tokenizer from HF into the SDTokenizer interface """
def __init__ ( self ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( pad_with_end = False , tokenizer = T5TokenizerFast . from_pretrained ( " google/t5-v1_1-xxl " ) , has_start_token = False , pad_to_max_length = False , max_length = 99999999 , min_length = 77 )
class T5LayerNorm ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , hidden_size , eps = 1e-6 , dtype = None , device = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . weight = torch . nn . Parameter ( torch . ones ( hidden_size , dtype = dtype , device = device ) )
self . variance_epsilon = eps
def forward ( self , x ) :
variance = x . pow ( 2 ) . mean ( - 1 , keepdim = True )
x = x * torch . rsqrt ( variance + self . variance_epsilon )
return self . weight . to ( device = x . device , dtype = x . dtype ) * x
class T5DenseGatedActDense ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , model_dim , ff_dim , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
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self . wi_0 = AutocastLinear ( model_dim , ff_dim , bias = False , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . wi_1 = AutocastLinear ( model_dim , ff_dim , bias = False , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . wo = AutocastLinear ( ff_dim , model_dim , bias = False , dtype = dtype , device = device )
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def forward ( self , x ) :
hidden_gelu = torch . nn . functional . gelu ( self . wi_0 ( x ) , approximate = " tanh " )
hidden_linear = self . wi_1 ( x )
x = hidden_gelu * hidden_linear
x = self . wo ( x )
return x
class T5LayerFF ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , model_dim , ff_dim , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . DenseReluDense = T5DenseGatedActDense ( model_dim , ff_dim , dtype , device )
self . layer_norm = T5LayerNorm ( model_dim , dtype = dtype , device = device )
def forward ( self , x ) :
forwarded_states = self . layer_norm ( x )
forwarded_states = self . DenseReluDense ( forwarded_states )
x + = forwarded_states
return x
class T5Attention ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , model_dim , inner_dim , num_heads , relative_attention_bias , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
# Mesh TensorFlow initialization to avoid scaling before softmax
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self . q = AutocastLinear ( model_dim , inner_dim , bias = False , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . k = AutocastLinear ( model_dim , inner_dim , bias = False , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . v = AutocastLinear ( model_dim , inner_dim , bias = False , dtype = dtype , device = device )
self . o = AutocastLinear ( inner_dim , model_dim , bias = False , dtype = dtype , device = device )
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self . num_heads = num_heads
self . relative_attention_bias = None
if relative_attention_bias :
self . relative_attention_num_buckets = 32
self . relative_attention_max_distance = 128
self . relative_attention_bias = torch . nn . Embedding ( self . relative_attention_num_buckets , self . num_heads , device = device )
def _relative_position_bucket ( relative_position , bidirectional = True , num_buckets = 32 , max_distance = 128 ) :
Adapted from Mesh Tensorflow :
https : / / github . com / tensorflow / mesh / blob / 0 cb87fe07da627bf0b7e60475d59f95ed6b5be3d / mesh_tensorflow / transformer / transformer_layers . py #L593
Translate relative position to a bucket number for relative attention . The relative position is defined as
memory_position - query_position , i . e . the distance in tokens from the attending position to the attended - to
position . If bidirectional = False , then positive relative positions are invalid . We use smaller buckets for
small absolute relative_position and larger buckets for larger absolute relative_positions . All relative
positions > = max_distance map to the same bucket . All relative positions < = - max_distance map to the same bucket .
This should allow for more graceful generalization to longer sequences than the model has been trained on
Args :
relative_position : an int32 Tensor
bidirectional : a boolean - whether the attention is bidirectional
num_buckets : an integer
max_distance : an integer
Returns :
a Tensor with the same shape as relative_position , containing int32 values in the range [ 0 , num_buckets )
relative_buckets = 0
if bidirectional :
num_buckets / / = 2
relative_buckets + = ( relative_position > 0 ) . to ( torch . long ) * num_buckets
relative_position = torch . abs ( relative_position )
else :
relative_position = - torch . min ( relative_position , torch . zeros_like ( relative_position ) )
# now relative_position is in the range [0, inf)
# half of the buckets are for exact increments in positions
max_exact = num_buckets / / 2
is_small = relative_position < max_exact
# The other half of the buckets are for logarithmically bigger bins in positions up to max_distance
relative_position_if_large = max_exact + (
torch . log ( relative_position . float ( ) / max_exact )
/ math . log ( max_distance / max_exact )
* ( num_buckets - max_exact )
) . to ( torch . long )
relative_position_if_large = torch . min ( relative_position_if_large , torch . full_like ( relative_position_if_large , num_buckets - 1 ) )
relative_buckets + = torch . where ( is_small , relative_position , relative_position_if_large )
return relative_buckets
def compute_bias ( self , query_length , key_length , device ) :
""" Compute binned relative position bias """
context_position = torch . arange ( query_length , dtype = torch . long , device = device ) [ : , None ]
memory_position = torch . arange ( key_length , dtype = torch . long , device = device ) [ None , : ]
relative_position = memory_position - context_position # shape (query_length, key_length)
relative_position_bucket = self . _relative_position_bucket (
relative_position , # shape (query_length, key_length)
bidirectional = True ,
num_buckets = self . relative_attention_num_buckets ,
max_distance = self . relative_attention_max_distance ,
values = self . relative_attention_bias ( relative_position_bucket ) # shape (query_length, key_length, num_heads)
values = values . permute ( [ 2 , 0 , 1 ] ) . unsqueeze ( 0 ) # shape (1, num_heads, query_length, key_length)
return values
def forward ( self , x , past_bias = None ) :
q = self . q ( x )
k = self . k ( x )
v = self . v ( x )
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if self . relative_attention_bias is not None :
past_bias = self . compute_bias ( x . shape [ 1 ] , x . shape [ 1 ] , x . device )
if past_bias is not None :
mask = past_bias
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else :
mask = None
out = attention ( q , k * ( ( k . shape [ - 1 ] / self . num_heads ) * * 0.5 ) , v , self . num_heads , mask . to ( x . dtype ) if mask is not None else None )
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return self . o ( out ) , past_bias
class T5LayerSelfAttention ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , model_dim , inner_dim , ff_dim , num_heads , relative_attention_bias , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . SelfAttention = T5Attention ( model_dim , inner_dim , num_heads , relative_attention_bias , dtype , device )
self . layer_norm = T5LayerNorm ( model_dim , dtype = dtype , device = device )
def forward ( self , x , past_bias = None ) :
output , past_bias = self . SelfAttention ( self . layer_norm ( x ) , past_bias = past_bias )
x + = output
return x , past_bias
class T5Block ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , model_dim , inner_dim , ff_dim , num_heads , relative_attention_bias , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . layer = torch . nn . ModuleList ( )
self . layer . append ( T5LayerSelfAttention ( model_dim , inner_dim , ff_dim , num_heads , relative_attention_bias , dtype , device ) )
self . layer . append ( T5LayerFF ( model_dim , ff_dim , dtype , device ) )
def forward ( self , x , past_bias = None ) :
x , past_bias = self . layer [ 0 ] ( x , past_bias )
x = self . layer [ - 1 ] ( x )
return x , past_bias
class T5Stack ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , num_layers , model_dim , inner_dim , ff_dim , num_heads , vocab_size , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . embed_tokens = torch . nn . Embedding ( vocab_size , model_dim , device = device )
self . block = torch . nn . ModuleList ( [ T5Block ( model_dim , inner_dim , ff_dim , num_heads , relative_attention_bias = ( i == 0 ) , dtype = dtype , device = device ) for i in range ( num_layers ) ] )
self . final_layer_norm = T5LayerNorm ( model_dim , dtype = dtype , device = device )
def forward ( self , input_ids , intermediate_output = None , final_layer_norm_intermediate = True ) :
intermediate = None
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x = self . embed_tokens ( input_ids ) . to ( torch . float32 ) # needs float32 or else T5 returns all zeroes
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past_bias = None
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for i , layer in enumerate ( self . block ) :
x , past_bias = layer ( x , past_bias )
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if i == intermediate_output :
intermediate = x . clone ( )
x = self . final_layer_norm ( x )
if intermediate is not None and final_layer_norm_intermediate :
intermediate = self . final_layer_norm ( intermediate )
return x , intermediate
class T5 ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , config_dict , dtype , device ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . num_layers = config_dict [ " num_layers " ]
self . encoder = T5Stack ( self . num_layers , config_dict [ " d_model " ] , config_dict [ " d_model " ] , config_dict [ " d_ff " ] , config_dict [ " num_heads " ] , config_dict [ " vocab_size " ] , dtype , device )
self . dtype = dtype
def get_input_embeddings ( self ) :
return self . encoder . embed_tokens
def set_input_embeddings ( self , embeddings ) :
self . encoder . embed_tokens = embeddings
def forward ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
return self . encoder ( * args , * * kwargs )