Aarni Koskela 13f4c62ba3 Add basic ESLint configuration for formatting
This doesn't enable any of ESLint's actual possible-issue linting,
but just style normalization based on the Prettier configuration (but without line length limits).
2023-05-17 16:09:06 +03:00

50 lines
1.9 KiB

module.exports = {
env: {
browser: true,
es2021: true,
// "extends": "eslint:recommended",
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: "latest",
rules: {
"arrow-spacing": "error",
"block-spacing": "error",
"brace-style": "error",
"comma-dangle": ["error", "only-multiline"],
"comma-spacing": "error",
"comma-style": ["error", "last"],
"curly": ["error", "multi-line", "consistent"],
"eol-last": "error",
"func-call-spacing": "error",
"function-call-argument-newline": ["error", "consistent"],
"function-paren-newline": ["error", "consistent"],
"indent": ["error", 4],
"key-spacing": "error",
"keyword-spacing": "error",
"linebreak-style": ["error", "unix"],
"no-extra-semi": "error",
"no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": "error",
"no-trailing-spaces": "error",
"no-whitespace-before-property": "error",
"object-curly-newline": ["error", {consistent: true, multiline: true}],
"quote-props": ["error", "consistent-as-needed"],
"semi": ["error", "always"],
"semi-spacing": "error",
"semi-style": ["error", "last"],
"space-before-blocks": "error",
"space-before-function-paren": ["error", "never"],
"space-in-parens": ["error", "never"],
"space-infix-ops": "error",
"space-unary-ops": "error",
"switch-colon-spacing": "error",
"template-curly-spacing": ["error", "never"],
"unicode-bom": "error",
// "no-multi-spaces": "error", // TODO: enable?
// "object-curly-spacing": "off", // TODO: enable?
// "object-property-newline": "off", // TODO: enable?
// "operator-linebreak": "off", // TODO: enable?
// "quotes": ["error", "double", {avoidEscape: true}], // TODO: enable?