2023-08-04 03:46:57 +08:00
import gradio as gr
from modules import shared , ui_common , ui_components , styles
styles_edit_symbol = ' \U0001f58c \uFE0F ' # 🖌️
styles_materialize_symbol = ' \U0001f4cb ' # 📋
2023-09-02 06:14:33 +08:00
styles_copy_symbol = ' \U0001f4dd ' # 📝
2023-08-04 03:46:57 +08:00
def select_style ( name ) :
style = shared . prompt_styles . styles . get ( name )
existing = style is not None
empty = not name
prompt = style . prompt if style else gr . update ( )
negative_prompt = style . negative_prompt if style else gr . update ( )
return prompt , negative_prompt , gr . update ( visible = existing ) , gr . update ( visible = not empty )
def save_style ( name , prompt , negative_prompt ) :
if not name :
return gr . update ( visible = False )
style = styles . PromptStyle ( name , prompt , negative_prompt )
shared . prompt_styles . styles [ style . name ] = style
shared . prompt_styles . save_styles ( shared . styles_filename )
return gr . update ( visible = True )
def delete_style ( name ) :
if name == " " :
shared . prompt_styles . styles . pop ( name , None )
shared . prompt_styles . save_styles ( shared . styles_filename )
return ' ' , ' ' , ' '
def materialize_styles ( prompt , negative_prompt , styles ) :
prompt = shared . prompt_styles . apply_styles_to_prompt ( prompt , styles )
negative_prompt = shared . prompt_styles . apply_negative_styles_to_prompt ( negative_prompt , styles )
return [ gr . Textbox . update ( value = prompt ) , gr . Textbox . update ( value = negative_prompt ) , gr . Dropdown . update ( value = [ ] ) ]
def refresh_styles ( ) :
return gr . update ( choices = list ( shared . prompt_styles . styles ) ) , gr . update ( choices = list ( shared . prompt_styles . styles ) )
class UiPromptStyles :
def __init__ ( self , tabname , main_ui_prompt , main_ui_negative_prompt ) :
self . tabname = tabname
with gr . Row ( elem_id = f " { tabname } _styles_row " ) :
self . dropdown = gr . Dropdown ( label = " Styles " , show_label = False , elem_id = f " { tabname } _styles " , choices = list ( shared . prompt_styles . styles ) , value = [ ] , multiselect = True , tooltip = " Styles " )
edit_button = ui_components . ToolButton ( value = styles_edit_symbol , elem_id = f " { tabname } _styles_edit_button " , tooltip = " Edit styles " )
with gr . Box ( elem_id = f " { tabname } _styles_dialog " , elem_classes = " popup-dialog " ) as styles_dialog :
with gr . Row ( ) :
self . selection = gr . Dropdown ( label = " Styles " , elem_id = f " { tabname } _styles_edit_select " , choices = list ( shared . prompt_styles . styles ) , value = [ ] , allow_custom_value = True , info = " Styles allow you to add custom text to prompt. Use the {prompt} token in style text, and it will be replaced with user ' s prompt when applying style. Otherwise, style ' s text will be added to the end of the prompt. " )
ui_common . create_refresh_button ( [ self . dropdown , self . selection ] , shared . prompt_styles . reload , lambda : { " choices " : list ( shared . prompt_styles . styles ) } , f " refresh_ { tabname } _styles " )
self . materialize = ui_components . ToolButton ( value = styles_materialize_symbol , elem_id = f " { tabname } _style_apply " , tooltip = " Apply all selected styles from the style selction dropdown in main UI to the prompt. " )
2023-09-02 06:14:33 +08:00
self . copy = ui_components . ToolButton ( value = styles_copy_symbol , elem_id = f " { tabname } _style_copy " , tooltip = " Copy main UI prompt to style. " )
2023-08-04 03:46:57 +08:00
with gr . Row ( ) :
self . prompt = gr . Textbox ( label = " Prompt " , show_label = True , elem_id = f " { tabname } _edit_style_prompt " , lines = 3 )
with gr . Row ( ) :
self . neg_prompt = gr . Textbox ( label = " Negative prompt " , show_label = True , elem_id = f " { tabname } _edit_style_neg_prompt " , lines = 3 )
with gr . Row ( ) :
self . save = gr . Button ( ' Save ' , variant = ' primary ' , elem_id = f ' { tabname } _edit_style_save ' , visible = False )
self . delete = gr . Button ( ' Delete ' , variant = ' primary ' , elem_id = f ' { tabname } _edit_style_delete ' , visible = False )
self . close = gr . Button ( ' Close ' , variant = ' secondary ' , elem_id = f ' { tabname } _edit_style_close ' )
self . selection . change (
fn = select_style ,
inputs = [ self . selection ] ,
outputs = [ self . prompt , self . neg_prompt , self . delete , self . save ] ,
show_progress = False ,
self . save . click (
fn = save_style ,
inputs = [ self . selection , self . prompt , self . neg_prompt ] ,
outputs = [ self . delete ] ,
show_progress = False ,
) . then ( refresh_styles , outputs = [ self . dropdown , self . selection ] , show_progress = False )
self . delete . click (
fn = delete_style ,
_js = ' function(name) { if(name == " " ) return " " ; return confirm( " Delete style " + name + " ? " ) ? name : " " ; } ' ,
inputs = [ self . selection ] ,
outputs = [ self . selection , self . prompt , self . neg_prompt ] ,
show_progress = False ,
) . then ( refresh_styles , outputs = [ self . dropdown , self . selection ] , show_progress = False )
self . materialize . click (
fn = materialize_styles ,
inputs = [ main_ui_prompt , main_ui_negative_prompt , self . dropdown ] ,
outputs = [ main_ui_prompt , main_ui_negative_prompt , self . dropdown ] ,
show_progress = False ,
) . then ( fn = None , _js = " function() { update_ " + tabname + " _tokens(); closePopup();} " , show_progress = False )
2023-09-02 06:14:33 +08:00
self . copy . click (
fn = lambda p , n : ( p , n ) ,
inputs = [ main_ui_prompt , main_ui_negative_prompt ] ,
outputs = [ self . prompt , self . neg_prompt ] ,
show_progress = False ,
2023-08-04 03:46:57 +08:00
ui_common . setup_dialog ( button_show = edit_button , dialog = styles_dialog , button_close = self . close )