from modules import scripts xyz_grid = [x for x in scripts.scripts_data if x.script_class.__module__ == ""][0].module from modules.shared import opts def int_applier(value_name:str, min_range:int = -1, max_range:int = -1): """ Returns a function that applies the given value to the given value_name in """ # convert to int def validate(value_name:str, value:str): try: value = int(value) except: raise ValueError(f"Value {value} for {value_name} is not an integer") # validate value if not min_range == -1: assert value >= min_range, f"Value {value} for {value_name} must be greater than or equal to {min_range}" if not max_range == -1: assert value <= max_range, f"Value {value} for {value_name} must be less than or equal to {max_range}" def apply_int(p, x, xs): validate(value_name, x)[value_name] = int(x) return apply_int def bool_applier(value_name:str): """ Returns a function that applies the given value to the given value_name in """ def validate(value_name:str, value:str): assert value.lower() in ["true", "false"], f"Value {value} for {value_name} must be either true or false" def apply_bool(p, x, xs): validate(value_name, x) value_boolean = x.lower() == "true"[value_name] = value_boolean return apply_bool def add_axis_options(): extra_axis_options = [ xyz_grid.AxisOption("[Hypertile] Unet First pass Enabled", str, bool_applier("hypertile_enable_unet"), choices=xyz_grid.boolean_choice(reverse=True)), xyz_grid.AxisOption("[Hypertile] Unet Second pass Enabled", str, bool_applier("hypertile_enable_unet_secondpass"), choices=xyz_grid.boolean_choice(reverse=True)), xyz_grid.AxisOption("[Hypertile] Unet Max Depth", int, int_applier("hypertile_max_depth_unet", 0, 3), choices=lambda: [str(x) for x in range(4)]), xyz_grid.AxisOption("[Hypertile] Unet Max Tile Size", int, int_applier("hypertile_max_tile_unet", 0, 512)), xyz_grid.AxisOption("[Hypertile] Unet Swap Size", int, int_applier("hypertile_swap_size_unet", 0, 64)), xyz_grid.AxisOption("[Hypertile] VAE Enabled", str, bool_applier("hypertile_enable_vae"), choices=xyz_grid.boolean_choice(reverse=True)), xyz_grid.AxisOption("[Hypertile] VAE Max Depth", int, int_applier("hypertile_max_depth_vae", 0, 3), choices=lambda: [str(x) for x in range(4)]), xyz_grid.AxisOption("[Hypertile] VAE Max Tile Size", int, int_applier("hypertile_max_tile_vae", 0, 512)), xyz_grid.AxisOption("[Hypertile] VAE Swap Size", int, int_applier("hypertile_swap_size_vae", 0, 64)), ] # check if the axis options have already been added if any(set(opt.label for opt in extra_axis_options).intersection(set(opt.label for opt in xyz_grid.axis_options))): return xyz_grid.axis_options.extend(extra_axis_options)