import dataclasses
import os
import gradio as gr

from modules import errors, shared

class PostprocessedImageSharedInfo:
    target_width: int = None
    target_height: int = None

class PostprocessedImage:
    def __init__(self, image):
        self.image = image = {}
        self.shared = PostprocessedImageSharedInfo()
        self.extra_images = []
        self.nametags = []
        self.disable_processing = False
        self.caption = None

    def get_suffix(self, used_suffixes=None):
        used_suffixes = {} if used_suffixes is None else used_suffixes
        suffix = "-".join(self.nametags)
        if suffix:
            suffix = "-" + suffix

        if suffix not in used_suffixes:
            used_suffixes[suffix] = 1
            return suffix

        for i in range(1, 100):
            proposed_suffix = suffix + "-" + str(i)

            if proposed_suffix not in used_suffixes:
                used_suffixes[proposed_suffix] = 1
                return proposed_suffix

        return suffix

    def create_copy(self, new_image, *, nametags=None, disable_processing=False):
        pp = PostprocessedImage(new_image)
        pp.shared = self.shared
        pp.nametags = self.nametags.copy() =
        pp.disable_processing = disable_processing

        if nametags is not None:
            pp.nametags += nametags

        return pp

class ScriptPostprocessing:
    filename = None
    controls = None
    args_from = None
    args_to = None

    order = 1000
    """scripts will be ordred by this value in postprocessing UI"""

    name = None
    """this function should return the title of the script."""

    group = None
    """A gr.Group component that has all script's UI inside it"""

    def ui(self):
        This function should create gradio UI elements. See
        The return value should be a dictionary that maps parameter names to components used in processing.
        Values of those components will be passed to process() function.


    def process(self, pp: PostprocessedImage, **args):
        This function is called to postprocess the image.
        args contains a dictionary with all values returned by components from ui()


    def process_firstpass(self, pp: PostprocessedImage, **args):
        Called for all scripts before calling process(). Scripts can examine the image here and set fields
        of the pp object to communicate things to other scripts.
        args contains a dictionary with all values returned by components from ui()


    def image_changed(self):

def wrap_call(func, filename, funcname, *args, default=None, **kwargs):
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        return res
    except Exception as e:
        errors.display(e, f"calling {filename}/{funcname}")

    return default

class ScriptPostprocessingRunner:
    def __init__(self):
        self.scripts = None
        self.ui_created = False

    def initialize_scripts(self, scripts_data):
        self.scripts = []

        for script_data in scripts_data:
            script: ScriptPostprocessing = script_data.script_class()
            script.filename = script_data.path

            if == "Simple Upscale":


    def create_script_ui(self, script, inputs):
        script.args_from = len(inputs)
        script.args_to = len(inputs)

        script.controls = wrap_call(script.ui, script.filename, "ui")

        for control in script.controls.values():
            control.custom_script_source = os.path.basename(script.filename)

        inputs += list(script.controls.values())
        script.args_to = len(inputs)

    def scripts_in_preferred_order(self):
        if self.scripts is None:
            import modules.scripts

        scripts_order = shared.opts.postprocessing_operation_order

        def script_score(name):
            for i, possible_match in enumerate(scripts_order):
                if possible_match == name:
                    return i

            return len(self.scripts)

        script_scores = { (script_score(, script.order,, original_index) for original_index, script in enumerate(self.scripts)}

        return sorted(self.scripts, key=lambda x: script_scores[])

    def setup_ui(self):
        inputs = []

        for script in self.scripts_in_preferred_order():
            with gr.Row() as group:
                self.create_script_ui(script, inputs)

   = group

        self.ui_created = True
        return inputs

    def run(self, pp: PostprocessedImage, args):
        scripts = []

        for script in self.scripts_in_preferred_order():
            script_args = args[script.args_from:script.args_to]

            process_args = {}
            for (name, _component), value in zip(script.controls.items(), script_args):
                process_args[name] = value

            scripts.append((script, process_args))

        for script, process_args in scripts:
            script.process_firstpass(pp, **process_args)

        all_images = [pp]

        for script, process_args in scripts:
            if shared.state.skipped:

            shared.state.job =

            for single_image in all_images.copy():

                if not single_image.disable_processing:
                    script.process(single_image, **process_args)

                for extra_image in single_image.extra_images:
                    if not isinstance(extra_image, PostprocessedImage):
                        extra_image = single_image.create_copy(extra_image)



        pp.extra_images = all_images[1:]

    def create_args_for_run(self, scripts_args):
        if not self.ui_created:
            with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False):

        scripts = self.scripts_in_preferred_order()
        args = [None] * max([x.args_to for x in scripts])

        for script in scripts:
            script_args_dict = scripts_args.get(, None)
            if script_args_dict is not None:

                for i, name in enumerate(script.controls):
                    args[script.args_from + i] = script_args_dict.get(name, None)

        return args

    def image_changed(self):
        for script in self.scripts_in_preferred_order():