import functools
import os.path
import urllib.parse
from base64 import b64decode
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass
from modules import shared, ui_extra_networks_user_metadata, errors, extra_networks, util
from modules.images import read_info_from_image, save_image_with_geninfo
import gradio as gr
import json
import html
from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException
from PIL import Image
from modules.infotext_utils import image_from_url_text
extra_pages = []
allowed_dirs = set()
default_allowed_preview_extensions = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "webp", "gif"]
def allowed_preview_extensions_with_extra(extra_extensions=None):
return set(default_allowed_preview_extensions) | set(extra_extensions or [])
def allowed_preview_extensions():
return allowed_preview_extensions_with_extra((shared.opts.samples_format, ))
class ExtraNetworksItem:
"""Wrapper for dictionaries representing ExtraNetworks items."""
item: dict
def get_tree(paths: Union[str, list[str]], items: dict[str, ExtraNetworksItem]) -> dict:
"""Recursively builds a directory tree.
paths: Path or list of paths to directories. These paths are treated as roots from which
the tree will be built.
items: A dictionary associating filepaths to an ExtraNetworksItem instance.
The result directory tree.
if isinstance(paths, (str,)):
paths = [paths]
def _get_tree(_paths: list[str], _root: str):
_res = {}
for path in _paths:
relpath = os.path.relpath(path, _root)
if os.path.isdir(path):
dir_items = os.listdir(path)
# Ignore empty directories.
if not dir_items:
dir_tree = _get_tree([os.path.join(path, x) for x in dir_items], _root)
# We only want to store non-empty folders in the tree.
if dir_tree:
_res[relpath] = dir_tree
if path not in items:
# Add the ExtraNetworksItem to the result.
_res[relpath] = items[path]
return _res
res = {}
# Handle each root directory separately.
# Each root WILL have a key/value at the root of the result dict though
# the value can be an empty dict if the directory is empty. We want these
# placeholders for empty dirs so we can inform the user later.
for path in paths:
root = os.path.dirname(path)
relpath = os.path.relpath(path, root)
# Wrap the path in a list since that is what the `_get_tree` expects.
res[relpath] = _get_tree([path], root)
if res[relpath]:
# We need to pull the inner path out one for these root dirs.
res[relpath] = res[relpath][relpath]
return res
def register_page(page):
"""registers extra networks page for the UI; recommend doing it in on_before_ui() callback for extensions"""
allowed_dirs.update(set(sum([x.allowed_directories_for_previews() for x in extra_pages], [])))
def fetch_file(filename: str = ""):
from starlette.responses import FileResponse
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found")
if not any(Path(x).absolute() in Path(filename).absolute().parents for x in allowed_dirs):
raise ValueError(f"File cannot be fetched: {filename}. Must be in one of directories registered by extra pages.")
ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()[1:]
if ext not in allowed_preview_extensions():
raise ValueError(f"File cannot be fetched: {filename}. Extensions allowed: {allowed_preview_extensions()}.")
# would profit from returning 304
return FileResponse(filename, headers={"Accept-Ranges": "bytes"})
def fetch_cover_images(page: str = "", item: str = "", index: int = 0):
from starlette.responses import Response
page = next(iter([x for x in extra_pages if == page]), None)
if page is None:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found")
metadata = page.metadata.get(item)
if metadata is None:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found")
cover_images = json.loads(metadata.get('ssmd_cover_images', {}))
image = cover_images[index] if index < len(cover_images) else None
if not image:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found")
image =
buffer = BytesIO(), format=image.format)
return Response(content=buffer.getvalue(), media_type=image.get_format_mimetype())
except Exception as err:
raise ValueError(f"File cannot be fetched: {item}. Failed to load cover image.") from err
def get_metadata(page: str = "", item: str = ""):
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
page = next(iter([x for x in extra_pages if == page]), None)
if page is None:
return JSONResponse({})
metadata = page.metadata.get(item)
if metadata is None:
return JSONResponse({})
metadata = {i:metadata[i] for i in metadata if i != 'ssmd_cover_images'} # those are cover images, and they are too big to display in UI as text
return JSONResponse({"metadata": json.dumps(metadata, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)})
def get_single_card(page: str = "", tabname: str = "", name: str = ""):
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
page = next(iter([x for x in extra_pages if == page]), None)
item = page.create_item(name, enable_filter=False)
page.items[name] = item
except Exception as e:
errors.display(e, "creating item for extra network")
item = page.items.get(name)
page.read_user_metadata(item, use_cache=False)
item_html = page.create_item_html(tabname, item, shared.html("extra-networks-card.html"))
return JSONResponse({"html": item_html})
def add_pages_to_demo(app):
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/thumb", fetch_file, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/cover-images", fetch_cover_images, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/metadata", get_metadata, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/get-single-card", get_single_card, methods=["GET"])
def quote_js(s: str):
return json.dumps(s, ensure_ascii=False)
class ExtraNetworksPage:
def __init__(self, title):
self.title = title = title.lower()
# This is the actual name of the extra networks tab (not txt2img/img2img).
self.extra_networks_tabname =" ", "_")
self.allow_prompt = True
self.allow_negative_prompt = False
self.metadata = {}
self.items = {}
self.lister = util.MassFileLister()
# HTML Templates
self.pane_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-pane.html")
self.pane_content_tree_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-pane-tree.html")
self.pane_content_dirs_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-pane-dirs.html")
self.card_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-card.html")
self.btn_tree_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-tree-button.html")
self.btn_copy_path_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-copy-path-button.html")
self.btn_metadata_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-metadata-button.html")
self.btn_edit_item_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-edit-item-button.html")
def refresh(self):
def read_user_metadata(self, item, use_cache=True):
filename = item.get("filename", None)
metadata = extra_networks.get_user_metadata(filename, lister=self.lister if use_cache else None)
desc = metadata.get("description", None)
if desc is not None:
item["description"] = desc
item["user_metadata"] = metadata
def link_preview(self, filename):
quoted_filename = urllib.parse.quote(filename.replace('\\', '/'))
mtime, _ = self.lister.mctime(filename)
return f"./sd_extra_networks/thumb?filename={quoted_filename}&mtime={mtime}"
def search_terms_from_path(self, filename, possible_directories=None):
abspath = os.path.abspath(filename)
for parentdir in (possible_directories if possible_directories is not None else self.allowed_directories_for_previews()):
parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(parentdir))
if abspath.startswith(parentdir):
return os.path.relpath(abspath, parentdir)
return ""
def create_item_html(
tabname: str,
item: dict,
template: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union[str, dict]:
"""Generates HTML for a single ExtraNetworks Item.
tabname: The name of the active tab.
item: Dictionary containing item information.
template: Optional template string to use.
If a template is passed: HTML string generated for this item.
Can be empty if the item is not meant to be shown.
If no template is passed: A dictionary containing the generated item's attributes.
preview = item.get("preview", None)
style_height = f"height: {shared.opts.extra_networks_card_height}px;" if shared.opts.extra_networks_card_height else ''
style_width = f"width: {shared.opts.extra_networks_card_width}px;" if shared.opts.extra_networks_card_width else ''
style_font_size = f"font-size: {shared.opts.extra_networks_card_text_scale*100}%;"
card_style = style_height + style_width + style_font_size
background_image = f'' if preview else ''
onclick = item.get("onclick", None)
if onclick is None:
# Don't quote prompt/neg_prompt since they are stored as js strings already.
onclick_js_tpl = "cardClicked('{tabname}', {prompt}, {neg_prompt}, {allow_neg});"
onclick = onclick_js_tpl.format(
"tabname": tabname,
"prompt": item["prompt"],
"neg_prompt": item.get("negative_prompt", "''"),
"allow_neg": str(self.allow_negative_prompt).lower(),
onclick = html.escape(onclick)
btn_copy_path = self.btn_copy_path_tpl.format(**{"filename": item["filename"]})
btn_metadata = ""
metadata = item.get("metadata")
if metadata:
btn_metadata = self.btn_metadata_tpl.format(
"extra_networks_tabname": self.extra_networks_tabname,
btn_edit_item = self.btn_edit_item_tpl.format(
"tabname": tabname,
"extra_networks_tabname": self.extra_networks_tabname,
local_path = ""
filename = item.get("filename", "")
for reldir in self.allowed_directories_for_previews():
absdir = os.path.abspath(reldir)
if filename.startswith(absdir):
local_path = filename[len(absdir):]
# if this is true, the item must not be shown in the default view, and must instead only be
# shown when searching for it
if shared.opts.extra_networks_hidden_models == "Always":
search_only = False
search_only = "/." in local_path or "\\." in local_path
if search_only and shared.opts.extra_networks_hidden_models == "Never":
return ""
sort_keys = " ".join(
for k, v in item.get("sort_keys", {}).items()
search_terms_html = ""
search_term_template = "{search_term}"
for search_term in item.get("search_terms", []):
search_terms_html += search_term_template.format(
"class": f"search_terms{' search_only' if search_only else ''}",
"search_term": search_term,
description = (item.get("description", "") or "" if shared.opts.extra_networks_card_show_desc else "")
if not shared.opts.extra_networks_card_description_is_html:
description = html.escape(description)
# Some items here might not be used depending on HTML template used.
args = {
"background_image": background_image,
"card_clicked": onclick,
"copy_path_button": btn_copy_path,
"description": description,
"edit_button": btn_edit_item,
"local_preview": quote_js(item["local_preview"]),
"metadata_button": btn_metadata,
"name": html.escape(item["name"]),
"prompt": item.get("prompt", None),
"save_card_preview": html.escape(f"return saveCardPreview(event, '{tabname}', '{item['local_preview']}');"),
"search_only": " search_only" if search_only else "",
"search_terms": search_terms_html,
"sort_keys": sort_keys,
"style": card_style,
"tabname": tabname,
"extra_networks_tabname": self.extra_networks_tabname,
if template:
return template.format(**args)
return args
def create_tree_dir_item_html(
tabname: str,
dir_path: str,
content: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Generates HTML for a directory item in the tree.
The generated HTML is of the format: