// Stable Diffusion WebUI - Bracket Checker // By @Bwin4L, @akx, @w-e-w, @Haoming02 // Counts open and closed brackets (round, square, curly) in the prompt and negative prompt text boxes in the txt2img and img2img tabs. // If there's a mismatch, the keyword counter turns red, and if you hover on it, a tooltip tells you what's wrong. (function() { const pairs = [ ['(', ')', 'round brackets'], ['[', ']', 'square brackets'], ['{', '}', 'curly brackets'] ]; function checkBrackets(textArea, counterElem) { const counts = {}; const errors = new Set(); let i = 0; while (i < textArea.value.length) { let char = textArea.value[i]; let escaped = false; while (char === '\\' && i + 1 < textArea.value.length) { escaped = !escaped; i++; char = textArea.value[i]; } if (escaped) { i++; continue; } for (const [open, close, label] of pairs) { if (char === open) { counts[label] = (counts[label] || 0) + 1; } else if (char === close) { counts[label] = (counts[label] || 0) - 1; if (counts[label] < 0) { errors.add(`Incorrect order of ${label}.`); } } } i++; } for (const [open, close, label] of pairs) { if (counts[label] == undefined) { continue; } if (counts[label] > 0) { errors.add(`${open} ... ${close} - Detected ${counts[label]} more opening than closing ${label}.`); } else if (counts[label] < 0) { errors.add(`${open} ... ${close} - Detected ${-counts[label]} more closing than opening ${label}.`); } } counterElem.title = [...errors].join('\n'); counterElem.classList.toggle('error', errors.size !== 0); } function setupBracketChecking(id_prompt, id_counter) { const textarea = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${id_prompt} > label > textarea`); const counter = gradioApp().getElementById(id_counter); if (textarea && counter) { onEdit(`${id_prompt}_BracketChecking`, textarea, 400, () => checkBrackets(textarea, counter)); } } onUiLoaded(function() { setupBracketChecking('txt2img_prompt', 'txt2img_token_counter'); setupBracketChecking('txt2img_neg_prompt', 'txt2img_negative_token_counter'); setupBracketChecking('img2img_prompt', 'img2img_token_counter'); setupBracketChecking('img2img_neg_prompt', 'img2img_negative_token_counter'); }); })();